Well, you are off to a splendid start.
As far as those front pod mounted 'docking collars' that I thgought were photon hardpoints... They are deceiving.
If I understand you correctly, they are docking collars... they suck.
You dont need docking collars on the front. Just the back. Beside, thats too cramped an area with it recessed and all. I dont like it. Just a nit pick. On the plus side, having something there does break up a large piece of flat mesh...
You mentioned the photon tubes being mounted under the impulse... Good place, just dont make em look whimpy. Go for a strong look like the Connie at least. I have seen some that are added as an after thought rather than looking like they belong there and as a result... they suck. With your model looking so 'right' so far, I expect them to 'look' like they belong.
Your model is spoiling me... I expect to see soemthing other than a simple texture stuck to the back of a flat mesh... hehe.
You also mentioned the other FA tubes being mounted singularly on the warp pylon or above it? I think that will be an interesting look. Gotta stand out tho. We need to be able to see the photon tubes from a distance. Caution with the Pylons. The Chandley is a beast of a ship to look at. Its like a bully compared to other fed ships. But sometimes when you add the pylons and warp engines, it breaks the look. Makes em sissy looking. Fragile. Whimpy. Make it good, DestinyCalling!
So far i like... The Chandley, or those that have been done, I think I have 2x versions of the Northhampton as well, are almost beens. Er rather they were almost there enough in textures and mesh for me to put them in the game and use em as models. Almost been good enough. Yours looks good enough. So far.