Topic: 28 Degrees wind chill 21 It damp chance of snow  (Read 8432 times)

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28 Degrees wind chill 21 It damp chance of snow
« Reply #40 on: January 20, 2004, 12:05:52 pm »
 And my back and hip are fing killing me.  And yes this was happening to me befor I had the wreck or even worked for them. Wreck just kinda made it worse. And befor anyone says it I still got No job, no insurance so no doctors, as I cant aford anymore bills.

 And considering how much Ive been turned down for aid Im kinda afraid to go down to the wellfare office. Dont think I could handle being told no again.  


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Re: 28 Degrees wind chill 21 It damp chance of snow
« Reply #41 on: January 20, 2004, 12:17:03 pm »
Damn K, where ya live for that kind of weather?

I think we have all been on some kind of aid at one time or another, be it family and friends, church, state, federal, etc... Do not be ashamed to ask. What I do not understand is how so many illegals get free healthcare and Americans like you with no money cannot, is why I get so pissed!  

This part is a joke, so lighten up, but YOUR President has PROMISED to HELP people just like YOU!

Millions of uninsured Americans onto health care service rolls. Sorry Bush, I'm not buying, you said that one before MANY times, like last year?    


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Re: 28 Degrees wind chill 21 It damp chance of snow
« Reply #42 on: January 20, 2004, 01:29:40 pm »
I live here in Kansas A right to work state, But the way people get around it you got to know the right people to get the good jobs, and sence that the aircraft plants here in town are layed off a bunch, I got to compeat with them, as well as illeagles.  

Now the weather man says by Thursday its going to be back into the 50's.   God I hate this state.

Whats the job market like down your way, mainly feed hauling is what im trying to get back into.


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Re: 28 Degrees wind chill 21 It damp chance of snow
« Reply #43 on: January 20, 2004, 01:44:53 pm »
Austin? Unless you are a P/C guru forget it, ask Seth, my town is called Silicon Hills. All the beautiful countryside that was once ranchland disappeared when the computer companies from Cali and Japan moved here   Cost of living went through the ROOF!

Seth and Stephen may know more since they live in areas that still have ranches. I seem to recall a fellow forum member posting he would be going back to work in feed hauling, cannot remember who it was though.

I wish that we had people from N.M. on the forums, as they replaced Texas long ago as the king of cattle ranching.

Are you a vet perhaps? Doesn't matter if wartime or not, if you have no resources or insurance you can get FREE healthcare from them. They also have places to stay, food, and job training aids. And believe me, by places to stay I mean nice places, not some rathole halfway house or shelter. Trouble is, some people will not leave and just live off the govt. for free even though they get a disability check    


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Re: 28 Degrees wind chill 21 It damp chance of snow
« Reply #44 on: January 20, 2004, 01:56:24 pm »
National Guard  only stayed in for four years tho, kept haveing feet problems, never wore boots till I joined the guard., found out the hard way I could not ware them either but I tried .

And the only thing I get from the VA is a free dental exsame.

Hell My father served in ww2 Drafted right after Perl Harbor but was discharged for getting sick, never saw any combat because of it, got clasified 4f as well,and he never got any benefits either from them, other than the free flag and headstone when he died last year. No other help whatsoever.


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Re: 28 Degrees wind chill 21 It damp chance of snow
« Reply #45 on: January 20, 2004, 02:06:04 pm »
Contact a personal injury lawyer in your county.   There may be something out there of which you are unaware.



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Re: 28 Degrees wind chill 21 It damp chance of snow
« Reply #46 on: January 20, 2004, 04:29:00 pm »
65 degrees and sunny here in Phoenix AZ.  It has been in the 70's during the pask week or so...heheh.  This ia a bit of a cold snap...  


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Re: 28 Degrees wind chill 21 It damp chance of snow
« Reply #47 on: January 21, 2004, 07:51:47 am »

65 degrees and sunny here in Phoenix AZ.  It has been in the 70's during the pask week or so...heheh.  This ia a bit of a cold snap...    

Oh shut up!  


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Re: 28 Degrees wind chill 21 It damp chance of snow
« Reply #48 on: January 21, 2004, 12:17:35 pm »'ll perhaps be happy to know that it's cloudy here in Phoenix, today...and chilly!  58 degrees!  

Time to put a coat on, eh?



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Re: 28 Degrees wind chill 21 It damp chance of snow
« Reply #49 on: January 26, 2004, 06:33:40 am »
arg! I woke up this morning to the news of -35°C temperature and -50°C with the windchill!!! Holy flesh freezing temperatures man - no exposed skin is the order of the day....  

Edit: that's -31°F and -58°F,  respectively... brrrr.....
« Last Edit: January 26, 2004, 04:40:48 pm by Bonk »


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Re: 28 Degrees wind chill 21 It damp chance of snow
« Reply #50 on: January 26, 2004, 02:06:05 pm »
I woke up this morning and it was 58 degree's at noon. Its downright COLD outside!


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Re: 28 Degrees wind chill 21 It damp chance of snow
« Reply #51 on: January 26, 2004, 02:54:16 pm »
<smacks EE with a herring>


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Re: 28 Degrees wind chill 21 It damp chance of snow
« Reply #52 on: January 26, 2004, 03:08:11 pm »

<smacks EE with a herring>  

My current temp


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Re: 28 Degrees wind chill 21 It damp chance of snow
« Reply #53 on: January 26, 2004, 03:14:03 pm »


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Re: 28 Degrees wind chill 21 It damp chance of snow
« Reply #54 on: January 26, 2004, 03:21:21 pm »

Note how lovely the week looks.



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Re: 28 Degrees wind chill 21 It damp chance of snow
« Reply #55 on: January 26, 2004, 03:31:36 pm »
Here is the one from CNN, someone is holding a match under the thermometer.  Tropical Duluth  Here is the real temp from the horses mouth.  The real Duluth    


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Re: 28 Degrees wind chill 21 It damp chance of snow
« Reply #56 on: January 26, 2004, 03:35:15 pm »
I'm a kind of in a tweener situation:

Mine half sunny, half a little cold

But we got no snow.

If we get an ice storm then more trees will die cuz they'll snap in half due to the ice weight on their branches. Still lotsa dead trees hanging around from the last big ice storm a few years ago.

But, all the accidents on the road should make the insurers grumble and await the new legal fees from the lawyers. Collision repair guys will be happy too, I guess.    


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Re: 28 Degrees wind chill 21 It damp chance of snow
« Reply #57 on: January 26, 2004, 03:52:35 pm »
Sad when you day temps are lower then our night temps. I could not handle that at all.


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Re: 28 Degrees wind chill 21 It damp chance of snow
« Reply #58 on: January 26, 2004, 06:08:45 pm »
  I have the air conditioner on so I won't sweat. It's been warm and rainy all day. We have had such mild winter, we only used the heat onyl a couple of days this season. MAybe a week and a half if you added it all up.

  Spring break starts in one month, the terror comes back to the beach to empty their wallets.


  Here's our current weather, HAHHA!
« Last Edit: January 26, 2004, 06:11:52 pm by Towelie »


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Re: 28 Degrees wind chill 21 It damp chance of snow
« Reply #59 on: January 27, 2004, 06:54:20 am »
Lexington, Kentucky, where winter storms generally come through when its 40, 32 or 25 outside.  The 32 degree ones are the most fun, especially when you're living on a court with a nice grade up to the main street.