Topic: Caution rough road ahead, Like No sht  (Read 7621 times)

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Caution rough road ahead, Like No sht
« on: February 17, 2004, 05:44:03 am »
We got a street here called pawnee lately they put up a sign says rough road but instead of fixing the damn street all they want to do is bandaid patch it. And even then they do a half as job of it. . They say they dont have the money to fix it but yet they some how find money to improve downtown and put up crappy art work all over downtown.

 I know what they will do, they will wait untill they have to fix it, then like they did with the loop around the City, they will [bleep] about the cost.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Khalee »


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Re: Caution rough road ahead, Like No sht
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2004, 06:02:05 am »
Think that's bad? We have the most cars of any state in the nation but California is ranked 49th in maintence of its road system


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Re: Caution rough road ahead, Like No sht
« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2004, 06:12:57 am »
We had a road here (Vegas) called Owens that didn't get repaved for probably a decade after it needed it...

But I daresay that our CP is on top of things here now, we got freeways I never even heard of opening up  


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Re: Caution rough road ahead, Like No sht
« Reply #3 on: February 17, 2004, 10:48:58 am »
Cincinnati has the worst winter freeze thaw cycle in America.  I have had 2 tires ripped off my car from potholes.  There have been news reports of cars being stuck in a pot hole.  They don't even try to fix things until march.  Soon it will be mud slide season!  That's always good for the roads!  


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Re: Caution rough road ahead, Like No sht
« Reply #4 on: February 17, 2004, 11:13:19 am »
There's one cool thing about Indiana.  All their roads are paved .  I live in Michigan and we still have dirt roads all over the place.  The funny thing is, most of the dirt roads are smoother than the paved ones.  

On that note, Khalee, perhaps if you blew up that section of roadway, their half-ass repair job (cover it with dirt) will be better than the 6-inch-deep potholes you have now.


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Re: Caution rough road ahead, Like No sht
« Reply #5 on: February 17, 2004, 11:50:57 am »
Nope they would still just throw asphalt into it and let the cars do the rest, Which is the problem now, instead of doing it properly they just throw the stuff in the hole and let the weight of the cars pack it down.


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Re: Caution rough road ahead, Like No sht
« Reply #6 on: February 17, 2004, 11:52:07 am »

We had a road here (Vegas) called Owens that didn't get repaved for probably a decade after it needed it...

But I daresay that our CP is on top of things here now, we got freeways I never even heard of opening up    

Maybe you should get out more often.

Owens is a problem as it was built in an area that is slowly sinking at a rate or about two inches a year. Be happy you're not a home owner in that area.



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Re: Caution rough road ahead, Like No sht
« Reply #7 on: February 17, 2004, 12:22:44 pm »
K, you think that is bad? in neighborhoods in less than rich areas YOU have to pay to have it paved, and I can tell you the work is not American or German or British standards! Heck, I cannot even see the lane markers (have they not heard of the durable paint like we use in the U.S.?). They also have many traffic lights and stop signs, and these stupid balls embedded in the road to slow people down, the whole road system in C.C. does nothing except waste gas and help wear out your shocks earlier.    


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Re: Caution rough road ahead, Like No sht
« Reply #8 on: February 17, 2004, 12:49:06 pm »


We had a road here (Vegas) called Owens that didn't get repaved for probably a decade after it needed it...

But I daresay that our CP is on top of things here now, we got freeways I never even heard of opening up    

Maybe you should get out more often.

Owens is a problem as it was built in an area that is slowly sinking at a rate or about two inches a year. Be happy you're not a home owner in that area.


I used to live in 89115, but now I live in 89109...

Dun see Owens much anymore...never knew about the sinking thing...


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Re: Caution rough road ahead, Like No sht
« Reply #9 on: February 17, 2004, 12:56:48 pm »

K, you think that is bad? in neighborhoods in less than rich areas YOU have to pay to have it paved, and I can tell you the work is not American or German or British standards! Heck, I cannot even see the lane markers (have they not heard of the durable paint like we use in the U.S.?). They also have many traffic lights and stop signs, and these stupid balls embedded in the road to slow people down, the whole road system in C.C. does nothing except waste gas and help wear out your shocks earlier.    

 It's also a waste of money on their part.  If they wanted people to slow down, they shouldn't've paved it in the first place.  Chatter bumps are far more efficient for that purpose and occur naturally.


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Re: Caution rough road ahead, Like No sht
« Reply #10 on: February 17, 2004, 04:03:30 pm »



We had a road here (Vegas) called Owens that didn't get repaved for probably a decade after it needed it...

But I daresay that our CP is on top of things here now, we got freeways I never even heard of opening up    

Maybe you should get out more often.

Owens is a problem as it was built in an area that is slowly sinking at a rate or about two inches a year. Be happy you're not a home owner in that area.


I used to live in 89115, but now I live in 89109...

Dun see Owens much anymore...never knew about the sinking thing...  

89109 is UNLV way, ain't it. I'm still out here surrounded by sec 10, Horses, and there's even a little egg farm a block away that I can buy fresh eggs every morn (and the money goes to support Vets).

Didn't know that existed in Vegas, did ya?  


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Re: Caution rough road ahead, Like No sht
« Reply #11 on: February 17, 2004, 06:00:50 pm »




We had a road here (Vegas) called Owens that didn't get repaved for probably a decade after it needed it...

But I daresay that our CP is on top of things here now, we got freeways I never even heard of opening up    

Maybe you should get out more often.

Owens is a problem as it was built in an area that is slowly sinking at a rate or about two inches a year. Be happy you're not a home owner in that area.


I used to live in 89115, but now I live in 89109...

Dun see Owens much anymore...never knew about the sinking thing...  

89109 is UNLV way, ain't it. I'm still out here surrounded by sec 10, Horses, and there's even a little egg farm a block away that I can buy fresh eggs every morn (and the money goes to support Vets).

Didn't know that existed in Vegas, did ya?    

I used to go to high school by the pig farm out to the north :P


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Re: Caution rough road ahead, Like No sht
« Reply #12 on: February 17, 2004, 06:01:44 pm »
And yes 89109 is out by UNLV...


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Re: Caution rough road ahead, Like No sht
« Reply #13 on: February 17, 2004, 07:19:33 pm »
I'll agree to some extent PPD, but did you know Chihuahua has made more progress in the last 5 years than in the past 20? I just wish they would make driving courses mandatory like in the U.S. and if they get caught for speeding, make them pay and take the course over again. Get rid of those darn speedbumps and stupid steel balls embedded in the road.  

What's even worse, highway 45 goes from Chihuahua City to El Paso and Santa Teresa, N.M. ports of entry, 2 lane highway, granted I can go 90 most of the time, but the law is the left lane is for passing only, so when you keep all vehicles on one lane, what happens? It wears out much quicker!   They have soooo much open land between C.C. and El Paso they could EASILY build a three or four lane highway in either direction and make it like the autobahn. And those bastiches have three tolls on the way, for what???? Sure as heck not to expand the highway.    


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Re: Caution rough road ahead, Like No sht
« Reply #14 on: February 18, 2004, 01:46:29 pm »
Heh, I feel your pain Kahlee.

The local authority for the area my parents live in had a great way of repairing roads - they spray it with tar, then spread something fairly similar to gravel over it and let it stick. Then they leave the mess they just created and go do it somewhere else the next week.

They would have carried on doing that, but recently it came back and bit them on the arse. One of the rich elite in the area picked up several choice scratched on his new Porsche thanks to the half-arsed repair job, and he's apparently gone off on one at them, so I think they'll be hiring someone better to do the road repairing in future....:)


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Re: Caution rough road ahead, Like No sht
« Reply #15 on: February 18, 2004, 03:01:18 pm »

 The local authority for the area my parents live in had a great way of repairing roads - they spray it with tar, then spread something fairly similar to gravel over it and let it stick.

This isn't actually repairing it is just resealing the road. It is usually used on roads that are starting to crack a little yet do not receive enough traffic to justify rebuilding and the process you describe is the normal method. A temporary warning sign should be placed so drivers know about the repair work so drivers that do not wish to drive through it can take a different route.

On a different point why is it that those that can easily afford to repair some scratches on their vehicles are the ones that are bothered by them?  


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Re: Caution rough road ahead, Like No sht
« Reply #16 on: February 18, 2004, 09:44:37 pm »


 The local authority for the area my parents live in had a great way of repairing roads - they spray it with tar, then spread something fairly similar to gravel over it and let it stick.

This isn't actually repairing it is just resealing the road. It is usually used on roads that are starting to crack a little yet do not receive enough traffic to justify rebuilding and the process you describe is the normal method. A temporary warning sign should be placed so drivers know about the repair work so drivers that do not wish to drive through it can take a different route.

On a different point why is it that those that can easily afford to repair some scratches on their vehicles are the ones that are bothered by them?    

"You scratched my preciousssssss....!!!"


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Re: Caution rough road ahead, Like No sht
« Reply #17 on: February 19, 2004, 06:21:29 am »

A temporary warning sign should be placed so drivers know about the repair work so drivers that do not wish to drive through it can take a different route.

One of the roads in question is a major one for lorries to come through to get to the Burton industrial estates and the breweries. Which kind of causes even more of a problem. As for warning signs, you very rarely see them as they like to hide them as much asthey can.

Just noticed the other day, some houses are being built up the road from where my parents live. The houses are pretty awful (built right next to the pavement so they can squeeze another street in behind them), but what caught my eye was the amount of mud and sh*t on the road from the construction site. There's a sign up saying "Caution! Mud on road." with a sliding car underneath it.

Ain't that just great? They're effectively saying "Yeah, we know there's a problem. We know we caused it. But we can't be arsed to fix it so we're just gonna stick this sign up and hope no-one does go off the road and hurt themselves." You don't need any kind of speed to lose traction on it - I almost lost the car idling through at just under 20 mph. Had I been a touch less alert, my car would have been on the Rolleston cricket pitch. All they have to do is turn a hose onto the road, and wash the mud off. It'd take maybe 30 minutes. But this is apparently beyond them.


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Re: Caution rough road ahead, Like No sht
« Reply #18 on: February 19, 2004, 08:02:28 am »
In Dallas, there are two road crews.  One of them, 500 strong, is in charge of making holes in streets.

The other, staffed by two old men and a 400 lb guy who sets out cones, is in charge of fixing holes in streets.

...or so it would seem, based on the number of intentional holes in Dallas streets that remain holes for months at a time.


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Caution rough road ahead, Like No sht
« Reply #19 on: February 17, 2004, 05:44:03 am »
We got a street here called pawnee lately they put up a sign says rough road but instead of fixing the damn street all they want to do is bandaid patch it. And even then they do a half as job of it. . They say they dont have the money to fix it but yet they some how find money to improve downtown and put up crappy art work all over downtown.

 I know what they will do, they will wait untill they have to fix it, then like they did with the loop around the City, they will [bleep] about the cost.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Khalee »