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Quote:Quote:With the exception of maybe a certain helmsman for Restricted Manuvering or Special Sea and Anchor Detail, any of the BMs or nonrated seaman can handle the Helm.Wallace Wouldn't that be a more accurate description of Mayweather? A specialist pilot? The one who handles the ship in conditions you can't trust the guy with just basic helm training?
Quote:With the exception of maybe a certain helmsman for Restricted Manuvering or Special Sea and Anchor Detail, any of the BMs or nonrated seaman can handle the Helm.Wallace
Quote:Then Archer must not trust anyone else but Mayweather to run the ship at any time because rarely do we see anyone else at the Helm Station. Either that or Enterprise has an extremely small , poorly trained, crew and relies on Autopilot when Travis is off-duty. Of course, it could be that there are other Helmsman-qualified personnel, but we just happen to look in on them when Travis is driving Only having one guy driving the ship all the time is indicative of a crew structure that does not support cross-training of specialities.Wallace
Quote:Quote:Then Archer must not trust anyone else but Mayweather to run the ship at any time because rarely do we see anyone else at the Helm Station. Either that or Enterprise has an extremely small , poorly trained, crew and relies on Autopilot when Travis is off-duty. Of course, it could be that there are other Helmsman-qualified personnel, but we just happen to look in on them when Travis is driving Only having one guy driving the ship all the time is indicative of a crew structure that does not support cross-training of specialities.Wallace I can agree with that to a large degree. It is one of the flaws in all the Star Trek shows. Odd how the Captain and the elite (senior) crewmembers are all on duty at the same time all the time . Of course if they did it more realistically Mayweather would barely be a role, the extra of the day would always be on helm (prior to being killed of course). Mayweather would only show up for tight maneuvering and battles.
Quote:TNG and Voyager made a bit of an effort to change that, but it was still Teh-Senior-guy-with-pips-relieving-an-always-changing-Extra in a Red Shirt...
Quote:There are several. Three shifts plus backup in fact. You only see the day crew, i.e. the 9 to 5ers. Occasionally you get the night crew in some episodes, but they never seem to have a problem waking all the senoir officers up at 3 a.m. to deal with a problem now do they?
Quote:I would rather have guy inexperienced but awake. Over experienced lethargic veteren.Of course, 500 years in the future. NoDOZE must be a miracle drug.We humans have transcended the need of sleep like we did with money.
Quote:Or time to read....apparently picard reads in bed, but hes never there!