Topic: Request: SFB based F-HDW for TMP era  (Read 4325 times)

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Re: Request: SFB based F-HDW for TMP era
« Reply #20 on: January 21, 2004, 08:46:11 pm »
a heavy war destroyer? hm, id love to see the spectre done. its a very nice ship wich looks fast and looks different from all those conny like ships.dont get me wrong - i love the conny and most of the kitbashes made of her parts but the feds can use some ships wich have an own style.

here are the pics from masaos ubercool starfleet museum site:

isnt that a beauty?

imagine the loadout of it: 10 standart phasers, 2 megaphasers and 4 torptubes (wich means 8 torpedos if those tubes are the same as on the conny refit)

the story behind the ships tells its a intellegence ship(i read something about a cloaking device buti might be wrong) but it think it would make a real cool wardestroyer or an x ship.

i love that design.
i know skinman began aspectre class ages ago. but someone should finaly bring the spectre to sfc. if someone would make that ship i would try to help whereve i can. i might make some textures for it (i cant aply them so the modeler should make some basic textures wich i would modify  ) or i would make some nosearts for it.

spectre class is just too cool


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Re: Request: SFB based F-HDW for TMP era
« Reply #21 on: January 21, 2004, 08:49:51 pm »
Dont get me wrong, i like the Spectre too, to an extent.

A) the markings arent pretty, i think, it looks too much like a ship the Orions would use, not the Federation
2) the nacelles. Round nacelles in TMP in my mind = bad.
III) the saucer doesnt look like a feddie design either

And where is the Deflector?


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Re: Request: SFB based F-HDW for TMP era
« Reply #22 on: January 21, 2004, 09:17:59 pm »
well , the saucer design my be alot different from other tmp ships but i dont think that would be so problematical.its not a very commen ship so it could be an experiment. and if the ship is a wardesroyer ,if its build for war, that saucer shape my give a smaler profile from above than a perfectly round saucer would. i dont care to much about markings , markings can be different from ship to ship - its a matter of taste i think.
the deflector might be in the small secondary hull or there might be a mirindalike deflector on the underside of the saucer section - i dont know but as it isnt shown in the picture its a matter of interpretation.
round engines? well they are rounded - but not realy round. excelsior nacces also are rounded sa that isnt a real argument.
however. i would love to see that ship in sfc. but thats just me. others might see this differently and thats whats discussion is all about. damn i love that forum  .





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Re: Request: SFB based F-HDW for TMP era
« Reply #23 on: January 21, 2004, 09:24:16 pm »
Excelsior Nacelles however have the length to balance its shape and size.

I am unsure why i dont like the spectre as much as other TMP ships.
Maybe im just biased

EDIT: fixed spelling.
« Last Edit: January 21, 2004, 09:31:34 pm by Fury_of_a_Seraph »

Rod O'neal

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Re: Request: SFB based F-HDW for TMP era
« Reply #24 on: January 21, 2004, 10:06:36 pm »

Ok here's my 2 cents on the subject


The Top is the Vigillance-Class (a little more daring )
The Bottom, the Alliance ( more Traditional??? )

I am working on the top Veiws now...but here is the Top saucer view of the Alliance


The nacelles are placed similar to the Constellation-Class...but will be wider apart...
sorta just past the sensor pallets (those long rectangles ) with Torpedo tudes in between them


WOW! I'm overwhelmed, man! Those are both really nice. Call me conservitive, but I like the bottom (traditional) design. Thanks a lot. Did someone say that they wanted to make one?  


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Re: Request: SFB based F-HDW for TMP era
« Reply #25 on: January 21, 2004, 10:42:49 pm »

I like the "Spectre" looks like a heavy fast attack . .  I can the forrunner of the Intrepid design in her lines.  2variants? excelsior and the short engines after all feds did experimental craft too!  The "splash" design on top different I dont mind it

Rod . .

I like the Vigillance  . . she a destroyer or maybe a New Fast Cruiser .   either way I can find room or make a class for that ship!




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Re: Request: SFB based F-HDW for TMP era
« Reply #26 on: January 21, 2004, 10:52:54 pm »
My email is in my bio.

Send me an email and I'll reply to it. Make sure you tell me what you want. Either the texture or the whole thing. I'll zip it to you.

Rod O'neal

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Re: Request: SFB based F-HDW for TMP era
« Reply #27 on: January 21, 2004, 11:11:32 pm »

what kind of ship it is?, i might not have it

It's in Stylsy's post for the terran retextures that he's done. Top center. He gives you credit for it.

I stole your pic, man. Thanks.  


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Re: Request: SFB based F-HDW for TMP era
« Reply #28 on: January 22, 2004, 04:24:56 am »
Hello All,I think all of you are phenom and then some when it comes to SFC models. Anyway, I have an older model that I found on a European site that may interest you.It's low poly and not very detailed but it is a start if you want I can send it to you.It sounds like what you're looking for as the spectre platform.  


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Re: Request: SFB based F-HDW for TMP era
« Reply #29 on: January 22, 2004, 05:53:09 am »

a heavy war destroyer? hm, id love to see the spectre done. its a very nice ship wich looks fast and looks different from all those conny like ships.dont get me wrong - i love the conny and most of the kitbashes made of her parts but the feds can use some ships wich have an own style.

here are the pics from masaos ubercool starfleet museum site:

isnt that a beauty?

imagine the loadout of it: 10 standart phasers, 2 megaphasers and 4 torptubes (wich means 8 torpedos if those tubes are the same as on the conny refit)

the story behind the ships tells its a intellegence ship(i read something about a cloaking device buti might be wrong) but it think it would make a real cool wardestroyer or an x ship.

i love that design.
i know skinman began aspectre class ages ago. but someone should finaly bring the spectre to sfc. if someone would make that ship i would try to help whereve i can. i might make some textures for it (i cant aply them so the modeler should make some basic textures wich i would modify  ) or i would make some nosearts for it.

spectre class is just too cool  

ABout this thing.. I've done some work in the past for a smaller class of ship. However, I kept the WIPs which could be used to create something similar to this. I used the lotus cargo ship's nose.. (Kobayashi Maru markings are still present.

If this is what you're looking for, then I think a bit of retexturing is all you need.



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Re: Request: SFB based F-HDW for TMP era
« Reply #30 on: January 22, 2004, 07:30:36 am »
Looks like a mauler FS. DO the feds get maulers?


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Re: Request: SFB based F-HDW for TMP era
« Reply #31 on: January 22, 2004, 07:53:12 am »

Looks like a mauler FS. DO the feds get maulers?  

No.. but I was thinking more of a Fast Destroyer which also do not exist.


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Re: Request: SFB based F-HDW for TMP era
« Reply #32 on: January 22, 2004, 08:04:09 am »
It may just be a cool new Xship.

Mooonraker did this:

Did u get the CAD, FS?

Lets chat about it b4 u go posting it. See if any changes need to be made. Ive had requests for it.


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Re: Request: SFB based F-HDW for TMP era
« Reply #33 on: January 23, 2004, 10:57:31 am »


what kind of ship it is?, i might not have it

It's in Stylsy's post for the terran retextures that he's done. Top center. He gives you credit for it.

I stole your pic, man. Thanks.    

its supose to be a cheetah class  but i don't care what name is call


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Re: Request: SFB based F-HDW for TMP era
« Reply #34 on: January 23, 2004, 11:00:48 am »

It may just be a cool new Xship.

Mooonraker did this:

Did u get the CAD, FS?

Lets chat about it b4 u go posting it. See if any changes need to be made. Ive had requests for it.  

i got this one, i can put it on my website, its a new york class heavy destroyer


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Re: Request: SFB based F-HDW for TMP era
« Reply #35 on: January 23, 2004, 01:47:33 pm »
do any of you know if the gays at sci-fi art give prmtions to convert ther ships besides thachy that is i know hes got some sort of an esue with pepole converting his work i also know that there is at leest one romulan ship out there from sci-fi art
but im talking abault the fed ships are there any ?