I am playing OP single player using the amalgamated campaign with the Tracey G, Karnak, and NW missions combined. I have been experiencing frequent CTD. At first, I thought it might be a bad shiplist entry, but thanks to FireSoul's excellent model checking skirmish script, I have ruled this out (thank you very very much

I have narrowed the problem down to the Tracey G "EnPtrlx_OP" missions, where x is A,B,C, or D. The problem occurs every time the enemy AI has three opposing ships, regardless of how many ships are on the player team. As soon as the first enemy ship is destroyed, there is a couple of seconds delay, the game freezes up, white screen, and error message. This is very repeatible.
Has anyone else experienced this? Is this an artifact of single player vs. multiplayer design?
The must frustrating part of this for me is that the 3 on 1 missions are often very interesting and challenging strategically. It really hurts to maneuver around 3 opponents for an artful kill and then to lose the victory.