Topic: What if I want too change races in D3?  (Read 2361 times)

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What if I want too change races in D3?
« on: January 30, 2004, 10:31:51 am »
I have been playing on the GAW server for a few days now, but I'm playing as fed.  I keep hearing all the negative talk that Feds are too powerful in the mod.  I would like too change from Fed too Klingon in order too prove people that other races have advantages over the feds.  

So I ask, can you change races on the D3 servers?


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Re: What if I want too change races in D3?
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2004, 10:46:21 am »
Two ways, either log in under a different e-mail address or after logging in you can hit the change character button but this will wipe out your current character and create a new one.

According to the rules of the server this is a violation.


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Re: What if I want too change races in D3?
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2004, 10:54:20 am »
Sorry but you can not change sides on the GAW server it is against the rules. Please PM myshelf and Nanner we will look in to leting you change side and let you know. This is the only way to change sides.  


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Re: What if I want too change races in D3?
« Reply #3 on: January 31, 2004, 06:39:48 pm »

I have been playing on the GAW server for a few days now, but I'm playing as fed.  I keep hearing all the negative talk that Feds are too powerful in the mod.  I would like too change from Fed too Klingon in order too prove people that other races have advantages over the feds.  

So I ask, can you change races on the D3 servers?  

Server rules prohibit changing races once you create a character.  This is to prevent "bandwagon jumping", as the intension is to play the server to the bitter or sweet end.

The server admins may allow you to change sides.

As the klingon RM for GAW I would be happy to have another warrior join the empire.

As to the negative talk about the feds being too powerful is........    well...... perception.

Every race has strengths and weaknesses.  The mod has like anyother mod been tweaked and like anything else created by man is not perfect.  Each race has been given a strength and a weakness, that is what racial flavour is all about.

But we cannot fix the imperfections without playing it out.  Feed back I am sure Nanner is always open to for helping to improve for the next mod.  


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Re: What if I want too change races in D3?
« Reply #4 on: January 31, 2004, 07:31:47 pm »
I think the Federation does have an advantage over the other races through better weapon arcs, better weapons, shields, armor and numbers. But that is how the Fed's always have been. The romulans advantage is their plasma, up close, you're done. As for Klingons, we are like the French, we crumple at the first signs of fire.

Honestly, I think things are going pretty well in the balance side, from what little I have seen. The biggest issue is numbers, the Klingons and allies just cant field the constant numbers of the Fed's during the day, at night it seems pretty balanced. How will this fair? who knows. In previous campaigns the Klingons have developed much better teamwork then the other races which is what wins us our battles. Unfortunatly it looks as if the Federation and Romulans with their fleets have discovered this finally and it may prove to be our undoing. Anyways, ill be there to fight the oncoming storm. I cant wait for my crew to get a little better and then maybe I will do some real Van Damage.


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Re: What if I want too change races in D3?
« Reply #5 on: January 31, 2004, 07:45:27 pm »
So I just got my computer upgraded and goin' good again, and I am compelled to re-join the Empire.

However, with all the patch controversy, I thought there was still too many problems.

Obviously you guys don't feel that way, are there any major problems or exploits I should watch out for after joining your server campaign?

If not, sign me up!  - I crave the sights and sound of  battle again!!

(and could you point an old warrior in the right direction)

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Lono »


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Re: What if I want too change races in D3?
« Reply #6 on: January 31, 2004, 07:55:19 pm »
toten is right.

btw EE, i would ask you to look at some of those figures. yes feds have better shields.. but not better armor, engine efficiency and a number of other things. it is all about racial flavor and how eacy ship (weapon) acts as a package.

for instance, did you know that a q torp only has .4 damage per turn more.. while the poloran can pass through shielding ~ 10% of the time (q torps have prox setting and 5 more range, so in my book, that compenstates it).

as with all mods, it will never be perfect, but we are constantly working on it to give it our best shot. i am always flattered and thankful for those who try the mod.

thank you.


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Re: What if I want too change races in D3?
« Reply #7 on: January 31, 2004, 08:40:10 pm »

toten is right.

btw EE, i would ask you to look at some of those figures. yes feds have better shields.. but not better armor, engine efficiency and a number of other things. it is all about racial flavor and how eacy ship (weapon) acts as a package.

for instance, did you know that a q torp only has .4 damage per turn more.. while the poloran can pass through shielding ~ 10% of the time (q torps have prox setting and 5 more range, so in my book, that compenstates it).

as with all mods, it will never be perfect, but we are constantly working on it to give it our best shot. i am always flattered and thankful for those who try the mod.

thank you.  

I thought the Fed's had better armor then the Klingons and Romulans. I dont know the specs for each races wepaons, armor and shields but I am just going on what I have seen. As for the Q Torps vs Polarons, balance is in the eye of the beholder. Trading .4 damage, 5 range and Proxie doesnt negate the lack or accuracy and the minimal passing through shields. I have only had 1 polaron pass through a shield in my 3 days of playing but that could be bad luck since i am full of it.

This was not a knock on the mod, I freaking love this mod and I think its the best thing for this game and so far the best one I have played to date.


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Re: What if I want too change races in D3?
« Reply #8 on: February 01, 2004, 08:06:40 am »

I think the Federation does have an advantage over the other races through better weapon arcs, better weapons, shields, armor and numbers. But that is how the Fed's always have been. The romulans advantage is their plasma, up close, you're done. As for Klingons, we are like the French, we crumple at the first signs of fire.
Honestly, I think things are going pretty well in the balance side, from what little I have seen. The biggest issue is numbers, the Klingons and allies just cant field the constant numbers of the Fed's during the day, at night it seems pretty balanced. How will this fair? who knows. In previous campaigns the Klingons have developed much better teamwork then the other races which is what wins us our battles. Unfortunatly it looks as if the Federation and Romulans with their fleets have discovered this finally and it may prove to be our undoing. Anyways, ill be there to fight the oncoming storm. I cant wait for my crew to get a little better and then maybe I will do some real Van Damage.  


I have looked over several times every races ships, advised upon changes to arcs, tile locations, masses,  typos etc.  However this is Nanner's mod and he has the final say about his creation, BUT he is open to suggestions and adjustments.  Once the campaign begins tho changes become more difficult to do as they require each player to download a newer server patch, NOT a new entire game patch (which weighs in about 180Meg)  just a small one (about 2-5meg).

And like the french I intend to continue to make pastries (preferibley donuts), act snotty to everyone, always talk the worst trash talk in a very pleasant manner, make the best "whines", always ask for and support  "cheeze",  and best but not last "NEVER INVADE MY ENEMIES WITHOUT TAKING THE CAPITAL".  (beware federation and romulan homeworlds)

If I tried to sum up the races....
Romulans - hit like sledge hammers for heavies, have power pig primaries, decent armour, and medeocre shields, mass, power  etc.
Feds - hit relatively heavy, have some 360 arcs, and some 180 arcs but mostly 90 arcs, best sheilds, and decent power, and good armour
Klingons - low end heavies (but polerons can leak thru shield and kill officers or at least injure them), most primary arcs are 180's to 270's, engines are decent, thrusters are the best in the game, armour is decent etc
Dominion Axis - since they are made up of breen, jemhadar, cardies, ISC etc their ships tend to be absolute sledge hammers in the front end, have decent power, WICKED amounts of front end heavies, decent primary arcs, more "free hits" as hulls on the ship definitions, decent power, low end thrusters, low end shields, lowest armour efficiency, BUT WICKED warp cores.

These are all numbers that the keeners immediately began to give good feed back to nanner on for play balance.  As we went into this game several sides claimed "nerfing" in private and those issues were dealt with in a timely fashion.  However those same "nerfed" ships are litterally wiping the skys of players in PvP right now.

Like any mod, the flavour and intent of the mod set up needs to be accepted for what it is, which is a fundamental rethink of how the "universe works", and in that end to jump from mod to mod and expect the same tactics to work is folly.  Hell isnt that the point of making a mod?  To make things new fresh and exciting.  I would commend anyone who has the love of the game and time to spend, on such work.  Imagine there were 10 mods up at once and they were all the same in all settings.  We might as well unpatch and go back to the activision original settings for servers and watch the player participation die away.

Because we can sit here and critique (not critisize, we are all beyond that i would hope), the pros cons and "fun factor" of a mod is a HUGE thankyou to the modders themselves, because we care enough about the game to want to see the best, most fun, and enjoyable gamming for ALL PLAYERS.


As to player number balances, what I have seen that is moderately successful is...
1) post intend to fly race "xxx" thread at a neutral formum such as taldren where alot of players congregate, to get a feel for the potential player base numbers
2) enforce a "cannot change race" rule, in the past I have seen en mass "bandwagon jumping"
3) force a sign up, where each player must declare his race then receive the password to get onto the server
4) allow some players with Server Admin permission to change races if the numbers are untenable for balance, historically I would pit 10 organized players on a voice chat program (TS, RW or battle com) vs any 30 other disorganized players not on one any day. "its who gets there the fastest with the mostest"

Barring human anomolies like flufbot2004 which dont eat, sleep, go to the head or blink apparently, can cause some effectiveness issues where one nutter is worth 5 or so flyby nighter players.   This has to be accepted as some players (like my self as time permits) will be on hours per day, other players may only be on hours per week or hours per entire campaign.  Whats up with this real life thing anyways,  is there a link where i can down load the demo, I hear so much about it, just wanted to try it out.

So in closing remember the mantra....
"It's all FLUF's FAULT"
, unless it actually is fluf's fault, then you can blame kortez (he hasnt be blamed with much lately and may feel left out), dont try blaming the romulans, they will just deny it, then they will deny the denial, then the talshiar will step in and deny the denial of the denial, then the romulan senate will step in to deny the denial of the talshiar denial and ...... well you get the point  


  • Guest
Re: What if I want too change races in D3?
« Reply #9 on: February 01, 2004, 12:49:50 pm »
that is the best summary i have seen to date toten.

and yes, it really is fluf's fault.


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Re: What if I want too change races in D3?
« Reply #10 on: February 01, 2004, 01:09:56 pm »


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What if I want too change races in D3?
« Reply #11 on: January 30, 2004, 10:31:51 am »
I have been playing on the GAW server for a few days now, but I'm playing as fed.  I keep hearing all the negative talk that Feds are too powerful in the mod.  I would like too change from Fed too Klingon in order too prove people that other races have advantages over the feds.  

So I ask, can you change races on the D3 servers?


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Re: What if I want too change races in D3?
« Reply #12 on: January 30, 2004, 10:46:21 am »
Two ways, either log in under a different e-mail address or after logging in you can hit the change character button but this will wipe out your current character and create a new one.

According to the rules of the server this is a violation.


  • Guest
Re: What if I want too change races in D3?
« Reply #13 on: January 30, 2004, 10:54:20 am »
Sorry but you can not change sides on the GAW server it is against the rules. Please PM myshelf and Nanner we will look in to leting you change side and let you know. This is the only way to change sides.  


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Re: What if I want too change races in D3?
« Reply #14 on: January 31, 2004, 06:39:48 pm »

I have been playing on the GAW server for a few days now, but I'm playing as fed.  I keep hearing all the negative talk that Feds are too powerful in the mod.  I would like too change from Fed too Klingon in order too prove people that other races have advantages over the feds.  

So I ask, can you change races on the D3 servers?  

Server rules prohibit changing races once you create a character.  This is to prevent "bandwagon jumping", as the intension is to play the server to the bitter or sweet end.

The server admins may allow you to change sides.

As the klingon RM for GAW I would be happy to have another warrior join the empire.

As to the negative talk about the feds being too powerful is........    well...... perception.

Every race has strengths and weaknesses.  The mod has like anyother mod been tweaked and like anything else created by man is not perfect.  Each race has been given a strength and a weakness, that is what racial flavour is all about.

But we cannot fix the imperfections without playing it out.  Feed back I am sure Nanner is always open to for helping to improve for the next mod.  


  • Guest
Re: What if I want too change races in D3?
« Reply #15 on: January 31, 2004, 07:31:47 pm »
I think the Federation does have an advantage over the other races through better weapon arcs, better weapons, shields, armor and numbers. But that is how the Fed's always have been. The romulans advantage is their plasma, up close, you're done. As for Klingons, we are like the French, we crumple at the first signs of fire.

Honestly, I think things are going pretty well in the balance side, from what little I have seen. The biggest issue is numbers, the Klingons and allies just cant field the constant numbers of the Fed's during the day, at night it seems pretty balanced. How will this fair? who knows. In previous campaigns the Klingons have developed much better teamwork then the other races which is what wins us our battles. Unfortunatly it looks as if the Federation and Romulans with their fleets have discovered this finally and it may prove to be our undoing. Anyways, ill be there to fight the oncoming storm. I cant wait for my crew to get a little better and then maybe I will do some real Van Damage.


  • Guest
Re: What if I want too change races in D3?
« Reply #16 on: January 31, 2004, 07:45:27 pm »
So I just got my computer upgraded and goin' good again, and I am compelled to re-join the Empire.

However, with all the patch controversy, I thought there was still too many problems.

Obviously you guys don't feel that way, are there any major problems or exploits I should watch out for after joining your server campaign?

If not, sign me up!  - I crave the sights and sound of  battle again!!

(and could you point an old warrior in the right direction)

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Lono »


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Re: What if I want too change races in D3?
« Reply #17 on: January 31, 2004, 07:55:19 pm »
toten is right.

btw EE, i would ask you to look at some of those figures. yes feds have better shields.. but not better armor, engine efficiency and a number of other things. it is all about racial flavor and how eacy ship (weapon) acts as a package.

for instance, did you know that a q torp only has .4 damage per turn more.. while the poloran can pass through shielding ~ 10% of the time (q torps have prox setting and 5 more range, so in my book, that compenstates it).

as with all mods, it will never be perfect, but we are constantly working on it to give it our best shot. i am always flattered and thankful for those who try the mod.

thank you.


  • Guest
Re: What if I want too change races in D3?
« Reply #18 on: January 31, 2004, 08:40:10 pm »

toten is right.

btw EE, i would ask you to look at some of those figures. yes feds have better shields.. but not better armor, engine efficiency and a number of other things. it is all about racial flavor and how eacy ship (weapon) acts as a package.

for instance, did you know that a q torp only has .4 damage per turn more.. while the poloran can pass through shielding ~ 10% of the time (q torps have prox setting and 5 more range, so in my book, that compenstates it).

as with all mods, it will never be perfect, but we are constantly working on it to give it our best shot. i am always flattered and thankful for those who try the mod.

thank you.  

I thought the Fed's had better armor then the Klingons and Romulans. I dont know the specs for each races wepaons, armor and shields but I am just going on what I have seen. As for the Q Torps vs Polarons, balance is in the eye of the beholder. Trading .4 damage, 5 range and Proxie doesnt negate the lack or accuracy and the minimal passing through shields. I have only had 1 polaron pass through a shield in my 3 days of playing but that could be bad luck since i am full of it.

This was not a knock on the mod, I freaking love this mod and I think its the best thing for this game and so far the best one I have played to date.


  • Guest
Re: What if I want too change races in D3?
« Reply #19 on: February 01, 2004, 08:06:40 am »

I think the Federation does have an advantage over the other races through better weapon arcs, better weapons, shields, armor and numbers. But that is how the Fed's always have been. The romulans advantage is their plasma, up close, you're done. As for Klingons, we are like the French, we crumple at the first signs of fire.
Honestly, I think things are going pretty well in the balance side, from what little I have seen. The biggest issue is numbers, the Klingons and allies just cant field the constant numbers of the Fed's during the day, at night it seems pretty balanced. How will this fair? who knows. In previous campaigns the Klingons have developed much better teamwork then the other races which is what wins us our battles. Unfortunatly it looks as if the Federation and Romulans with their fleets have discovered this finally and it may prove to be our undoing. Anyways, ill be there to fight the oncoming storm. I cant wait for my crew to get a little better and then maybe I will do some real Van Damage.  


I have looked over several times every races ships, advised upon changes to arcs, tile locations, masses,  typos etc.  However this is Nanner's mod and he has the final say about his creation, BUT he is open to suggestions and adjustments.  Once the campaign begins tho changes become more difficult to do as they require each player to download a newer server patch, NOT a new entire game patch (which weighs in about 180Meg)  just a small one (about 2-5meg).

And like the french I intend to continue to make pastries (preferibley donuts), act snotty to everyone, always talk the worst trash talk in a very pleasant manner, make the best "whines", always ask for and support  "cheeze",  and best but not last "NEVER INVADE MY ENEMIES WITHOUT TAKING THE CAPITAL".  (beware federation and romulan homeworlds)

If I tried to sum up the races....
Romulans - hit like sledge hammers for heavies, have power pig primaries, decent armour, and medeocre shields, mass, power  etc.
Feds - hit relatively heavy, have some 360 arcs, and some 180 arcs but mostly 90 arcs, best sheilds, and decent power, and good armour
Klingons - low end heavies (but polerons can leak thru shield and kill officers or at least injure them), most primary arcs are 180's to 270's, engines are decent, thrusters are the best in the game, armour is decent etc
Dominion Axis - since they are made up of breen, jemhadar, cardies, ISC etc their ships tend to be absolute sledge hammers in the front end, have decent power, WICKED amounts of front end heavies, decent primary arcs, more "free hits" as hulls on the ship definitions, decent power, low end thrusters, low end shields, lowest armour efficiency, BUT WICKED warp cores.

These are all numbers that the keeners immediately began to give good feed back to nanner on for play balance.  As we went into this game several sides claimed "nerfing" in private and those issues were dealt with in a timely fashion.  However those same "nerfed" ships are litterally wiping the skys of players in PvP right now.

Like any mod, the flavour and intent of the mod set up needs to be accepted for what it is, which is a fundamental rethink of how the "universe works", and in that end to jump from mod to mod and expect the same tactics to work is folly.  Hell isnt that the point of making a mod?  To make things new fresh and exciting.  I would commend anyone who has the love of the game and time to spend, on such work.  Imagine there were 10 mods up at once and they were all the same in all settings.  We might as well unpatch and go back to the activision original settings for servers and watch the player participation die away.

Because we can sit here and critique (not critisize, we are all beyond that i would hope), the pros cons and "fun factor" of a mod is a HUGE thankyou to the modders themselves, because we care enough about the game to want to see the best, most fun, and enjoyable gamming for ALL PLAYERS.


As to player number balances, what I have seen that is moderately successful is...
1) post intend to fly race "xxx" thread at a neutral formum such as taldren where alot of players congregate, to get a feel for the potential player base numbers
2) enforce a "cannot change race" rule, in the past I have seen en mass "bandwagon jumping"
3) force a sign up, where each player must declare his race then receive the password to get onto the server
4) allow some players with Server Admin permission to change races if the numbers are untenable for balance, historically I would pit 10 organized players on a voice chat program (TS, RW or battle com) vs any 30 other disorganized players not on one any day. "its who gets there the fastest with the mostest"

Barring human anomolies like flufbot2004 which dont eat, sleep, go to the head or blink apparently, can cause some effectiveness issues where one nutter is worth 5 or so flyby nighter players.   This has to be accepted as some players (like my self as time permits) will be on hours per day, other players may only be on hours per week or hours per entire campaign.  Whats up with this real life thing anyways,  is there a link where i can down load the demo, I hear so much about it, just wanted to try it out.

So in closing remember the mantra....
"It's all FLUF's FAULT"
, unless it actually is fluf's fault, then you can blame kortez (he hasnt be blamed with much lately and may feel left out), dont try blaming the romulans, they will just deny it, then they will deny the denial, then the talshiar will step in and deny the denial of the denial, then the romulan senate will step in to deny the denial of the talshiar denial and ...... well you get the point  


  • Guest
Re: What if I want too change races in D3?
« Reply #20 on: February 01, 2004, 12:49:50 pm »
that is the best summary i have seen to date toten.

and yes, it really is fluf's fault.


  • Guest
Re: What if I want too change races in D3?
« Reply #21 on: February 01, 2004, 01:09:56 pm »