Wow, talk about similarities lol. hell, i just noticed only 3 parts differ (by brand) from our systems lol
and i definatly agree, compass and the rations are definatly neccesary.... though a map would keep me from getting lost in the cable forest in there (need to get some round ones, the flat ide cables are pissing me off lol) hmmm.... i did think it was 30 some pounds.... must be me thinking of me sound system...oh well, alls i know is that it was a pain moving it from the first to second floor
oh and on a side note, the asus mobo does offer an oc feature which ocs it by a certain % (somthing i will need to check out in the dang book). when i feel comfortable that i got enough air flow then it will be time to see what mo power will do

. of course this will require 3 more fans for the case (can anyone say dust collector....) a larger heatsink and of course more wattage.