Well, I'm not familiar with the Empires online campaign. I guess you could say that I'm interested in the theory behind the game. (Specifically in single player.)
For example, a thought that crossed my mind was something of the following. In the game, hexes with planets and bases allow you to 'purchase' and 'trade in' ships. Now, I suppose that planets and bases house shipbuilding facilities. So each planet and starbase must draw on those economy points somehow and convert them into ships.
I guess my curiousity stems from this: how do planets and bases draw economy points? Do they only draw points from surrounding hexes, or is the empire economy point reserve instantaneously spread to where they are needed? If the latter is the case, then:
a) Where are economic points spread from? Is there some sort of 'lines of supply'? For example, if a base is completely surrounded by enemy or neutral hexes, does the number of ships available for purchasing at that base slowly dwindle as its shipyards no longer have the resources necessary to build ships?
b) If there is a line of supply, is there a way to disrupt the flow of supply, aside from just cutting off a receiving centre completely? For example, in SFC there are convoy-interception missions. Depending on your success at destroying the freighters, does this translate into diminished production somewhere else in the enemy's empire? So if you wipe out a convoy, some base or planet all of a sudden doesn't produce ships the next turn, or produces fewer ships, or smaller ships?
Then, is there some corrolation between economic points available and the number and type of ships produced? Is there some 'secret' statistics in the game stating that it takes x number of points to produce a certain type of ship? And another thing, how does the game determine what ships are available for purchasing (aside from the 'first-' and 'last-available' dates) ? I have no experience with SFB, but from what I can gather, battleships take some time to build. But in the game, you can purchase a battleship one turn, and another battleship becomes available for purchase at the same base the following turn, and the next turn, etc..
I'm probably thinking a bit too deeply into the subject, and I have that unfortunate suspicion that the model in SFC is much more simplistic than my questions would hope for. If it is simplistic, than I hope for a great and complex system in the next SFC!
State that SFC: OP puts me in ->
State that I put myself in ->