Topic: PF's Possibilities???  (Read 3178 times)

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Re: PF's Possibilities???
« Reply #20 on: February 06, 2004, 02:15:43 pm »

.. as you know, SQL servers for OP is now a reality.. and I've been toying with the idea that ships captured in PvP COULD be kept by the winning player..

.. well..
.. this thread raises an issue similar to the result of such a capture..
What if a fighter-type race player captures a PF-type carrier ship from another player? How would replenishing this ship happen? Would the spacedock show only the player's race OWN fighters? How does this work?

.. the answer: the spacedock for such events would have to be implemented via some kind of SQL-capable interface. With a well-planned interface, a player could go and do his custom purchases there and not use the D2's own interface. Perl. PHP. C. It doesn't matter what language, just as long as it's well made, and talks to the SQL server.

-- Luc  


1) WOW!!  That is sweet!!

2) Could these captured ships be 'converted' ala the H-D7H?  That means replacing heavy weapons of the captured race with weapons from the capturing race.... like ships here are done.

3) Will the captured ship(s) be added to the player's fleet?  If it is possible and implemented, then can those ships be sold off for PP profit?!?!?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by TOCXOBearslayer »


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Re: PF's Possibilities???
« Reply #21 on: February 06, 2004, 03:36:41 pm »


.. as you know, SQL servers for OP is now a reality.. and I've been toying with the idea that ships captured in PvP COULD be kept by the winning player..

.. well..
.. this thread raises an issue similar to the result of such a capture..
What if a fighter-type race player captures a PF-type carrier ship from another player? How would replenishing this ship happen? Would the spacedock show only the player's race OWN fighters? How does this work?

.. the answer: the spacedock for such events would have to be implemented via some kind of SQL-capable interface. With a well-planned interface, a player could go and do his custom purchases there and not use the D2's own interface. Perl. PHP. C. It doesn't matter what language, just as long as it's well made, and talks to the SQL server.

-- Luc  


1) WOW!!  That is sweet!!

2) Could these captured ships be 'converted' ala the H-D7H?  That means replacing heavy weapons of the captured race with weapons from the capturing race.... like ships here are done.

3) Will the captured ship(s) be added to the player's fleet?  If it is possible and implemented, then can those ships be sold off for PP profit?!?!?  

2- hm.. I don't know enough about editing the entry for such ships.. but..
.. suppose the ship's data is stored in the player's entry.. Each mountpoint's data is stored,right? It remembers which weapons were damaged in previous fights, so that's gotta be stored somewhere. Well..

.. what if we change those weapons based on the "Brothers of the Anarchist" conversion rules.. (not completed yet). Yes, the ships on the phD site is a good example, but these are created based on the rules from Captain's Logs.. the Mountpoints would have to be in the SAME locations as the weapons they replace, so that they remain compatible to the UI.

HOWEVER.. if the script uses MagnumMan's shiplist API, expect it to be confused if you're doing stuff dealing with weapons. It will also be useless if the ship's designation is changed. There are all sorts of caveats here. So maybe it's best to repair and maintain these ships as they were, with the original race's technology intact.

ALSO, you gotta consider a cost for converting these ships to your race's technology, not to mention an initial EXPENSIVE repair cost..

3- yeah, they could be sold for a profit. This might be the prefered reward here. I mean, cmon.. .. just HOW often are ships captured? It's PvP... it's for real, and not against an AI. If you captured an enemy's ship, you really should be rewarded for the massive intel you might just have gathered.. not to mention the raw materials, and yes.. the PRESTIGE..

-- Luc


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Re: PF's Possibilities???
« Reply #22 on: February 06, 2004, 03:52:51 pm »

3- yeah, they could be sold for a profit. This might be the prefered reward here. I mean, cmon.. .. just HOW often are ships captured? It's PvP... it's for real, and not against an AI. If you captured an enemy's ship, you really should be rewarded for the massive intel you might just have gathered.. not to mention the raw materials, and yes.. the PRESTIGE..

-- Luc

It happens rarely enough that this can be done manually is need be.

Remember that Romulan DN that got captured on SS2?  Imagine how evil it would be if the player who captured it was allowed to fly it    


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Re: PF's Possibilities???
« Reply #23 on: February 06, 2004, 04:28:16 pm »


3- yeah, they could be sold for a profit. This might be the prefered reward here. I mean, cmon.. .. just HOW often are ships captured? It's PvP... it's for real, and not against an AI. If you captured an enemy's ship, you really should be rewarded for the massive intel you might just have gathered.. not to mention the raw materials, and yes.. the PRESTIGE..

-- Luc

It happens rarely enough that this can be done manually is need be.

Remember that Romulan DN that got captured on SS2?  Imagine how evil it would be if the player who captured it was allowed to fly it    

Why not?


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Re: PF's Possibilities???
« Reply #24 on: February 06, 2004, 05:04:49 pm »
This should be doable with SQL enabled missions (Darkelf and Tracey being the resident experts on that as far as I know:
 SQL Mission Testing....
and  Breaking new ground with Mission Scripting and SQL ) and definite blob structures.  
« Last Edit: February 06, 2004, 05:08:33 pm by Bonk »

Jaeih t`Radaik

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Re: PF's Possibilities???
« Reply #25 on: February 11, 2004, 02:29:19 am »
Hi all, I'm a newbie to the General Discussion boards (I've only ever hung around on the Fan Fic forum), but now I'm branching out. So, "Hello!"


That was along the lines of a refit system I think would be cool.  Give everyone stock ships, but as upgrades become "available" you can go to a web based refit utility and refit your ships in your fleet (so in effect it becomes like the refit system in SFC1).  There are a lot of cool things that could be done now, I just hope it's worth it and that there is enough interest to develop, since the game is so old (but we always see people coming back, which is rather telling, isn't it )  

I think this would be really cool. I'd love to see it implemented, as I loved the ability to 'refit' my ship in SFC1. It's one of the things I really miss about SFC1. That, and the individual ship names.

I am, as ever,