Topic: Okay, this has been majorly bothering me!  (Read 4299 times)

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Okay, this has been majorly bothering me!
« on: February 04, 2004, 08:30:41 pm »
Okay, why dont we have any starbases?!?!?

So here is my station request list

1) Amargosa
2) McKinley Station
3) Drydock 1 (the one in TMP)
4) Drydock 2 (the one in Generations)
5) Drydock 3 (aka: mckinley station)
6) Drydock 4 (the one seen in Nemesis)
7) Jupiter Station
8) Station K-7
9) TOS Starbase
10) TOS Drydock
11) Midas Array
12) Office Complex (From TMP)
13) Regula 1
14) Subspace Relay
15) Remmler Array
14) Spacedock (the one in Search for Spock)
15) Starbase (from TNG:Measure of a man; this can be made from the Regula Station)
16) Utopia Planetia
17) ENT Repair Station (from ENT: Dead Stop)
18) ENT Warp 5 Complex (from ENT: Broken Brow)


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Re: Okay, this has been majorly bothering me!
« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2004, 08:45:07 pm »
And here are the shuttles that we need too

1) Argo Shuttle
2) Enterprise-E Shuttle (Type 11)
3) Galileo 5 (TMP Shuttle)
4) Galileo 7 (TOS Shuttle)
5) Hawkings Shuttle (Elongated type 6)
6) Janeway's Shuttle (from Endgame)
7) Type 6
8) Type 7
9) Type 8
10) Type 9
11) Type 10
12) Type 15
13) Type 18
14) Galaxy Captains Yacht
15) Intrepid Aeroshuttle
16) Nova Waverider
17) Sovereign Captains Yacht
18) Delta Flyer
19) Omega Flyer ( )
20) Work Bee (TMP)
21) Work Bee (TNG - Sphinx)
22) Spacedock Shuttle (Voyage Home)
23) Scout ship from Insurrection

Thank you much
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Fury_of_a_Seraph »


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Re: Okay, this has been majorly bothering me!
« Reply #2 on: February 04, 2004, 09:08:39 pm »
Number 3 Galileo 5 (TMP Shuttle)  can be found  here   and some of the bases are in wip    

Klingon Fanatic

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Re: Okay, this has been majorly bothering me!
« Reply #3 on: February 04, 2004, 10:07:44 pm »

Okay, why dont we have any starbases?!?!?

So here is my station request list

1) Amargosa
2) McKinley Station
3) Drydock 1 (the one in TMP)   P81 has the Maya dock in the D2 Mod
4) Drydock 2 (the one in Generations)
5) Drydock 3 (aka: mckinley station)
6) Drydock 4 (the one seen in Nemesis)
7) Jupiter Station   I believe DAWN made that and posted it at his website
8) Station K-7 TOS Starbase Done and at least one version should be at Fleetdock13 9)
10) TOS Drydock
11) Midas Array
12) Office Complex (From TMP)   Moonraker has done one
13) Regula 1 Moonraker has done one and so has Atrahasis (UNLIT)  
14) Subspace Relay DarkMatrix has done Subspace Relay 47 and its up at SFU
15) Remmler Array
14) Spacedock (the one in Search for Spock) Moonraker has done one
15) Starbase (from TNG:Measure of a man; this can be made from the Regula Station) Moonraker has done one and so has Atrahasis (UNLIT)  Either one could be resized
16) Utopia Planetia
17) ENT Repair Station (from ENT: Dead Stop)
18) ENT Warp 5 Complex (from ENT: Broken Brow)  

   DarkMatrix has done a BUNCH of ST: Armada, Birth of The Federation, Bridge Commander and Klingon Academy Starbases. Most of the retextured ones I have done recently are at SFU.


D2 Mod:

A great place to recover LOST models are the Chris Jones Mods:

Misc. Shuttles etc

MOONRAKER's ships/stations:

P81 also did a Starbase 99 which was a fan designed Federation starbase by Hobbes  if memory serves.

 Now ALL these fed requests are BORING me. We need more attention to the adversary races starbases and shipdocks/shuttles to balance out the ubercool Federation ships/stations. It might be a good idea to plead with Dark Matrix and Terradyne to bring back the ST: Armada bases...


« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Klingon Fanatic »


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Re: Okay, this has been majorly bothering me!
« Reply #4 on: February 05, 2004, 02:09:16 am »

Okay, why dont we have any starbases?!?!?

So here is my station request list

7) Jupiter Station
8) Station K-7
9) TOS Starbase

These are ones that I can help with.. Jupiter Station I did a while ago, and it was included in the Chris Jones mod.. think I still have it up for d/l at my site.

K-7 I have here on the HD.. was thinking of doing some work on it one of these days to create K-1 to K-8 or so..

And I have my TOS Starbase that I did a little while back.. non-canon, but I think it looks cool..

And the TMP/TNG Federation starbase is up there as well as Redragon's Terok Nor.


And here are the shuttles that we need too
4) Galileo 7 (TOS Shuttle)

I have this one up on my site.. this is a rextextured Moon/Lansing shuttle, and I think it looks good ingame.  


7) Type 6
10) Type 9
18) Delta Flyer

These are all in the Redragon section of the SFC 2 area..


23) Scout ship from Insurrection

I actually have two of these sitting on my HD ready for upload.. one converted over by Intermech, and one I converted over.  Both'll be up for grabs..

Everything that is up is on this page.. check it out, you may find more that you want.


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Re: Okay, this has been majorly bothering me!
« Reply #5 on: February 05, 2004, 12:48:43 pm »
i got a few of what  your looking for, just email me the list and i will see what i have, i will try to post them at my site.


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Re: Okay, this has been majorly bothering me!
« Reply #6 on: February 05, 2004, 01:58:48 pm »


Okay, why dont we have any starbases?!?!?

So here is my station request list

1) Amargosa
2) McKinley Station
3) Drydock 1 (the one in TMP)   P81 has the Maya dock in the D2 Mod
4) Drydock 2 (the one in Generations)
5) Drydock 3 (aka: mckinley station)
6) Drydock 4 (the one seen in Nemesis)
7) Jupiter Station   I believe DAWN made that and posted it at his website
8) Station K-7 TOS Starbase Done and at least one version should be at Fleetdock13 9)
10) TOS Drydock
11) Midas Array
12) Office Complex (From TMP)   Moonraker has done one
13) Regula 1 Moonraker has done one and so has Atrahasis (UNLIT)  
14) Subspace Relay DarkMatrix has done Subspace Relay 47 and its up at SFU
15) Remmler Array
14) Spacedock (the one in Search for Spock) Moonraker has done one
15) Starbase (from TNG:Measure of a man; this can be made from the Regula Station) Moonraker has done one and so has Atrahasis (UNLIT)  Either one could be resized
16) Utopia Planetia
17) ENT Repair Station (from ENT: Dead Stop)
18) ENT Warp 5 Complex (from ENT: Broken Brow)  

   DarkMatrix has done a BUNCH of ST: Armada, Birth of The Federation, Bridge Commander and Klingon Academy Starbases. Most of the retextured ones I have done recently are at SFU.


D2 Mod:

A great place to recover LOST models are the Chris Jones Mods:

Misc. Shuttles etc

MOONRAKER's ships/stations:

P81 also did a Starbase 99 which was a fan designed Federation starbase by Hobbes  if memory serves.

 Now ALL these fed requests are BORING me. We need more attention to the adversary races starbases and shipdocks/shuttles to balance out the ubercool Federation ships/stations. It might be a good idea to plead with Dark Matrix and Terradyne to bring back the ST: Armada bases...



You're not going to balance out uber cool fed ships with trashy armada models. The armada base classes are good but seriously need to be scratch rebuilds.


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Re: Okay, this has been majorly bothering me!
« Reply #7 on: February 06, 2004, 11:40:27 am »
i got the regula one from st2 twok, the k-17 tos base station, the repair dock from tos, the listen post/relaistation tos, and the starbase tos.