Topic: STAR WARS.....................DVD 4, 5, 6  (Read 16817 times)

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Re: STAR WARS.....................DVD 4, 5, 6
« Reply #80 on: February 11, 2004, 02:25:58 pm »
Iceman and EmeraldEdge, thanks for the info. Man, I hope that they do restore the cantina
scene and fix the hanger scene. That would be really nice even though I would still love
to have the originals.  

I was so cranky with LOTR when they released the uber version after I had already bought
the regular version. Being the movie dork that I am I'll be getting the uber versions anyways.
Man, I need help.    


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Re: STAR WARS.....................DVD 4, 5, 6
« Reply #81 on: February 11, 2004, 02:57:46 pm »
The LOTR rings extended is only semi-uber, because it doesn't contain the original theatrical cut.  Thats what the ones that were released first have.  And yes, I have all 4 so far. (2 copies each of Fellowship and TTT).  


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Re: STAR WARS.....................DVD 4, 5, 6
« Reply #82 on: February 11, 2004, 03:27:28 pm »
I just saw episode IV again on cable the other night, and man, despite the new (horrible) Han/Greedo/Jabba scenes it is still amazingly edgy and kick butt!

Episode 1, by comparrison, is simply rediculous - tho the actual pod race was pretty effective.

Now Episode 2 I didn't find half bad - especially the IMAX cut of it.

Sure there was some wooden acting and dialog, but it is highly watchable, and much much more interesting than Episode 1.

The IMAX version wisely cut the extraneous Jar Jar and over done "Romance" scenes, and really hightened the special effects (like Fett's Sonic bomb's)...

If Lucas can get a little Darker and Edgier in Episode III I think I'll be able to be satisfied with the new trilogy.

Nothing will beat Vader saying "I am your Father" right after dicing Luke's hand off tho - that was pure movie magic!


Dash Jones

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Re: STAR WARS.....................DVD 4, 5, 6
« Reply #83 on: February 11, 2004, 05:01:00 pm »
And of course what followed was the worst cut of the entire trilogy remake.  In the original widescreen version that I saw...he makes a resolute choice, and steps off the little hanger thing into the garbage chute.

In the special're like...oh what?  Was Luke about to accept Vader's proposal...but slipped before he could grab a hold of Vader's arm...he SCREAMS all the way down like he slipped!  Did he make a mistake!?

It just killed the moment in my eyes.  No longer was Luke making a choice...he slipped and fell instead!


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Re: STAR WARS.....................DVD 4, 5, 6
« Reply #84 on: February 11, 2004, 05:46:09 pm »
Makes you wonder what the heck happened to Lucas, doesn't it.  First you get these really bad decisions the castrate the story and characters in many ways, and then we have the "pre-quel" which is in many cases drek.  I mean there were sparks of the Star Wars that was in the second one, but overall it's more like a teeny movie.  The dark tones are gone, and some of the acting and writing is just the most amazing drivel.  I had a real hard time accepting Jango's death.  I mean he's this uber-ninja fighting Obi Wan, but then he just stands there firing his blaster at a jedi knight and waits for him to walk up to him and slice his head off?  What's that?  DId he get a labotomy somewhere inbetween the two scenes?  I mean, really.  And the romance scenes seemed completely unmotivated.  Just "Hey, your half naked and I love you, let's do something wrong". lol.  Oh, well.  Not much can be done about it now.   Maybe we'll eventually get an ubdated version of the prequel, except instead of making the scenes bad, they will somehow find a way to bring it up to the level of the original.  You know there was a lot of guff about the guys from N'sync appearing in the movie, which in the end didn't happen, but I really didn't have a problem with it as long as the movie wasn't a mindless teeny bopper bubble bum pop movie.    


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Re: STAR WARS.....................DVD 4, 5, 6
« Reply #85 on: February 11, 2004, 06:22:34 pm »
But you just know it would have been.  

I think the point was that it would have then been proven that Lucas caved to his teeniebopper daughter.  

Episode III has to bring back what we so loved about Star Wars,  the dark, edge of your seat, galaxy in the balance of it all feeling that Knights of the Old Republic has only recently recaptured.  Lucas would be wise to go hire the writers at Bioware.  


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Re: STAR WARS.....................DVD 4, 5, 6
« Reply #86 on: February 11, 2004, 07:45:54 pm »
I guess when I post topics I have to type all in CAPS for people to see or respond to.
Oh well....


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Re: STAR WARS.....................DVD 4, 5, 6
« Reply #87 on: February 11, 2004, 08:53:28 pm »
I'm sorry NCC, I didn't even see your post. Don't feel
bad man, we still love you.    


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Re: STAR WARS.....................DVD 4, 5, 6
« Reply #88 on: February 11, 2004, 09:05:19 pm »

I guess when I post topics I have to type all in CAPS for people to see or respond to.
Oh well....

(blush)  I'm guilty too. Sorry about that.



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Re: STAR WARS.....................DVD 4, 5, 6
« Reply #89 on: February 12, 2004, 02:30:48 am »
i heard a rumor about the new-version for DVD that there is a scene that natelie portman does for ep. 3 that will be in one of the originals. in it queen amidala records a message for her kids (luke and lea)-- we get to see lea watch that message in the new dvd version.

or so i heard (from a reliable source)



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Re: STAR WARS.....................DVD 4, 5, 6
« Reply #90 on: February 12, 2004, 01:42:26 pm »
I certainly hope not.  



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Re: STAR WARS.....................DVD 4, 5, 6
« Reply #91 on: February 12, 2004, 01:45:39 pm »

i heard a rumor about the new-version for DVD that there is a scene that natelie portman does for ep. 3 that will be in one of the originals. in it queen amidala records a message for her kids (luke and lea)-- we get to see lea watch that message in the new dvd version.

or so i heard (from a reliable source)


Jesus wept. Can we find a doctor somewhere that will declare that Lucas is insane
and get the courts to take away his access to these movies?  



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Re: STAR WARS.....................DVD 4, 5, 6
« Reply #92 on: February 12, 2004, 02:09:55 pm »

But you just know it would have been.  

I think the point was that it would have then been proven that Lucas caved to his teeniebopper daughter.  

Episode III has to bring back what we so loved about Star Wars,  the dark, edge of your seat, galaxy in the balance of it all feeling that Knights of the Old Republic has only recently recaptured.  Lucas would be wise to go hire the writers at Bioware.  

I've been following the production of Ep3 and from what I see so far it has potential to knock our socks off.  The duel will be very long and violent.  The longest duel ever in a movie.  So intense that the stunt coordinator Nick Gillard and Hayden Christensen have gotten broken fingers.


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Re: STAR WARS.....................DVD 4, 5, 6
« Reply #93 on: February 12, 2004, 02:52:44 pm »
Good, I want to see Anakin give in, do you hear me Lucas? GIVE IN!


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Re: STAR WARS.....................DVD 4, 5, 6
« Reply #94 on: February 12, 2004, 03:11:37 pm »
There are over 50,000 signatures so far to get them to include the original cut in the DVD release.

 Sign the petition.  


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Re: STAR WARS.....................DVD 4, 5, 6
« Reply #95 on: February 12, 2004, 03:29:50 pm »
Good, a DVD recording. I'll strip it off the disk to my Hard drive and edit out all the ewok parts.



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Re: STAR WARS.....................DVD 4, 5, 6
« Reply #96 on: February 12, 2004, 03:31:15 pm »

Good, a DVD recording. I'll strip it off the disk to my Hard drive and edit out all the ewok parts.




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Re: STAR WARS.....................DVD 4, 5, 6
« Reply #97 on: February 12, 2004, 03:38:02 pm »

Good, a DVD recording. I'll strip it off the disk to my Hard drive and edit out all the ewok parts.


ewe Ewoks. You speak the evil word here.  


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Re: STAR WARS.....................DVD 4, 5, 6
« Reply #98 on: February 12, 2004, 04:26:27 pm »
I remember in one of the X-Wing Books, Wedge made a bluff about one of the Wraith pilots being an Ewok.  Finds out later he found himself being held to his bet, and had to rig one of his pilots to fly a TIE Interceptor with an Ewok suit in front of him the entire time.  Really a hilarious scene.  

Dash Jones

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Re: STAR WARS.....................DVD 4, 5, 6
« Reply #99 on: February 14, 2004, 08:35:46 am »


But you just know it would have been.  

I think the point was that it would have then been proven that Lucas caved to his teeniebopper daughter.  

Episode III has to bring back what we so loved about Star Wars,  the dark, edge of your seat, galaxy in the balance of it all feeling that Knights of the Old Republic has only recently recaptured.  Lucas would be wise to go hire the writers at Bioware.  

I've been following the production of Ep3 and from what I see so far it has potential to knock our socks off.  The duel will be very long and violent.  The longest duel ever in a movie.  So intense that the stunt coordinator Nick Gillard and Hayden Christensen have gotten broken fingers.  

Long and violent = Good???

Hmm, interesting.

I don't agree, but then again, I didn't think Episode 1 was all that great either...and it was also very long...