I have to bump this thread back up to the front page....
The Awesomeness Demands me to
Plus I just DLed the Beasties
Dude your fast Cruiser is amazing...great placement of shuttlebay vs impuse assembly
she looks like a TOS version of the Lexington
Great job
Your Klingon CL is very cool aswell...I found it interesting that you chose not to attach the warp nacelles
on pylons from hull...but considering the klingon BoP has an intergrated warp assembly...its still cool with me
BTW ever think of placing those nacelles on the underside of the main hull, in the same placement just
under rather than over
And Lastly Your BB is Epic-making By far the most original coolest concept I have seen in a while for a Fed BB...
I love the concept and its execution...I love the asymetry of the bridge superstructure.
I especially love the Nacelle placement in relation to the rest of the ship...making the ship look vissually impossing
while keeping a huge amount of style and stealth to the concept( a concept that I have done before and love
The sauce is stunning in its bulk and design...and I was very suprised to see the choice of a doward angle to
the Saucer rim adding to the advanced(late era prehaps?? ) and overall sleekness to the design
This Beast will be a hard ship for me to to top in her uniqueness for this era
Thank you