Topic: Azel's TMP Alseides Class General Release!  (Read 3141 times)

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Re: Azel's TMP Alseides Class General Release!
« Reply #21 on: February 16, 2004, 08:07:57 pm »
Here's my hope with these textures..

They stay in SFC, and don't walk over to BC.

I have no problems with these textures being used on other ships or projects as long as those projects don't get converted over.  But here's the thing as well.  Anytime that these textures get used on something, I'd just like to be asked, and wouldn't mind seeing a screenie of the finished project.  That also goes for porting the ship into other games.  I have *no* problems (as long as I and Azel are asked first) with the ship going to BC or any other game.  Same with textures.  The point here is that, to date, I've not been asked about anything I've worked on going over to Bridge Commander.  Stuff has been released, sometimes retextured, (sometimes not), and ported over without proper permission being sought from all that worked on it previously.  So, that's why I went this way on these new releases.

Maybe now I'll actually be asked first before the port... I've certainly tried to make the point that they *should* do so...