I would suggest u email pelican or read some of his posts (hes a genious).
He has spent significant time and effort to play with just these settings, also you could ask the FLUFBOT2004.
That said....
Ships generated come in the yards based upon several factors that are driven by the server pack. (now from my understandings, not complete of course)
we have FF DD CL CA DN BB and BASE
each of these has a base number for the hull type this is a settable number (eg a FF may be 1000 but a DN 1000000)
this number is multiplied by factors for that hull as set out in the files this gives a SALE price for the ship
each class has so many models associated with it (eg u may have 20 FF models but 1 BB model)
each empire has an economy associated with it at any point in time (ie how may hexes does it own and what are they worth as set out in how you configure ur map, eg an asteroid hex could be econ 1000 but a colony planet econ 10
this econ is totalized by the server pack each sweep for restocking the yards for that empire, the number of ships of each CLASS attempted is a setable factor.
the generation of ships is by CLASS with a factor that is setable assigned to it (eg for FF class it could be 0.1 but DN could be 0.0001) so a FF slot on the yards would be "made" 10% of the time the yards refresh
you can see this if you give a high PP starting to people and let them "buy" out the yards (this is a tactic used by some to turn over the yards quicker to make slots fill up faster)
these factors by CLASS are multiplied by the econ to give the chance of a ship CLASS being produced
the TYPE of ship WITHIN the CLASS made is a function of how many ships are in the class, so if you have 20 FF models in the game then if a FF is made then each FF model has a 5% chance of being the ONE made for that generation, if you only have one BB model then every time a BB is successfully generated it will be of the only BB model, a reman BB for example.
there are more factors here but you should be getting the jist
AI will spawn based upon the numbers of available planets and Star Bases, and there is other factors that can be adjusted for aggression, and spawn rates
Fourth Availabilitiy
SFC3 (unlike SFC2 EAW or OP) does not have dates when models become active or inactive (the aforementioned FYA and LYA) as such ANY ship within the CLASS models is up for generation. So if you have superior and inferior DNs for example expect the players to migrate as they become available towards the better hulls within the class. Why fly a Galaxy when u can fly a Sov?
this was the intent of the bidding buttons in the yards, however organized players DO NOT OUT BID each other for purchase of these hulls, as it only hurts your empire by wasting PP
The long and short is....
Maps drive econ which drives probability chance slots to generate ship hulls of the classes on planets or bases.
You cannot restrict the chance of making a hull within a CLASS but you have the ability to restrict the probability of making the hull CLASS itself, not quite the same but equally effective.
You can restrict the econ. You can restrict the slots. You cannot restrict what the game fills those slots with within a class.
If you wish to limit your campaign OOB then the only way you can do so now is to have breaks within the campaign (we tend to use the babble speak "VC rounds" Victory Conditions).
During the break between rounds post a new ship listing for download, reset the server and let the fun begin anew. As you can reset and tweak all the ship generation and availability settings.
HOWEVER ALL PLAYERS WILL LOSE THEIR ACCOUNTS (this is not so bad if you spot everyone say 100,000 PP instead of a lower PP from the previous rounds). That way they can buy immediately the newly avaible BCH or what ever that they "upgraded" from in the previous rounds.
Round one - the game is played out for a finite period of time and the victory conditions are counted to declare a round one winner.
The ONLY klingon DN in round one is a C5 that is available for purchase
Round two - server is reset and eveyone is spoted 100K, the C5 is removed fromt the ship listings and is replaced with the C9. The C5 is no longer available as it has been removed from the server settings and will not be available for generation in the yards, but the C9 would be.
Round three - again reset server n spot everyone say 200K, the C9 is removed and replaced with the C19.
What this would do is replicate weapons systems progression (the actual weapons effectiveness and other settings could actually be changed also). Ship hull design progression. The creative licence opportunities are endless.
hope this helps somewhat.