To me there has never been any contest. Hoshi is the hottest thing going on Enterprise. Hotter than the slave girls, the aliens, you name it. She is very yummy.
I haven't ever been that big a fan of the chicks with fake breasts with spray on clothes. It is very clear that T'Pol is an attempt at recreating 7 (and why not, that tactic saved Voyager for a while?), I mean there is absolutely no precident for her clothing. She didn't wear them when she was on earth, she just suddenly springs out the skin tight wardrobe once she get's onboard. Why? Only one reason, which is to throw out reason and blatantly appeal to pubescent boys (and pubescent lesbians I suppose). Are her fish lips as bad as when the series started? I haven't really payed as much attention, they were just really bad when it started. Big old eternal pucker going on. Geeze.