Not really a money saving tip Will, But Something I would like you to pass on to Scott If you would Please.
The thing is, And Money is tight for everyone , But he and his mother need to allocate at least $100.00 a month each for themselves. They need this For there own Mental health, as much as anything. Here's two examples for you my friend...
Case #1) Myself and family. I make sure that I allocate some money each month for nothing else but the Internet. This allows me to stay in touch with all of you guys, Give's my wife time to play Slingo, and Bingo online (shudder), and generaly helps our own sanity In the long run.
Case #2) My sister in law has had a string of Bad luck also, Her (Now Ex for financial reasons) Husband is in a Nursing home, and she is raising two adopted children by herself. the kids attend a Private school, and her church has stepped up to help cover the after school expenses.
She used to get her nails done once a month, but felt that she should stop, since the Church was paying for her kids After school care. The thing Is I asked her , what Besides that, does she do each month, that relax's her, and Is pleasant for her.
Her answer was Nothing. Don't get me wrong I completely understand her point about saving the money for her kids, But she needs that outlet once a month also to Just have her own time.
If I come up with anything else, I'll mention It too you Will.