Hi all, I'm a newbie to the General Discussion boards (I've only ever hung around on the Fan Fic forum), but now I'm branching out. So, "Hello!"
That was along the lines of a refit system I think would be cool. Give everyone stock ships, but as upgrades become "available" you can go to a web based refit utility and refit your ships in your fleet (so in effect it becomes like the refit system in SFC1). There are a lot of cool things that could be done now, I just hope it's worth it and that there is enough interest to develop, since the game is so old (but we always see people coming back, which is rather telling, isn't it )
I think this would be really cool. I'd love to see it implemented, as I loved the ability to 'refit' my ship in SFC1. It's one of the things I really miss about SFC1. That, and the individual ship names.
I am, as ever,