Firesoul stop by if you can.. I was just going over the posts that went off topic in Eric's thread. Quite Interesting reading. It is plain to see we all have our passions, but then well love SFC, and that is what binds us together.
boy or girl? or will it be a suprise?
you can also send e-mails to if you can't make it by tonight.
I'll read them..
WE ARE STARTING AT 7:00pm EST, seeing as I am in the Eastern Time Zone.
There will be a lot of Trek talk - SFC, BC, Movies, shows.
The kids will be here as well with Anime talk and PS2 vs. X-Box -- which is its own great debate, lol.
as for musical requests, I'll play them if I have them, but I won't have time to search for stuff I don't have.
It looks to be a very busy evening at the PC.