Topic: Damage and Glow?  (Read 1014 times)

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Damage and Glow?
« on: February 09, 2004, 01:44:36 pm »
Can someone assist me ?

I need to know how to add damage and glow textures to a ship. How does it work?



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Re: Damage and Glow?
« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2004, 02:33:45 pm »
Yeah me to, its confusing

adam out


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Re: Damage and Glow?
« Reply #2 on: February 09, 2004, 03:12:08 pm »
There is a special utility prog that you must use to apply glows to ships (only in SFC3, I'm assuming that's what you're trying to do it with).  I think it should be available through a variety of links, I believe we still have it over at so you might want to check there.  You apply the glow to polygons on the model, so you'll want the section to match the area you want to glow.

As far as damage, I believe that correlates to a dummy object doesn't it?  You move them to the various spots around the ship in which you want them to appear.  There was a chart showing the directional layout, although I'm not sure if that still applies to SFC3 or not.  


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Re: Damage and Glow?
« Reply #3 on: February 09, 2004, 03:21:18 pm »

There is a special utility prog that you must use to apply glows to ships (only in SFC3, I'm assuming that's what you're trying to do it with).  I think it should be available through a variety of links, I believe we still have it over at so you might want to check there.  You apply the glow to polygons on the model, so you'll want the section to match the area you want to glow.

As far as damage, I believe that correlates to a dummy object doesn't it?  You move them to the various spots around the ship in which you want them to appear.  There was a chart showing the directional layout, although I'm not sure if that still applies to SFC3 or not.  

wrong those damage is not made with dummies, i ported a ship to SFC2/3 only with hardpoints for weapons and there was still damage ingame  

Captain Ron

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Re: Damage and Glow?
« Reply #4 on: February 09, 2004, 06:17:28 pm »
Don't really7 know about 3 as I never finished playing it before I uninstalled it and gave the game away and went back to playing SFC 2/OP. In those versions the damage textures are applied based on total BPV remaining and is placed on the hardpoints. Those textures are found in the assets/textures directory if you change them you have to do the orginal and its i map as well. if you are talking about making a damaged ship then the glows are handled in the *i.bmp for the texture.


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Re: Damage and Glow?
« Reply #5 on: February 09, 2004, 06:20:31 pm »
Any good tutorials laying around?

Captain Ron

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Re: Damage and Glow?
« Reply #6 on: February 09, 2004, 06:37:07 pm »
not to my knowledge most old timers here just would try things to see what would happen, and then write something quick in the forums about it. Unfortuantly the archeives that has all this is not available anymore changes in the forum made accessing the data impossible. So it is all down to the memories now and like I said its old timers around here.


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Re: Damage and Glow?
« Reply #7 on: February 10, 2004, 12:53:20 am »
Guess that'd be someone like me.  

Damage in SFC 3 is done pretty simply.  You still have the DP system inherited from SFC 2, but in addition to that (or replacing the old SFC 2 system), you now have individual damage textures for each texture.  There's a damage texture for the normally seen texture sans lights, and a damage texture for the illumination texture.

And they're named like this..

Let's say that you have a hull texture and a hull illumination texture.

Hull.bmp    512x512 (as an example)
Hulli.bmp   256x256 (again, an example).

Now you want to port to SFC 3.  You now need two additional textures:

HullD.bmp   <-
HulliD.bmp  <-

Usually, these can be around 1/2 to 1/4 the original size for the normal texture, and usually 1/2 for the illumination texture.  So maybe:

HullD.bmp   <- 256x256
HulliD.bmp  <- 128x128

You can also usually get away with 8 bit textures here.  Now, the main thing to remember with these are.. HullD.bmp (the name in this case) would be the normal texture all ripped to shreads.  The Evil Dead texture, struts hanging out, open fires, really mucked up.  Full color of course.  The HulliD.bmp texture here would be the same, however, this is the illumination for the normal damage texture.. so the lights from the fires, maybe glows from hot spots on the hull, that kind of idea.  These are revealed when the section fired at in SFC 3 takes damage.. a bit at a time.  So when the nacellle (as an example) has taken so much damage that it'd have been the equivalent of blown off in game.. the full damage texture would be shown, and if it was possible to repair.. that texture would slowly revert back to the normal nacelle texture.  If the ship turned into a dark area.. the glows from the fires on the nacelle would start to show, again, fading off as the nacelle was repaired.

I like to treat these new textures as completely new textures.. I just build a layer on top of the normal texture and set things to cuisanart in my mind.  What'll this part look like when the skin is blown off?  I add struts, fires, glows, etc.. go nuts here.  And then I create the illumination map from there.  

For the new textures to show ingame, remember that you need a capital D right before the .bmp whether it's an illumination or normal texture and you'll be fine..