Ok, I've calmed down now and this post won't be the flame it originated as
I do commend Taldren and Activision for not only a great game, but also for the time/effort they spend on this project, I guaruntee that nobody appreciates their hard work and talent more than I do.
But I do have to wonder one thing. If they have results such as these, what could they do if the whining/complaining/and just plain sniveling ceased and they were allowed to work without having to capitulate to the "frothing-at-the-mouth" fanatics who want results now?
In all honesty, this patch is worthless to me. I fly with my fleet on D3 exclusively, and I have Dial-up. I barely get on as it is. I've read the fixes, and they all look absolutely excellent. Too bad I won't be able to fully use them untill the final patch is availible. I also don't have room on my 8 gig (
) hard drive to install a 2nd copy, unless anybody wants to donate to the "Computers for Loch" fund
In truth, I'm not even irritated at Taldren/Activision, they've done a great job. After all not many people/companies would be willing to put up with the thanklessness they recieve via the boards everyday.
The funniest portion of this whole thing... If the people so hot for the patch would calm down, allow T/A to do it correctly the first time, instead of having to get something out to appease you, your wait would be alot less in the long run, with a lot less headaches. Or do you honestly believe that T/A would willingly hold a patch from us out of sheer spite.
My delete button is ready to recieve your flameage in response.