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Quote:ok guys been doing some porting from bc the guys of dreamyards asked for some of they ships to sfc formatso here they are i`m waiting on Cpt. LC Amaral to give me the go ahead on the releases on his shipsbut got the ok for the releases on gteasas you see they sweet looking ships Cpt. LC AmaralMesh: Cpt. LC AmaralTextures: Cpt. LC Amaralporting: DarkmatrixGteaMesh: GteaTextures: Gteaporting:Darkmatrixall will be posted over at Mackies site as i`m low on space so keep eye out in here for the release datesalso these are high poly meshs 3-6k in polys but will run great all the sameDM
Quote:Will these ships be available for SFC3? Please please please I hope so.
Quote:Um, DD, this might sound stupid, but which site are you referring to? Is it Unimatrix-One? Or is it another? I lose track, but that's just me!
Quote:Quote:Um, DD, this might sound stupid, but which site are you referring to? Is it Unimatrix-One? Or is it another? I lose track, but that's just me! small change of plans man here is whats going onUnimatrix-one is for all my own models that i have modeledand new site which is called Unimatrix will be for ports,kitbashs and so onmackie given me space to put my o ther stuff so i keep unimatrix one for my own workDM