Taldrenites > General Starfleet Command Forum
ACK! Turn off the alternating colors please!
Also the shceme is a little different from what I see:
Bold Sand and White Color alternate for threads I did NOT vist that HAVE new posts
Bold Cyan for threads I DID visit that HAVE new posts
Regular Sand for threads I did NOTvist that has NO new posts
Regular Cyan for threads I DID visit that have NO new posts
--- End quote ---
That's kind of what I see. I get...
Thread with new replies - bold gold
Thread with new replies - bold white
Thread with new replies - bold gold
Thread with new replies - bold white
Thread with no new replies that I haven't visited lately - reg gold
Thread with unread replies that I didn't read the last time I logged on - reg gold
Thread with no new replies that I visited today - reg cyan
I checked all the settings I could find and nothing seems to affect the alternating gold and white threads that have new replies.
I wonder if it's browser dependent? I'm running Mozilla 1.3.1a, myself.
Just make all of the unread new posts bold white. I find it hard to scan the new posts with the current alternating scheme.
Come on guys, please fix the forums. Or if there is a way for us to set our preferences to fix the problem, please tell us how...
Click on My Home.
Click on the Edit link for 'Display preferences, number of shown threads, languages, colors... '
Use the drop-down list under 'Which style sheet (skin) do you want to use for your display?' to set a style sheet.
May I suggest the Infopop one? I didn't realize how much this forum was taxing my eyes until I switched over to the Infopop stylesheet and felt the muscles around my eyes relaxing. Much, much better.
I think I'd rather put up with the alternating unread posts. The white background just makes things worse.
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