Topic: Ledendary Officers are too Powerful in SFC3...  (Read 5920 times)

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Re: Legendary Officers are too Powerful in SFC3...
« Reply #40 on: February 02, 2004, 03:27:38 am »
LOL, same thing happens in EAW or OP with legendary weapons officers. It can be a real pain, your ship can go pop just like that, before you even know what is happening... Or phasers that hit for damage at range 30... The problem is that connection issues in mission (host left message) can produce the same effect: known as "The double fire bug". Any mission scripts that used legendary weapons officers are gone now I believe...

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I do not recall legendary weapons officers allowing all weapons to be fired twice per turn in SFB, I think perhaps there was just a modifier to hit? Again, deviation from a well tested game seems to be the problem...  


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Re: Legendary Officers are too Powerful in SFC3...
« Reply #41 on: February 02, 2004, 07:49:04 am »

LOL, same thing happens in EAW or OP with legendary weapons officers. It can be a real pain, your ship can go pop just like that, before you even know what is happening... Or phasers that hit for damage at range 30... The problem is that connection issues in mission (host left message) can produce the same effect: known as "The double fire bug". Any mission scripts that used legendary weapons officers are gone now I believe...

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I do not recall legendary weapons officers allowing all weapons to be fired twice per turn in SFB, I think perhaps there was just a modifier to hit? Again, deviation from a well tested game seems to be the problem...  

The best one is the Phaser-3 from fighters at range 15 firing through an ECM shift of 2 that tear your shield down.  Now THATS magic!!

As for the SFB Legendary weaps officer; originally he gave you a shift of 2 for the better on your die roll.  This was changed to giving you 4 ECCM in the latest edition of the rules.


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Re: Legendary Officers are too Powerful in SFC3...
« Reply #42 on: February 02, 2004, 01:24:16 pm »

The best one is the Phaser-3 from fighters at range 15 firing through an ECM shift of 2 that tear your shield down.  Now THATS magic!!

I'm certain those are the Phaser 2s that make the Caveat "magical."  Hornets do  not do this.  


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Re: Ledendary Officers are too Powerful in SFC3...
« Reply #43 on: February 02, 2004, 01:32:41 pm »

this is why there are no legendary officers for the Generations campaign.

that said, we are considering putting in legendary medical officers to prevent crew from dying off.  

I actually think you have a good idea with proposed legendary medical officers, Nanner.



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Re: Legendary Officers are too Powerful in SFC3...
« Reply #44 on: February 02, 2004, 01:35:26 pm »

LOL, same thing happens in EAW or OP with legendary weapons officers. It can be a real pain, your ship can go pop just like that, before you even know what is happening... Or phasers that hit for damage at range 30... The problem is that connection issues in mission (host left message) can produce the same effect: known as "The double fire bug". Any mission scripts that used legendary weapons officers are gone now I believe...

I think NW's configurable missions can allow the Admin.  to still set random chances for the AI having legendary officers.
Legendary Weapon's officers are verboten in EEK missions for OP by virtue of mission author's privilege.  Having legendary  weapon's officers in missions does not seem to be generating enough positive feedback from the OP playbase to warrant their usage.  In fact, the OP playerbase feedback is equivalent to what you get for missions bugs. Basically, the legendary Weapon's Officers  are taking on the persona of bugs. So, when I wrote the missions last summer, I did not see the sense of opening up options for "bugs" in EEK missions when some Admin. just happens to  turn on legendary  Weapon's officers for  the AI ships.  When it comes to bugs or "bugs", it's always the scripts that get blamed so I was not interested in dealing with that kind of hassle.  So, EEK missions for OP  never used Legendary Weapon's Officers and six months later I still see no justification to consider changing that policy.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Karnak »


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Re: Legendary Officers are too Powerful in SFC3...
« Reply #45 on: February 02, 2004, 07:26:26 pm »
Good choice Karnak, the situation you describe is exactly what I percieved as well. You're right, the legendary weapons officers can be disabled in NW's configurable scripts too. (currently a 5% chance for one on Empires config).

Thanks for the refresher Kurok, I didn't think a legendary weapons officer allowed all weapons to fire twice at 100% to hit - just way too powerful...


 As for the SFB Legendary weaps officer; originally he gave you a shift of 2 for the better on your die roll. This was changed to giving you 4 ECCM in the latest edition of the rules.

That sounds more like it, and still mighty powerful (especially helpful for photons... )!