Topic: what to do from here?  (Read 1980 times)

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what to do from here?
« on: February 20, 2003, 05:40:53 pm »
I just made my first model in max 5 but i don't understand how to do the hardpoints and the put it in sfc 3

can someone help me please!

thank u  

Captain KoraH

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Re: what to do from here?
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2003, 06:12:37 pm »
The hardpoints are just dummy objects. You will need the Taldren Max plugin to Export the model in .mod format. Save the model (as a backup precaution), then just import a .mod SFC model, delete the actual model, and all the hardpoints and damage points would still be there for you to move onto your model. Then Export your model in .mod format, and put all the textures in the same folder. Name the model and the folder the same.

There are a lot of steps to adding a model to SFC3, but once you do them all once or twice, you will easily get the hang of it.

Here is what you need:

1. The Taldren Attribute editor (it adds glows to the model) package with sample UI backrounds.

2. D'Deridex's hardpoint utility

3. MS Excell (not mandatory, but REAL helpful)

Here is how you add the model to SFC3:

1. Finish the model.
   a. Hardpoints must be named correctly 1-11 for primary weapons and 12-21 for Heavies.
   b. Damage points must be named correctly. a1, a2, a3, b1, b2, b3 ect. You need to make A - F.
   c. Damage points must be placed on the model correctly. A is the front of the model, B is the right front, C is the right rear,
       D is the rear, E is the left rear, F is the left front.
   d. Name the model. (for example I'll use MODEL.mod as the name)
   e. Make a break model. Just take the model, delete all the hardpoints and damage points, then select bunches of vertexes
       and detach them as a object_01, object_02 ect. You must have at least 4 of these. When done, Export the model as
   f. save all the textures in the same folder as the model. All textures must be .bmp's sized in factors of 2, although they
      don't need to be squares. (ie: a texture bitmap sized 128x64 will work but 125x64 will not)
   e. Make damage textures. In photoshop, just copy the textures and darken them, then texturize or craquelaturize them.
       Name the damage textures thusly: MODELtex1.bmp becomes MODELtex1D.bmp. Save them in the same folder as the
   f. Use the Max renderer and the Taldren sample UI backrounds to make the in-game images of the model (Tactical
       Interface, Vessel Library and Beauty Shot... modelnameTI.bmp, modelnameVL.bmp and modelnameBS.bmp
       respectively) Save all these in the same folder as the .mod file and the textures.

There is a real good tutorial out there on how to do all this, but I have no idea where it is. Let me email you the package of all the stuff I'm talking about. I'm tired of typing... LOL



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Re: what to do from here?
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2003, 07:32:23 pm »
here is my email

Thanks in advance