Topic: Your personal stupid criminal stories  (Read 1766 times)

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Your personal stupid criminal stories
« on: February 07, 2004, 05:59:43 pm »
When Mag wheels were all the rage my brother got a set of them , got a fancy radio too forget the name thoe.

But anyway One night he got the wheels and radio stolen off his car, the stupid part is the crooks tried to sell the stuff to a friend who happend to be a cop, he reconised the stuff and arested them.

A few days later some friends of these crooks tried to key his and my brothers car and he caught them as well.

Dont know why but this kinda allways sticks out in my mind. and I allways get a laft out of it when I remember it.

Another one is one time found a whole bag a weed one time he had stashed in the garage, at the time I was pissed off at him for somthing so I threw it away, he suspected but never said anything, as I would had gone to my father about it, and when it came to that stuff dad was old school punishment style.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Khalee »


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Re: Your personal stupid criminal stories
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2004, 06:18:08 pm »
One time at a rave I caught a guy trying to pick my friends pocket. This guy could not have been more then 5'2" tall, maybe weighed 120 lbs. I am 6'1" and weigh about 180lbs. I tapped him on the shoulder, wiggled my pointy finger back and forth, while mouthing, thats a no-no. Grabbed him by the back of his neck, squeezing as hard I could, to make it painful as hell. Walked him to the front door of the club, told the security that I caught this guy trying to pick someones pocket and they took care of him.

Another time I caught someone breaking into my moms car. Problem was, I did not put on shoes and it had just rained. attempting to bash in another persons skull with a axe handle, while running, on 50+ year old, worn out smooth concrete while its wet is not a good thing because it saved this buys life. He was no more then an inch away from being clubbed like a baby seal.

I even caught someone trying to steal a friends motorcycle from my dads place in the early 90's. Back then those mini-crotch rockets were popular. Well, two guys tried loading it onto the back of a truck. I saw this, when I went to check for one of my cats outside. I went inside, loaded my dads Colt45 1911a1 goverment issue, walked out the front gate and pointed it straight at them, telling them if they did not leave now, they would be shot.


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Your personal stupid criminal stories
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2004, 05:59:43 pm »
When Mag wheels were all the rage my brother got a set of them , got a fancy radio too forget the name thoe.

But anyway One night he got the wheels and radio stolen off his car, the stupid part is the crooks tried to sell the stuff to a friend who happend to be a cop, he reconised the stuff and arested them.

A few days later some friends of these crooks tried to key his and my brothers car and he caught them as well.

Dont know why but this kinda allways sticks out in my mind. and I allways get a laft out of it when I remember it.

Another one is one time found a whole bag a weed one time he had stashed in the garage, at the time I was pissed off at him for somthing so I threw it away, he suspected but never said anything, as I would had gone to my father about it, and when it came to that stuff dad was old school punishment style.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Khalee »


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Re: Your personal stupid criminal stories
« Reply #3 on: February 07, 2004, 06:18:08 pm »
One time at a rave I caught a guy trying to pick my friends pocket. This guy could not have been more then 5'2" tall, maybe weighed 120 lbs. I am 6'1" and weigh about 180lbs. I tapped him on the shoulder, wiggled my pointy finger back and forth, while mouthing, thats a no-no. Grabbed him by the back of his neck, squeezing as hard I could, to make it painful as hell. Walked him to the front door of the club, told the security that I caught this guy trying to pick someones pocket and they took care of him.

Another time I caught someone breaking into my moms car. Problem was, I did not put on shoes and it had just rained. attempting to bash in another persons skull with a axe handle, while running, on 50+ year old, worn out smooth concrete while its wet is not a good thing because it saved this buys life. He was no more then an inch away from being clubbed like a baby seal.

I even caught someone trying to steal a friends motorcycle from my dads place in the early 90's. Back then those mini-crotch rockets were popular. Well, two guys tried loading it onto the back of a truck. I saw this, when I went to check for one of my cats outside. I went inside, loaded my dads Colt45 1911a1 goverment issue, walked out the front gate and pointed it straight at them, telling them if they did not leave now, they would be shot.


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Your personal stupid criminal stories
« Reply #4 on: February 07, 2004, 05:59:43 pm »
When Mag wheels were all the rage my brother got a set of them , got a fancy radio too forget the name thoe.

But anyway One night he got the wheels and radio stolen off his car, the stupid part is the crooks tried to sell the stuff to a friend who happend to be a cop, he reconised the stuff and arested them.

A few days later some friends of these crooks tried to key his and my brothers car and he caught them as well.

Dont know why but this kinda allways sticks out in my mind. and I allways get a laft out of it when I remember it.

Another one is one time found a whole bag a weed one time he had stashed in the garage, at the time I was pissed off at him for somthing so I threw it away, he suspected but never said anything, as I would had gone to my father about it, and when it came to that stuff dad was old school punishment style.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Khalee »


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Re: Your personal stupid criminal stories
« Reply #5 on: February 07, 2004, 06:18:08 pm »
One time at a rave I caught a guy trying to pick my friends pocket. This guy could not have been more then 5'2" tall, maybe weighed 120 lbs. I am 6'1" and weigh about 180lbs. I tapped him on the shoulder, wiggled my pointy finger back and forth, while mouthing, thats a no-no. Grabbed him by the back of his neck, squeezing as hard I could, to make it painful as hell. Walked him to the front door of the club, told the security that I caught this guy trying to pick someones pocket and they took care of him.

Another time I caught someone breaking into my moms car. Problem was, I did not put on shoes and it had just rained. attempting to bash in another persons skull with a axe handle, while running, on 50+ year old, worn out smooth concrete while its wet is not a good thing because it saved this buys life. He was no more then an inch away from being clubbed like a baby seal.

I even caught someone trying to steal a friends motorcycle from my dads place in the early 90's. Back then those mini-crotch rockets were popular. Well, two guys tried loading it onto the back of a truck. I saw this, when I went to check for one of my cats outside. I went inside, loaded my dads Colt45 1911a1 goverment issue, walked out the front gate and pointed it straight at them, telling them if they did not leave now, they would be shot.