Centauri, you old dog! So this is where you've been hiding all this time!
(Wait... I've been hanging around the Fan Fic Forum for 3 years now an nowhere else... Hmmmm)
Anyway, good to see your voice again. Long time no see, eh?

I was going to post this on the GD board, but I might as well ask someone I 'know'.
Whose are the best SFC:EAW or :OP missions, patches, and models to DL? I have a vast collection of models for myself, but the same old boring missions and campaigns. I'd like to be able to chose what terrain to fly in, missions like starbase and shipyard assault, and all the cool stuff from SFC1 that was left out of the SFC2's.
I'm pretty much still a babe in the woods here, as I've never bothered with missions or patches (beyond the required ones for online gaming) before. Can you give me some sage advice with knowing nods?

I am, as ever,