Topic: Resturants you no longer go to or go to very seldom anymore  (Read 4580 times)

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Resturants you no longer go to or go to very seldom anymore
« on: February 02, 2004, 06:35:46 pm »
One here in town called Bionic Buger I live by the original one here in Wichita. It use to be pretty good place to eat,  gave your monies worth, food was not that greasy, plus they were useing 32 ounce cups befor the others in the area even thought of doing it.

But when they expanded things went down hill, food was under cooked, they cut back on the amout of fries or onion rings they use to give, even the inside was not kept up like it use to be. It just seemed like the ones that are there now just want a paycheck and not realy want to do anything to get it. So I have found that I have not been there in quite a while, really dont care for it any more because  the service has gone down so much. So what are your horror stories?.


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Re: Resturants you no longer go to or go to very seldom anymore
« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2004, 06:46:59 pm »
Tom's Super Burgers.

First one was in Rialto Ca. My friends and I somewhat knew the owner, a immigrant from Greece, use to be the body guard for a general there. he came to America for a better life and opened his own burger joint. he now has something like 20 of them. Once he stopped managing the one in Rialto their food went downhill too.  We used to go there about 10-11pm after playing hockey on weekends, get ourselves some Chili-cheese fries or for me, Chili-cheese union rings. You know those Styrofoam containers used for chinese food? Thats what we would get our food in, filled to the brim for only $3. Nearly 2 meals worth of food. Now, the portions are a lot smaller and not as much effort is put into the food for taste. I have not been there in years.

Scott Allen Abfalter

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Re: Resturants you no longer go to or go to very seldom anymore
« Reply #2 on: February 03, 2004, 08:35:17 am »

On a more nationwide scale: Burger King

I love Whopper's but I can't stand their french fries.  They messed with them a good 5-10 years ago and made them 'crispier' by adding dairy whey and other nonsense to them.  Now they taste horrid and it's completely ruined my BK dining experience.  

The only way I can eat there now is if there is also a nearby Wendy's or McDonalds that I can buy supplementary fries at.



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Re: Resturants you no longer go to or go to very seldom anymore
« Reply #3 on: February 03, 2004, 08:49:26 am »
McDonalds since I found a small cooked beetle in my scrambled egg in my Big Breakfast meal, I actually used to go there rarely as the food is crap anyway.This put me off permanently  


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Re: Resturants you no longer go to or go to very seldom anymore
« Reply #4 on: February 03, 2004, 09:55:22 am »
heh, You've hit upon something that my family teases me about all the time. you see, all It takes is for me to get bad service once, and I won't go back to a specific place.


Pioneer Pies: Substituted My Vegetables for something Differant. when asked about It, They claimed they had ran out of what I wanted, and Thought I would prefere a differant Veggie instead.

2 differant Ihops. Service was very slow. at one time I waited almost 2 hours for my "Brunch" The other time, My food was Not only overcooked but Burnt.

there's also a Monteray Jacks that I will not eat at here in the City. I went to the bathroom in this particular one, and there was an employee in there. I did my buisness, and he walked out of a stall next to me. I go over to the sink , he walks right out of there without washing his hands.

I complained to the manager on that one.


Scott Allen Abfalter

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Re: Resturants you no longer go to or go to very seldom anymore
« Reply #5 on: February 03, 2004, 09:56:46 am »
One Christmas, as I was just getting over a flu that had me bedridden and weak for days, I went to visit my wife's
parents.  Before the three hour car trip we at at KFC.  I had chicken, the wife had mini chicken sandwiches.  

I did not know until that day that food poisoning takes about two hours to set in.   It hit when I was two hours from home, an hour from our destination.  The last 'hour' was more like two hours because I had to stop at each and every gas station for a bathroom break.  

The chicken was tainted.  The mini-sandwiches, having virtually no trace of actual chicken, kept my wife safe.  

Weeks later, my stepfather wrote a poem in my honor over this, bored at work.  One stanza went like this:

     And yes, he did vomit.
     All over the car.
     The window was up.
     It did not go far.  

At this point, I did not realize yet what was going on.  I had just gotten over the flu --vomiting and a lot of time in the bathroom.  Food poisoning=vomiting and lots of time in the bathroom.  Both come on suddenly.  I assumed I had relapsed.

We got to my wife's parents, and the house was packed full of people who did not want to get within 50 feet of the
flu carrying leper.  I was confined to the basement watching TV while the revellers reveled.  

That night it felt like I was getting stabbed in the stomach.  Unable to handle the pain, I was taken to the ER.  Merry Xmas

The doctor, noting that I have no fever, and having poked and prodded sufficiently, informed me that I had gastritus (sp?), which is a fancy way of saying 'food poisoning' if you want to appear smarter than you are.

I asked what he could give me for the pain.  He said 'nothing'.  Not even tylenol.  My system needed to rid itself of the tainted food and painkillers cause constipation and interfere with digestion.  I needed to eat a lot of bran and only drink (and these were his exact words) "only things that you could hold up in a glass and still need a newspaper through".  

Site note: Absolut Vodka fit that description, but I wasn't going to do that to myself.  

The next day people would talk to me since I was not a leper anymore, and I sat at a beautiful turkey dinner --my favorite meals in the world --and munched on dry bran cereal without milk and watched everyone feast.

The moral:  Cockroaches in your fast food?  Don't sweat it.  It's not the big bugs that you have to worry about, it's the little ones!

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Scott Allen Abfalter »


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Re: Resturants you no longer go to or go to very seldom anymore
« Reply #6 on: February 03, 2004, 01:36:44 pm »
hmmmm... i could have told ya not to eat at KFC.... i used to work there.  

Me and my family bought from KFC about once every 2 weeks, and loved the food.  as it happens my mom sold some property to the owner and got me a job as a cook.   ahhh the things i saw kept me from eating anything but what i knew was good (IE FRIES AND POPCORN CHICKEN)  

oh and a piece of advice, if you see a big kernel of popcorn chicke in your nice lil box, (half dollar size) don't eat it, it as raw as it gets


Dash Jones

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Re: Resturants you no longer go to or go to very seldom anymore
« Reply #7 on: February 03, 2004, 03:09:58 pm »
Hmmm, actually I was under the impression that real food poisoning actually hits 12 to 48 hours after the actual intake of the food.  What you throw up therefore is rarely what caused the food poisoning.  This is also why, in many cases, food poisoning can also be accompanied by a very bad case of the runs...

On another side note, what many people think is a flu or stomach virus, many times is actually a very light strike of food poisoning.  Interesting, ne pas?


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Re: Resturants you no longer go to or go to very seldom anymore
« Reply #8 on: February 03, 2004, 03:26:23 pm »
There are various types of food poisoning some mild , some not , the worst being botulism which is fatal.  


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Re: Resturants you no longer go to or go to very seldom anymore
« Reply #9 on: February 03, 2004, 03:27:52 pm »
Resturants you no longer go to or go to very seldom anymore?


There is one near us that is the slowest fast food place I have ever eaten at.

It is one of the few places open at 2AM though, so I have eaten there occasionally.

The last time I ate there, I pulled up at 9:15pm, and there was only one person in the drive thru in front of me.

Knowing this place was slow, I decided to time things.

The fellow in front of me took about 5 minutes to place his order.  I pulled up, and was asked to wait.  15 minutes later, after several cars behind me had given up in frustration, someone came on the speaker and asked for my order.  I placed my order and drove up to the window.

It was another 20 minutes before my food was ready - and they got the order wrong.  I pulled around, parked, and went up to the door to get a manager to fix the order.  While standing there, I counted 5 employees in the restaurant - and there may have been more I could not see.  It only took another 5 minutes to get the order fixed - but 45 minutes for fast food is way too long.

I complained on Whataburger's corporate website, and the local store manager called me for 2 weeks straight wanting to discuss things.  Bah - not worth it.


Re: food poisoning - I have only gotten food poisoning once - from an Air Force mess hall.  It was four days before I could eat again, as the smell of food made me nauseous.


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Re: Resturants you no longer go to or go to very seldom anymore
« Reply #10 on: February 03, 2004, 03:36:59 pm »
I had to wait 1 1/2 hours in line at Del Taco once. It was the only place open on the holidays and I was hungry.

Scott Allen Abfalter

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Re: Resturants you no longer go to or go to very seldom anymore
« Reply #11 on: February 03, 2004, 03:40:23 pm »

Hmmm, actually I was under the impression that real food poisoning actually hits 12 to 48 hours after the actual intake of the food.  What you throw up therefore is rarely what caused the food poisoning.  This is also why, in many cases, food poisoning can also be accompanied by a very bad case of the runs...

On another side note, what many people think is a flu or stomach virus, many times is actually a very light strike of food poisoning.  Interesting, ne pas?  

Well, then that would have placed the source of the food as the dorm cafeteria --hmm, new suspicions after all these years.  I may owe Col. Sanders and apology!



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Re: Resturants you no longer go to or go to very seldom anymore
« Reply #12 on: February 03, 2004, 06:37:58 pm »
Arby's   the closed it to put a stupid road through that they haven't even finalized  


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Re: Resturants you no longer go to or go to very seldom anymore
« Reply #13 on: February 03, 2004, 06:52:36 pm »
I used to love going to the Chevy's near my house. Chevy's is a Mexican resturant chain
in California. Great chips and salsa, yummy fajitas, giant steak fajita burritos, and awesome
margaritas. One night, a bunch of us went there for drinks and blew over 200 bucks in just

Anyways, the last couple of times that I took my wife and kids there the service was really
bad. Sit at the table for 15 mins before the waiter showed up to take our drink order and
bring the menus. Then wait another 30 mins to get our meals. Last time we were there
I asked the waiter where our meals were and he smiled and said that the kitchen misplaced
the order and we would have to wait longer, I stood up in front of him and walked out the
door without paying for the drinks.

If this was on a Friday night and the place was packed I would of been understanding but
this was during a weekday afternoon and the place was half empty.

A long time ago I used to be a cook at Chevy's and I know exactly how long it takes to
cook their meals.

Haven't been back to Chevy's in almost a year.



  • Guest
Resturants you no longer go to or go to very seldom anymore
« Reply #14 on: February 02, 2004, 06:35:46 pm »
One here in town called Bionic Buger I live by the original one here in Wichita. It use to be pretty good place to eat,  gave your monies worth, food was not that greasy, plus they were useing 32 ounce cups befor the others in the area even thought of doing it.

But when they expanded things went down hill, food was under cooked, they cut back on the amout of fries or onion rings they use to give, even the inside was not kept up like it use to be. It just seemed like the ones that are there now just want a paycheck and not realy want to do anything to get it. So I have found that I have not been there in quite a while, really dont care for it any more because  the service has gone down so much. So what are your horror stories?.


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Re: Resturants you no longer go to or go to very seldom anymore
« Reply #15 on: February 02, 2004, 06:46:59 pm »
Tom's Super Burgers.

First one was in Rialto Ca. My friends and I somewhat knew the owner, a immigrant from Greece, use to be the body guard for a general there. he came to America for a better life and opened his own burger joint. he now has something like 20 of them. Once he stopped managing the one in Rialto their food went downhill too.  We used to go there about 10-11pm after playing hockey on weekends, get ourselves some Chili-cheese fries or for me, Chili-cheese union rings. You know those Styrofoam containers used for chinese food? Thats what we would get our food in, filled to the brim for only $3. Nearly 2 meals worth of food. Now, the portions are a lot smaller and not as much effort is put into the food for taste. I have not been there in years.

Scott Allen Abfalter

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Re: Resturants you no longer go to or go to very seldom anymore
« Reply #16 on: February 03, 2004, 08:35:17 am »

On a more nationwide scale: Burger King

I love Whopper's but I can't stand their french fries.  They messed with them a good 5-10 years ago and made them 'crispier' by adding dairy whey and other nonsense to them.  Now they taste horrid and it's completely ruined my BK dining experience.  

The only way I can eat there now is if there is also a nearby Wendy's or McDonalds that I can buy supplementary fries at.



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Re: Resturants you no longer go to or go to very seldom anymore
« Reply #17 on: February 03, 2004, 08:49:26 am »
McDonalds since I found a small cooked beetle in my scrambled egg in my Big Breakfast meal, I actually used to go there rarely as the food is crap anyway.This put me off permanently  


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Re: Resturants you no longer go to or go to very seldom anymore
« Reply #18 on: February 03, 2004, 09:55:22 am »
heh, You've hit upon something that my family teases me about all the time. you see, all It takes is for me to get bad service once, and I won't go back to a specific place.


Pioneer Pies: Substituted My Vegetables for something Differant. when asked about It, They claimed they had ran out of what I wanted, and Thought I would prefere a differant Veggie instead.

2 differant Ihops. Service was very slow. at one time I waited almost 2 hours for my "Brunch" The other time, My food was Not only overcooked but Burnt.

there's also a Monteray Jacks that I will not eat at here in the City. I went to the bathroom in this particular one, and there was an employee in there. I did my buisness, and he walked out of a stall next to me. I go over to the sink , he walks right out of there without washing his hands.

I complained to the manager on that one.


Scott Allen Abfalter

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Re: Resturants you no longer go to or go to very seldom anymore
« Reply #19 on: February 03, 2004, 09:56:46 am »
One Christmas, as I was just getting over a flu that had me bedridden and weak for days, I went to visit my wife's
parents.  Before the three hour car trip we at at KFC.  I had chicken, the wife had mini chicken sandwiches.  

I did not know until that day that food poisoning takes about two hours to set in.   It hit when I was two hours from home, an hour from our destination.  The last 'hour' was more like two hours because I had to stop at each and every gas station for a bathroom break.  

The chicken was tainted.  The mini-sandwiches, having virtually no trace of actual chicken, kept my wife safe.  

Weeks later, my stepfather wrote a poem in my honor over this, bored at work.  One stanza went like this:

     And yes, he did vomit.
     All over the car.
     The window was up.
     It did not go far.  

At this point, I did not realize yet what was going on.  I had just gotten over the flu --vomiting and a lot of time in the bathroom.  Food poisoning=vomiting and lots of time in the bathroom.  Both come on suddenly.  I assumed I had relapsed.

We got to my wife's parents, and the house was packed full of people who did not want to get within 50 feet of the
flu carrying leper.  I was confined to the basement watching TV while the revellers reveled.  

That night it felt like I was getting stabbed in the stomach.  Unable to handle the pain, I was taken to the ER.  Merry Xmas

The doctor, noting that I have no fever, and having poked and prodded sufficiently, informed me that I had gastritus (sp?), which is a fancy way of saying 'food poisoning' if you want to appear smarter than you are.

I asked what he could give me for the pain.  He said 'nothing'.  Not even tylenol.  My system needed to rid itself of the tainted food and painkillers cause constipation and interfere with digestion.  I needed to eat a lot of bran and only drink (and these were his exact words) "only things that you could hold up in a glass and still need a newspaper through".  

Site note: Absolut Vodka fit that description, but I wasn't going to do that to myself.  

The next day people would talk to me since I was not a leper anymore, and I sat at a beautiful turkey dinner --my favorite meals in the world --and munched on dry bran cereal without milk and watched everyone feast.

The moral:  Cockroaches in your fast food?  Don't sweat it.  It's not the big bugs that you have to worry about, it's the little ones!

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Scott Allen Abfalter »