Austin? Unless you are a P/C guru forget it, ask Seth, my town is called Silicon Hills. All the beautiful countryside that was once ranchland disappeared when the computer companies from Cali and Japan moved here

Cost of living went through the ROOF!
Seth and Stephen may know more since they live in areas that still have ranches. I seem to recall a fellow forum member posting he would be going back to work in feed hauling, cannot remember who it was though.
I wish that we had people from N.M. on the forums, as they replaced Texas long ago as the king of cattle ranching.
Are you a vet perhaps? Doesn't matter if wartime or not, if you have no resources or insurance you can get FREE healthcare from them. They also have places to stay, food, and job training aids. And believe me, by places to stay I mean nice places, not some rathole halfway house or shelter. Trouble is, some people will not leave and just live off the govt. for free even though they get a disability check