Topic: Berman going? Let it be true  (Read 9654 times)

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Re: Berman going? Let it be true
« Reply #40 on: February 29, 2004, 03:57:41 am »
If you are looking for a good story (although battles do occur at "hyperspeed", check out the series called "The Helmsman", found at Timberwolf books. The author is rewriting the first ones, and  adding to the series. There is much character room, and it brings the "old" Star Trek flavor to the fore. The lead character is somewhat a Kirk type (Wilf Brim), but there would a lot of room to make a good story, better, I believe than Glactica and other old retreads. Time for a little freshness and creativity??? Wait a minute, Berman, creativity, Star Trek..... Nah, let's wipe the slate clean and start up again!



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Re: Berman going? Let it be true
« Reply #41 on: February 29, 2004, 08:37:12 am »
I In response to some previous posts:
#1 I have watched Enterprise, and looked at it objecttively.  I have to admit it seems like they are disregarding the Trek future we know for something new.  Watching it if I had not watched the other treks then perhaps.  Prequels are very tricky and complex creatures.  They must be handled very delicately.  There is still time for Enterprise to set things right though.  I myself had also hoped for an Excelsior type series based on the exploits of Captain Sulu and the Excelsior.
#2 If not that here's a different concept. what about the Enterprise 1701-B, with instead of that Harriman, give command to someone who deserves it, like Chekhov.   It would have been a very fitting tribute to have the ensign of the original series as captain of his new generation or namesake of ship.  It would be good to have both Shatner and Nimoy there, whose abilities would compliment each other in making a trek series.  Though in all fairness Shatner did get a bit of a raw deal for Star Trek V, there were a number of production problems. There is still time to make things right, or perhaps they will evolve that way.  I have enjoyed Star trek for a long time and want it to continue to live long and prosper.


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Re: Berman going? Let it be true
« Reply #42 on: February 29, 2004, 10:26:58 am »
 As much as I loved ol Kirk, Shatner is gotten extremly long in the tooth (he's past 70 now, he will be 73 next month in fact), so his day is done as far as TV goes I think.  

Enterprise can work with a new story editor, and some uplifting stories, and some recurring villians, like the Andorian guy.

They just have to give it a chance, NOT keep rehashing Voyager.


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Re: Berman going? Let it be true
« Reply #43 on: February 29, 2004, 11:13:04 pm »
The NCC-01 wont be painted on the hull until the Federation is formed, and they are right to wait to do that.  After all the NCC and the USS are Federation designations, not Earth designations.  


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Re: Berman going? Let it be true
« Reply #44 on: March 01, 2004, 03:53:00 pm »
  I suppose I should point out the flaw in that, namely that NX is also    


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Re: Berman going? Let it be true
« Reply #45 on: March 01, 2004, 05:18:27 pm »
very true...  


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Re: Berman going? Let it be true
« Reply #47 on: January 31, 2004, 12:24:34 am »
Well, its still just a rumor.  Berman should have never have tried too do a "Star Wars" and make a prequel series.  Just too complicated, and too easy too alienate fans that way.  Even Star Wars alienated a few Star Wars fans when Episode 1 came out.  


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Re: Berman going? Let it be true
« Reply #48 on: February 24, 2004, 04:49:33 pm »
 I 'll second that Magnums357 .I still wished thet would bring everybodys favourite Captian back to life yes Captian James T Kirk.He was and still is the best he broke all the rules and just think we would  not of had Orion Pirates without  his piece of action.He broke the rules that is why we can do it to.I say thank-you Captian Kirk.  


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Re: Berman going? Let it be true
« Reply #49 on: February 24, 2004, 05:42:00 pm »
I don't see a problem with a prequel, but they did it all wrong, disregarding everything that was supposed to happen later, and just throwing stuff out there.  Bad news, when you have a hard core base of fans.  News Flash: Alienating a large segment of your viewership is bad for buisness. lol.

I actually think this cast is pretty good (the best one in a long while) but the show definitely needs help.  There are a fews things of interest that pop up from time to time, but they always just blow by them and scoot towards the old standby/filler plots.  Oh, well.  Here's hopin' B&B finally get the axe.

On a side note, it's interesting to not the filler shows, and they are bumping it to 9 in March, right when Steven King's Kingdom Hospital premieres.  They just can't get away from anything in the similar genre.  I wonder if Kingdom will continue to hurt it?  


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Re: Berman going? Let it be true
« Reply #50 on: February 24, 2004, 06:13:42 pm »
::goes back to stabbing Rick Berman voodoo doll with pins::


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Re: Berman going? Let it be true
« Reply #51 on: February 24, 2004, 08:47:54 pm »
doing a prequel is not a bad thing.

doing the whole temporal cold war/ time garbage/ xindi stuff is.

we want to talk more about getting back to basics.. you know - klingons, romulans, etc.. (andorians and tholians show up more frequently?)


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Re: Berman going? Let it be true
« Reply #52 on: February 24, 2004, 09:17:51 pm »

doing the whole temporal cold war/ time garbage/ xindi stuff is.  

But this is what Berman wanted to do from the begining.... he wanted 'time cops' from a future Federation..... he was forced to do a prequel and added the time cops element anyways.

Fire his @$$.... they should make the Sulu/Excelsior adventures before George Takei gets to damn old....


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Re: Berman going? Let it be true
« Reply #53 on: February 24, 2004, 09:34:48 pm »
Sadly George is getting pretty old, but I'd still like to see him in action.  I would have loved to see Captain Sulu and the Excelsior rather than most of the Trek series we've been given (heck, I'd rather watch that than TNG, DS9, or Voyager).  It's obvious B&B do what they want, as it's always about some temporal/time something or other.  They need to go, and if I were the guys in charge I would have been pretty angry when they went and did the prequel as their time traveller story instead of doing it properly.

Heck, I think some of the stuff between the Andorians and the Vulcans could make for some really good T.V., but they never really go where they need to, they just use it as window dressing for filler episodes.  Sad, really.    


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Re: Berman going? Let it be true
« Reply #54 on: February 24, 2004, 09:48:23 pm »

  they should make the Sulu/Excelsior adventures before George Takei gets to damn old....  

i think this is what most fans want. i would LOVE to see this!

David Ferrell

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Re: Berman going? Let it be true
« Reply #55 on: February 24, 2004, 10:37:45 pm »
When I saw George Takei back in 2001 during an OP recording
session, he was still pretty spry.  However, time is a ticking.




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Re: Berman going? Let it be true
« Reply #56 on: February 24, 2004, 10:41:32 pm »

When I saw George Takei back in 2001 during an OP recording
session, he was still pretty spry.  However, time is a ticking.



That's pretty cool Dave, But yes that's what I would love to see also.

Can anyone remember how they felt when they first saw the Excelsior ? I was amazed, and knew Kirk would Get that ship in the long run. Of course It didn't turn out that way, But It was mega Great that Sulu got the ship.



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Re: Berman going? Let it be true
« Reply #57 on: February 24, 2004, 11:07:25 pm »
Kirk did get it briefly, if you read the DC Comics series of that time. It's not canon, but it was pretty cool.

I would also love to see the Sulu/Excelsior series, but I doubt it will happen. Would have been a great idea ten years ago. I bet it would have been waaaaaaay better than Voyager. 20/20 hindsight. George Takei will not appeal to a young audience, and that's what Viacom covets.  


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Re: Berman going? Let it be true
« Reply #58 on: February 24, 2004, 11:17:11 pm »


When I saw George Takei back in 2001 during an OP recording
session, he was still pretty spry.  However, time is a ticking.



That's pretty cool Dave, But yes that's what I would love to see also.

Can anyone remember how they felt when they first saw the Excelsior ? I was amazed, and knew Kirk would Get that ship in the long run. Of course It didn't turn out that way, But It was mega Great that Sulu got the ship.


Heh, I had kind of the opposite feeling.  I thought it was an OK ship (although I have really warmed up to the design in the last few years), but I never was really excited about Kirk commanding it.  It just wasn't the Enterprise, and that's where Kirk belonged.  I remember being in a preview of the movie with a bunch of Trek fans, and the crew are going to their new ship and closing on the Excelsior.  I was a little disappointed, it was cool that they would be in command of such a powerful ship, and it held possabilities, but  when the new Enterprise peaked out from behind, I kid you not, about everyone in the audience broke out into tears.  I have never witnessed a theatre audience react to any other movie that way.  Tells you something doesn't it?  

As to George, I saw him on TV doing hosting for something and he seemed a bit off, but who knows, it could just be circumstances and what not.  He surely isn't "that" old, and could probably still make a go of it.  As far as appealing to the younger crowd, the trick is to not have everyone in the crew be older.  Get a couple of fresh faces, and maybe a couple in between, and youve got a show.  The more I think about it, it could actually work (hey, maybe Christian Slater would pop up from time to time even.  He's not doing much these days anyway, right?).  The tough thing would be to avoid the temptation to bring in the old crew for gratuitous cameos.  Meaningful parts are OK, but bringing them in just to bring them in would be bad, imo.  


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Re: Berman going? Let it be true
« Reply #59 on: February 24, 2004, 11:32:18 pm »
well.. the younger crowd.. sure.. but there is a way to make excelsior appeal that way without sexing it up like B & B have done to enterprise (lowest common denominator)..

i mean, TNG appealed to youth.. as did the later parts of DS9 (if you follow my logic - anything which b and b didnt touch)..

i mean seriously, tng appealed to many youth.. as did some of the movies even.. what has been stupid are the cheesey time lines or poor plots. tng has but one real movie which people will want to see over and over again - first contact.

its not just because of the borg.. watch it and enjoy the human interaction and how they solve issues (hint, its not tech driven).. now what has made some of the more successful trek stuff.. whether its the later part of DS9, or the TNG story lines.. (or TOS stuff/TMP movies) was all about character driven conflict/resolutions - think about it.. some of the best eppisodes have the LEAST technobabble involved - and used.. or at very least that technobabble stuff is kept to where you dont notice it.

enterprise started out okay where people were important.. but again, insert temporal cold war, time-traveling technobabble and what do have.. probably the most UNtrek show to date. and they wonder why ratings drop?