Topic: Scott put his moms site back up.  (Read 21718 times)

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Re: Scott put his moms site back up.
« Reply #120 on: March 12, 2004, 01:34:45 pm »
 Cool! Thats one thumbsup.      


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Re: Scott put his moms site back up.
« Reply #121 on: March 12, 2004, 02:38:44 pm »
There are many employed people on these forums, and they work for companies. People drink coke and other stuff all the time. So... If they do not want to donate to anyone on the forums, or can't due to financial reasons, why not get cardboard boxes and encourage management to get the employees to put their soda cans and such in the boxes so that the aluminum may be sold to a recycling company?

Many of you on the forums drink beer, how about getting a waste can and crushing your old beer cans and putting them into the waste can until it's full and then sell the aluminum and help others out?

One thing you could do Shadow is get with Sethan, he knows about setting up businesses and stuff and getting everything legit. Set up a charity organization, that way all the donations (up to a certain percentage) are a tax write off for companies and people alike?

Here in Mexico I do as the Germans do, I have a waste can for aluminum and tin and steel, I have another for cardboard, and I have one for plastics (yes people, plastics can be recycled), and I will get one for newspapers as well.

There are over 6k people registered on Taldren, many have moved on, but had we acted collectively, in one month with 5 bucks from each person (a six pack of beer in cost) we could have ended this one person's problem and set her free.

Another option is to all meet in Houston heavily armed with plenty of ammo and invade Halliburton HQ and tell the press that we will hold everyone hostage until Halliburton releases ALL assets to charity and to the people of America.    


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Re: Scott put his moms site back up.
« Reply #122 on: March 14, 2004, 07:58:00 am »
 Thanks for the advice Jack. Ive been running a sideline business for awhile now. All my paperwork is in order, permits, tax number, etc. Im not telling the Feds anything. Im just going to give the money to Scott and his mom. If the Feds want to know where it came from he can tell them I loaned it to them. I'll tell them I invested the money by loaning it to them.

Have I mentioned how much I dislike the IRS?

Im currently working on building the Store for my aunt's website.  


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Re: Scott put his moms site back up.
« Reply #123 on: March 14, 2004, 09:23:34 am »
I would not post stuff like that here, but yes, A LOT of people do sideline work, I even did it while in college working on cars in a full service capability auto tech school. I got away with it because I did a lot of charity jobs as well. I was glad to quit the side jobs at school though as near the end of my studying and working on projects, I did a "side job" on diagnosing (he had work done on his A/C at a shop and a couple of weeks later the compressor seized up from metallic particles from the expansion valve going to crap and releasing metal fragments in to the lines and compressor) and retrofitting a 92 Toyota Previa A/C system (dual A/C is a beech) to R-134A. I thought since most shops would charge darn near 1000-800 dollars I would get a couple of hundred. The old man actually had the nerve to bring me and my class a watermelon!

In case you do not realize the symbolic gesture, I will not go into details. Needless to say I was very, very insulted.

I wish there were more people like you Shadow that did contribute like you do. Unfortuneately America is not big on charity, even though they can write off a certain percentage on their tax forms (even with a receipt for a money order or check stating "charity."

I have a GS-12 friend who is a special investigator for the IRS HQ center in Austin, and even she admits they need reforms. The worse thing is, they catch $250,000 and up cheaters, and they do no time so long as they pay Uncle Sam back. Rich and famous get all the breaks, just like Diana Ross doing 2 days and she was at least twice as intoxicated as I was!    


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Re: Scott put his moms site back up.
« Reply #124 on: March 14, 2004, 11:46:03 am »
 I understand the symbolism. Id have let him wear the watermelon, or at least gave it back to him so that he would have needed a proctologist (sp?) to take it "off" his "hands".

I know what you mean. Justice goes to those that can afford it.

It just pisses me off to see someone take advantage of another. Especially, when that the person being taken advantage of is the person's mother.  


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Re: Scott put his moms site back up.
« Reply #125 on: March 14, 2004, 11:57:00 am »
 Here's a question about an item Im thinking of putting on the site. Its a pair of RC tanks. They make gun noises and spin around when one shoots the other. Here's the description:


You thought remote?control cars were fun? Wait until you rev up these remote?control tanks! The 3? tanks (1:102 scale) move left, right, forward and backward, climb over obstacles on rubber treads, and have controllable turrets that swivel left and right. The plastic bodies come in forest and desert camouflage (you get one of each) in U.S. M4, German Panther and German Tiger models. They emulate machine?gun fire with sound and cannon shooting with a recoil; a direct hit with your infra?red beam spins the enemy tank 360°. The tanks have (4) game modes, and instructions for them. Each grenade?look remote has 9 buttons and a 3?channel selector so you can stage battles with up to (3) tanks. We?re selling the tanks in packs of (2) because (2) are exponentially more fun than (1). Each comes with (3) ?AAA? and (4) LR44 batteries, plus an extra set of LR44s, and (13) tiny molded?plastic accessories (soldiers, trees, bunkers, oil drums). Choking hazard for children under three. Xtreme fun for everyone else!

 Unfortunately, they cost nearly $70. Would anyone be interested in paying...say...$85-$90 for them?      


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Re: Scott put his moms site back up.
« Reply #126 on: March 15, 2004, 03:08:01 pm »
 Hmmm, no responses. Too much? Honestly, the price is about $70. If you dont believe me I can send Stephen a link to the company that sells them. That way, he can vouch for me. I know everyone trusts him.

If it just sounds like too much for an RC toy, let me know.

Ooops, Theyre $60.00. Would $75-$80 be too much? After shipping, Scott's mom would get about $7-$15.
« Last Edit: March 15, 2004, 03:19:45 pm by TheShadow »


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Re: Scott put his moms site back up.
« Reply #127 on: March 15, 2004, 03:18:40 pm »
Sure If you want to send me the link Bro, It's all good.

 My soon to be son-in-law loves those RC cars. I know he would Prob. buy a few of them so we could run them around in my Backyard. I know that alot of his simple parts cost around that price alone, so He'd be interested.


EDIT: I saw the link, and those tanks look pretty cool. Heck I' by one formy Nephew If he'd ever get off hisDiaper and mow the lawn.  

« Last Edit: March 15, 2004, 03:28:38 pm by Sirgod »


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Re: Scott put his moms site back up.
« Reply #128 on: March 15, 2004, 03:50:33 pm »
  I dont think he can reach the handle or pedals yet, can he?    


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Re: Scott put his moms site back up.
« Reply #129 on: March 15, 2004, 03:56:42 pm »

, at one month old he needs to learn a good work ethic.  



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Re: Scott put his moms site back up.
« Reply #130 on: March 16, 2004, 08:22:15 am »
I have an exellent sideline business selling weapons grade plutonium to militia groups in Montana. Fortunatly they have more money than brains and so far their warhead design is a piece of dynamite strapped to the pluntonium.  


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Re: Scott put his moms site back up.
« Reply #131 on: March 16, 2004, 08:26:04 am »

 their warhead design is a piece of dynamite strapped to the pluntonium




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Re: Scott put his moms site back up.
« Reply #132 on: March 16, 2004, 01:14:53 pm »

I have an exellent sideline business selling weapons grade plutonium to militia groups in Montana. Fortunatly they have more money than brains and so far their warhead design is a piece of dynamite strapped to the pluntonium.  


Unfortunately, I cant get my hands on any weapons grade plutonium.      


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Re: Scott put his moms site back up.
« Reply #133 on: March 16, 2004, 09:46:42 pm »
 Scott sent me an email. Thanks Punisher and S'Cipio for your donations. I have updated the donors page. I would like to say for my cousin Scott, my aunt, and even for myself. You guys on here are the best.    


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Re: Scott put his moms site back up.
« Reply #134 on: March 16, 2004, 10:10:10 pm »
Thanks SL and Scip! That's what I'm talking about brothers!    


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Re: Scott put his moms site back up.
« Reply #135 on: March 20, 2004, 11:21:16 am »


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Re: Scott put his moms site back up.
« Reply #136 on: March 28, 2004, 10:15:01 am »
 Hey guys. I thought Id bump this again. I know, I know...the site hasnt been updated in a bit. Im working on it. I really am. Im still looking into things to sell on Scotts Mom's site. Its hard to find products that are really wholesale priced. Most of the suppliers I used when I used to sell stuff have been sold, gone out of business, or have went to retail pricing. Well, thats the status so back to your scheduled programming.    


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Re: Scott put his moms site back up.
« Reply #137 on: March 31, 2004, 01:40:21 am »
 Im giving up on the "store" idea. First, too much money up front. I cant afford right now to lay in stock. Second, drop shippers want too much for what they have.

Anyway, I think I'll use auctions. I can get stuff for next to nothing and sell it on eBay. Ive spent most of my free time looking for suppliers and found nothing but cheesy crap. Im kind of disgusted at the moment. I can use the time to work on my aunt's site.

You guys have been good to Scott and care about his Mom so I just thought Id give ya'll an update.  


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Re: Scott put his moms site back up.
« Reply #138 on: April 02, 2004, 12:53:35 am »
 Well, Ive made a few updates. Im not finished yet, but its a start. Ive updated the donors page, the donation meter, added a few more hints & tips, and uploaded a few pics of some of the items Im going to list for Scott on eBay. I'll add more auction items as I get them processed.    


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Re: Scott put his moms site back up.
« Reply #139 on: April 02, 2004, 01:14:11 am »
This is a constant reminder of how Important Family is.  
