Topic: Scott put his moms site back up.  (Read 21722 times)

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Re: Scott put his moms site back up.
« Reply #80 on: February 19, 2004, 10:38:05 pm »
 Thanks Stephen. Scott and his mom are using every spare penny they can get to pay the bills. This just barely covers the interest rates on the credit cards. They have tried to negotiate with the credit companies to lower the interest rates, but since they are paying I dont think the companies are interested. None of the cards are less than 21.99% APR. They are really hard up.



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Re: Scott put his moms site back up.
« Reply #81 on: February 23, 2004, 08:06:54 pm »
A little later then I expected. But we contributed. Not much, but like the rest of you. We arn't the kerry's or Bushies.



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Re: Scott put his moms site back up.
« Reply #82 on: February 23, 2004, 11:11:16 pm »

A little later then I expected. But we contributed. Not much, but like the rest of you. We arn't the kerry's or Bushies.


 Thank you msnevil. Scott and his mom appreciate it. I appreciate it too.

Did you check out the updates? I added two pages to his site. I didnt really get the special interests page finished, but my aunt wanted me to get something up. I only got one missing kid on there, but I'll add more later.

Thanks again.  


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Re: Scott put his moms site back up.
« Reply #83 on: February 24, 2004, 12:31:54 am »

 Thanks Stephen. Scott and his mom are using every spare penny they can get to pay the bills. This just barely covers the interest rates on the credit cards. They have tried to negotiate with the credit companies to lower the interest rates, but since they are paying I dont think the companies are interested. None of the cards are less than 21.99% APR. They are really hard up.


Have Scott try some programs like this if he  hasn't already"

I know nothing about these people, but it seem like something to try.  Companies like this call me virtually every day since several fraudulent credit cards were opened in my name.  (I don't owe any of the money, but obviously the fact that I once looked as if I did is still in someone's records.)  This program looks more promising than most.  (Again, I have had no first-hand experience here; I can offer no endorsement.)

In the meantime, I'll see if I can send something.



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Re: Scott put his moms site back up.
« Reply #84 on: February 25, 2004, 03:06:27 am »


 Thanks Stephen. Scott and his mom are using every spare penny they can get to pay the bills. This just barely covers the interest rates on the credit cards. They have tried to negotiate with the credit companies to lower the interest rates, but since they are paying I dont think the companies are interested. None of the cards are less than 21.99% APR. They are really hard up.


Have Scott try some programs like this if he  hasn't already"

I know nothing about these people, but it seem like something to try.  Companies like this call me virtually every day since several fraudulent credit cards were opened in my name.  (I don't owe any of the money, but obviously the fact that I once looked as if I did is still in someone's records.)  This program looks more promising than most.  (Again, I have had no first-hand experience here; I can offer no endorsement.)

In the meantime, I'll see if I can send something.


 Thanks Scipio, I'l tell him. I just hope it isnt like most of the other debt stettlement companies. They are employed by the credit card companies. Two of the cards are beyond any settlement arbitration though. They are going to court.    


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Re: Scott put his moms site back up.
« Reply #85 on: February 25, 2004, 10:39:20 pm »
I'm gonna keep bumping this post until the first of the month, if nothing else at least it will remind me as I have so many meds in my system now and my mind races.  


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Re: Scott put his moms site back up.
« Reply #86 on: February 26, 2004, 08:00:53 pm »
It really steams me to see that the person who took all that aid refuses to contribute atleast a little bit back.
  Mismanagment or not somebody has thier priorities mixed up.  It's a shame how much somebody hurts when they were beng generous.

I'll check with teh wife and see how much we can contribute.  Debt sucks but, debt caused by somebody else really hurts.


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Re: Scott put his moms site back up.
« Reply #87 on: February 26, 2004, 08:57:24 pm »
Agreed, but I hate to turn my back on someone, even if I do not like the situation. God blessed me, I can always return what was given to me. I may be on limited income, but I am much more careful with money now than in my younger days, then again are not we all?  


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Re: Scott put his moms site back up.
« Reply #88 on: February 26, 2004, 11:24:41 pm »

It really steams me to see that the person who took all that aid refuses to contribute atleast a little bit back.
  Mismanagment or not somebody has thier priorities mixed up.  It's a shame how much somebody hurts when they were beng generous.

I'll check with teh wife and see how much we can contribute.  Debt sucks but, debt caused by somebody else really hurts.  

Amen Steve. Scott is really a good Guy, and the fact that he is trying his best speaks Volumes for him. I've wanted to help him out myself, But he won't accept my Donations Yet. BUt hopefully Once we get My wife taken care of, He will.

I know That even just $5.00 a month would have added up for him, over the time he's been asking for help. And He is one guy, I would like to help.

Know Will on the other hand, If he really wanted to Help Scott, He could right abook , about how I sent him a virus, Or my life as a porn Star, Or how I have no sense of humour, Or how He just feels Inadequate, Because I'm a better republican then him.  

J/K Will, BBut we have to keep the game between us going, and I am sorry about that Virus. Damn I feel bad about that Bro.



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Re: Scott put his moms site back up.
« Reply #89 on: February 27, 2004, 01:31:26 am »
 I know what you guys mean. Dont think that I didnt let the rest of the family know what his sister done. She now claims that she doesnt have the money to pay her mom back.   She quit her job that paid $22.50/hr, well actually she made them fire her so she could receive unemployment.

I told my aunt that she should take her to court and make her pay her back, but my aunt is afraid that doing that will cause problems for her grand-daughter. Shoot, Bobbie (Scott's mom) could have probably had her daughter arrested for fraud. The reason that she let her use the cards in the first place was to buy baby items and a few things needed for her home. She went on a spending spree.

When Scott was little he d*mn near died from a birth defect which caused metabolic problems. His mom never left his side for more than a few minutes and only then because her mother was with him. After Scott found out what his sister had done he went to confront her. Her husband made the mistake of mouthing off to him and Scott beat the **** out of him.



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Re: Scott put his moms site back up.
« Reply #90 on: February 27, 2004, 01:38:46 am »


It really steams me to see that the person who took all that aid refuses to contribute atleast a little bit back.
  Mismanagment or not somebody has thier priorities mixed up.  It's a shame how much somebody hurts when they were beng generous.

I'll check with teh wife and see how much we can contribute.  Debt sucks but, debt caused by somebody else really hurts.  

Amen Steve. Scott is really a good Guy, and the fact that he is trying his best speaks Volumes for him. I've wanted to help him out myself, But he won't accept my Donations Yet. BUt hopefully Once we get My wife taken care of, He will.

I know That even just $5.00 a month would have added up for him, over the time he's been asking for help. And He is one guy, I would like to help.

Know Will on the other hand, If he really wanted to Help Scott, He could right abook , about how I sent him a virus, Or my life as a porn Star, Or how I have no sense of humour, Or how He just feels Inadequate, Because I'm a better republican then him.  

J/K Will, BBut we have to keep the game between us going, and I am sorry about that Virus. Damn I feel bad about that Bro.



Suuuuuure, but Im a better redneck than you. I could write a book though. I could call it, "Stephen: Portrait of a porn queen".   Im sure it would be a best seller. Dont forget, I have ALOT of pics.  



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Re: Scott put his moms site back up.
« Reply #91 on: February 28, 2004, 11:36:53 pm »
 Ive added two more missing kids to the special interests page. One of them is high risk. She and her sister were taken by their mom and uncle.

Leave Scott a message on his guest book. He checks it whenever he can.    
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by TheShadow »


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Re: Scott put his moms site back up.
« Reply #92 on: February 29, 2004, 01:41:49 am »
Dang Scott, ever since the post on Cross Dressing came out, You seem to want to reveal our little Secret. I'd be carefull though Bro, Or else they'll find out your not the Conservative they think you are.  

Note to all, The Virus Will recieved, was not due to Cross Dressing, But from his other exploits...

Stephen The always Kidding, and this is all a joke.  


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Re: Scott put his moms site back up.
« Reply #93 on: February 29, 2004, 09:01:58 am »
A bump as VA deposits my money tomorrow, and Leda will mail the check from Austin. I just need to keep bumping as I forget sometimes.

Will, your two packages are STILL in the trunk of the Camry. I will get on Leda's arse to get to post office. I could not mail in Jan when I was in Texas due to personal issues.

Tim, your games will get mailed this week. I have no need for them. Still wish I could play OP, but for some reason I cannot access dyna   It will be the only game I own now besides SFC 1 and a star wars game.  


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Re: Scott put his moms site back up.
« Reply #94 on: February 29, 2004, 10:29:23 am »

Dang Scott, ever since the post on Cross Dressing came out, You seem to want to reveal our little Secret. I'd be carefull though Bro, Or else they'll find out your not the Conservative they think you are.  

Note to all, The Virus Will recieved, was not due to Cross Dressing, But from his other exploits...

Stephen The always Kidding, and this is all a joke.    

 ????Scott????Cross Dressing????

Stephen, I think your thong panties are too tight!  

I like my cousin and all, but calling me Scott....well, dems' fightin' words!!!    

Yeah, this is all in good fun.  


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Re: Scott put his moms site back up.
« Reply #95 on: February 29, 2004, 10:31:34 am »

A bump as VA deposits my money tomorrow, and Leda will mail the check from Austin. I just need to keep bumping as I forget sometimes.

Will, your two packages are STILL in the trunk of the Camry. I will get on Leda's arse to get to post office. I could not mail in Jan when I was in Texas due to personal issues.

Tim, your games will get mailed this week. I have no need for them. Still wish I could play OP, but for some reason I cannot access dyna   It will be the only game I own now besides SFC 1 and a star wars game.  

 Thanks bro, Scott's mom could use the help.

Two packages? Dang, my momory must be going.  


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Re: Scott put his moms site back up.
« Reply #96 on: February 29, 2004, 01:17:18 pm »
I was posting for Willweasel there Shadow, figured I would give him a heads up, it's something he and his wife have been waiting on.    


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Re: Scott put his moms site back up.
« Reply #97 on: March 01, 2004, 01:10:39 am »
 Ah Ok. Dont do me like that man. My poor old tired brain has enough trouble remembering to put my pants on before I go to work each day.  

BTW-It was an easy mistake on my part. My real name's Will.

Confused in the Carolinas
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by TheShadow »


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Re: Scott put his moms site back up.
« Reply #98 on: March 01, 2004, 10:22:59 am »
It's cool Shadow, I just feel sorry for him, as they have been waiting on this since Dec (I was in Mexico), and my wife is slow and undependable in those things like getting her arse to the post office etc... Then again I'm hell on wheels  

A bump as it is payday for many folks and my day to recieve my VA disability compensation, photons locked on, money order on the way!  


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Re: Scott put his moms site back up.
« Reply #99 on: March 01, 2004, 11:13:19 am »
Hey shadow.

I have a sound blaster extigy that I'm not using anylonger (here are the specs )

Do you think he would be interested in me sending it to him so he can sell it on Ebay for his mom? They're still going for around 100 bucks retail and support 5.1 surround 24bit audio. Good sound system. I'd be happy to mail him the hardware and software CD's no charge to help out. I would offer to sell it myself, but I dont have an Ebay account.