Topic: Sigh, Superman movie? It gets even lamer..... all inside  (Read 8800 times)

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Sigh, Superman movie? It gets even lamer..... all inside
« on: January 20, 2004, 01:25:00 pm »
Found this at:

Superman Punk'd?


Everything seems to be falling into place for a new SUPERMAN movie. The sweet website, has all but officially announced that the new Man of Steel production will be moving to the Fox Studios in Sydney, Australia as soon as they're done with the filming of STEALTH. Click here for the entire article. Things are to start rolling in about three months, which would mean they might want some sort of a cast for director McG. That brings us to the true meaning of this story. Selma Blair has recently stated that she's "this close" to landing a key role in the new movie which probably means she's got her eyes on playing Lois Lane. Now for the funny. Ashton Kutcher has apparently thrown himself back into the mix for the role of Clark Kent/Superman. If this should even be considered, Ashton should start working out 13 years ago. This is like picking Calista Flockhart to play the lead in a movie about the life and times of Andre The Giant. I understand that with the right mix of steroids and latex muscles, we migh be able to see Ashton fill out the traditional blue and red spandex but how are we supposed to picture this guy as, arguably, the greatest superhero in history when nobody's even seen him with his hair combed?  I like Ashton Kutcher for the way he made so many celebrities look like idiots on his MTV show, Punk'd, but Superman he's not. Maybe THE BUTTERFLY EFFECT will change my mind, then again, maybe not.


Lame, lame, lame, lame, lame and lame.

First off, the superman movies were crap, beyond crap and I am not hearing they want to make a superman vs batman movie. I would sooner see Uncle Frank as Superman before Ashton Kutcher.

Aston, Uncle Frank!
Aston, Uncle Frank!
Aston, Uncle Frank!


  • Guest
Re: Sigh, Superman movie? It gets even lamer..... all inside
« Reply #1 on: January 20, 2004, 01:41:37 pm »
Remember when Tom Hanks was a sitcom transvestite?

Or when Keanu was just Ted Theodore Logan?



  • Guest
Re: Sigh, Superman movie? It gets even lamer..... all inside
« Reply #2 on: January 20, 2004, 01:46:17 pm »

Found this at:

Superman Punk'd?


Everything seems to be falling into place for a new SUPERMAN movie. The sweet website, has all but officially announced that the new Man of Steel production will be moving to the Fox Studios in Sydney, Australia as soon as they're done with the filming of STEALTH. Click here for the entire article. Things are to start rolling in about three months, which would mean they might want some sort of a cast for director McG. That brings us to the true meaning of this story. Selma Blair has recently stated that she's "this close" to landing a key role in the new movie which probably means she's got her eyes on playing Lois Lane. Now for the funny. Ashton Kutcher has apparently thrown himself back into the mix for the role of Clark Kent/Superman. If this should even be considered, Ashton should start working out 13 years ago. This is like picking Calista Flockhart to play the lead in a movie about the life and times of Andre The Giant. I understand that with the right mix of steroids and latex muscles, we migh be able to see Ashton fill out the traditional blue and red spandex but how are we supposed to picture this guy as, arguably, the greatest superhero in history when nobody's even seen him with his hair combed?  I like Ashton Kutcher for the way he made so many celebrities look like idiots on his MTV show, Punk'd, but Superman he's not. Maybe THE BUTTERFLY EFFECT will change my mind, then again, maybe not.


Lame, lame, lame, lame, lame and lame.

First off, the superman movies were crap, beyond crap and I am not hearing they want to make a superman vs batman movie. I would sooner see Uncle Frank as Superman before Ashton Kutcher.

Aston, Uncle Frank!
Aston, Uncle Frank!
Aston, Uncle Frank!  

 I think im gonna be sick!!!. Who are theay kiddin  


  • Guest
Re: Sigh, Superman movie? It gets even lamer..... all inside
« Reply #3 on: January 20, 2004, 02:47:37 pm »
I'm starting to worry that the DC comics movies might spell the end of good comic movies.  Have you seen the pics of the Catwoman outfit that Halle Berry is wearing in the new film?  Yikes, it's way too over the top for my taste.  I imagine that the script and everything else will probably fall in line with the quality of the costume design, unfortunately.  


  • Guest
Re: Sigh, Superman movie? It gets even lamer..... all inside
« Reply #4 on: January 20, 2004, 03:04:51 pm »
 I cant think of anybody worse to play Super Man   They must be trying to appeal to the 13 year old girl audience!!!! When i heard they were going to remake it i was looking forward to it. Now i doubt I would  wipe me rear with it. What the heck were they thinking about!!!!!

Scott Allen Abfalter

  • Guest
Re: Sigh, Superman movie? It gets even lamer..... all inside
« Reply #5 on: January 20, 2004, 04:20:30 pm »

I'm starting to worry that the DC comics movies might spell the end of good comic movies.  Have you seen the pics of the Catwoman outfit that Halle Berry is wearing in the new film?  Yikes, it's way too over the top for my taste.  I imagine that the script and everything else will probably fall in line with the quality of the costume design, unfortunately.  

Marvel comics always were closer to the real world and that is why they translate into better movies.



  • Guest
Re: Sigh, Superman movie? It gets even lamer..... all inside
« Reply #6 on: January 20, 2004, 04:27:13 pm »
I like Selma Blair as Lois Lane (hells, I just like Selma Blair), but I don't need to see Ashton Kutcher in the role of Clark Kent/Superman.  If that actually happens, count me



  • Guest
Re: Sigh, Superman movie? It gets even lamer..... all inside
« Reply #7 on: January 20, 2004, 04:29:54 pm »
 Every time i think about it i want to puke!!!!    


  • Guest
Re: Sigh, Superman movie? It gets even lamer..... all inside
« Reply #8 on: January 20, 2004, 11:09:58 pm »
Well, I'd be willing to give Ashton a chance.  Remember all the squealing when Michael Keaton, a comic, got the role of the dark and brooding Batman?  Christopher Reeves was far too skinny to play Superman and only agreed to do it if he was allowed to bulk up on his own rather than have a padded suit (something I would hope would happen if Ashton does do the part).  You never know what might happen, sometimes it's the odd freaks that surprise you.  A lot of the off the wall comedians have turned out to be fairly decent actors.  Heck, who would ever have thought to put Robin Williams in a drama?  I mean really, the guy is a spastic nutball, he could never pull it off.

I agree that Marvel characters have always been closer to reality, that was their intent from the start.  It's interesting that for so long it was Marvel movies that were completely lame and a total bust, and DC that had the "quality" movies (although Marvel dominated television).  Now it seems as though they may have flip-flopped with Marvel really upping the bar on what quality means in the realm of a "comic book" movie, although they still have their bombs and should be more careful.  I mean DD kinda sucked and I'm very wary of the upcoming Punisher.  I just don't see Thomas Jane as the Punisher, but maybe that's just me.  


  • Guest
Re: Sigh, Superman movie? It gets even lamer..... all inside
« Reply #9 on: January 21, 2004, 12:20:46 pm »
Good points, Emerald.

I'd probably, in fact, give the new Superman movie a look even with Kutcher as the Man of Steel, but I'd certainly go into it with a great deal of skepticism...heheh.

There has to be someone out there that's a better fit, though...heheh...


  • Guest
Re: Sigh, Superman movie? It gets even lamer..... all inside
« Reply #10 on: January 21, 2004, 12:35:50 pm »
Yeah, I do agree that there are probably some better fits out there.  I heard rumour at one point that Jude Law was in the finals for a superman part (I believe in the Superman vs. Batman thing).  I think that would be interesting to see.  There is something alien looking about him anyway. heh.  I did have to draw the line at the Nick Cage Superman though.  I mean he just doesn't fit in any way shape or form.  Kind of like hiring Abbot and Costello to play Batman and Robin.  


  • Guest
Re: Sigh, Superman movie? It gets even lamer..... all inside
« Reply #11 on: January 21, 2004, 12:36:28 pm »
Where the Green lantern Movie?  That would be great to see with Today's special effects.

Any of you guys wath the new Justice League Cartoons on Cartoon network?    


  • Guest
Re: Sigh, Superman movie? It gets even lamer..... all inside
« Reply #12 on: January 21, 2004, 01:41:14 pm »
You mean the Green Lantern movie they were planning on doing way back when, starring Eddie Murphy? lol.  Got that little tid-bit after reading a book about John Byrne.  He said that's when he threw up his hands and left Hollywood and didn't look back.  


  • Guest
Re: Sigh, Superman movie? It gets even lamer..... all inside
« Reply #13 on: January 21, 2004, 06:56:19 pm »

 I cant think of anybody worse to play Super Man   They must be trying to appeal to the 13 year old girl audience!!!! When i heard they were going to remake it i was looking forward to it. Now i doubt I would  wipe me rear with it. What the heck were they thinking about!!!!!

 Are you sure there's nobody worse?



  • Guest
Re: Sigh, Superman movie? It gets even lamer..... all inside
« Reply #14 on: January 21, 2004, 07:21:44 pm »


 I cant think of anybody worse to play Super Man   They must be trying to appeal to the 13 year old girl audience!!!! When i heard they were going to remake it i was looking forward to it. Now i doubt I would  wipe me rear with it. What the heck were they thinking about!!!!!

 Are you sure there's nobody worse?


Yes there is, at least he looks like a real person, not a CGI Barbie Doll with pointy ears. lol

He is even a better actor! I would sooner see Wesley on Enterprise then T'pol.


  • Guest
Re: Sigh, Superman movie? It gets even lamer..... all inside
« Reply #15 on: January 21, 2004, 09:39:39 pm »

"Superman V:  'Dude, Where's My Cape?'"



  • Guest
Re: Sigh, Superman movie? It gets even lamer..... all inside
« Reply #16 on: January 21, 2004, 11:37:04 pm »
 You guys are EVIL!!!!!  


  • Guest
Re: Sigh, Superman movie? It gets even lamer..... all inside
« Reply #17 on: January 21, 2004, 11:40:24 pm »
 I do ilove it!  


  • Guest
Sigh, Superman movie? It gets even lamer..... all inside
« Reply #18 on: January 20, 2004, 01:25:00 pm »
Found this at:

Superman Punk'd?


Everything seems to be falling into place for a new SUPERMAN movie. The sweet website, has all but officially announced that the new Man of Steel production will be moving to the Fox Studios in Sydney, Australia as soon as they're done with the filming of STEALTH. Click here for the entire article. Things are to start rolling in about three months, which would mean they might want some sort of a cast for director McG. That brings us to the true meaning of this story. Selma Blair has recently stated that she's "this close" to landing a key role in the new movie which probably means she's got her eyes on playing Lois Lane. Now for the funny. Ashton Kutcher has apparently thrown himself back into the mix for the role of Clark Kent/Superman. If this should even be considered, Ashton should start working out 13 years ago. This is like picking Calista Flockhart to play the lead in a movie about the life and times of Andre The Giant. I understand that with the right mix of steroids and latex muscles, we migh be able to see Ashton fill out the traditional blue and red spandex but how are we supposed to picture this guy as, arguably, the greatest superhero in history when nobody's even seen him with his hair combed?  I like Ashton Kutcher for the way he made so many celebrities look like idiots on his MTV show, Punk'd, but Superman he's not. Maybe THE BUTTERFLY EFFECT will change my mind, then again, maybe not.


Lame, lame, lame, lame, lame and lame.

First off, the superman movies were crap, beyond crap and I am not hearing they want to make a superman vs batman movie. I would sooner see Uncle Frank as Superman before Ashton Kutcher.

Aston, Uncle Frank!
Aston, Uncle Frank!
Aston, Uncle Frank!


  • Guest
Re: Sigh, Superman movie? It gets even lamer..... all inside
« Reply #19 on: January 20, 2004, 01:41:37 pm »
Remember when Tom Hanks was a sitcom transvestite?

Or when Keanu was just Ted Theodore Logan?



  • Guest
Re: Sigh, Superman movie? It gets even lamer..... all inside
« Reply #20 on: January 20, 2004, 01:46:17 pm »

Found this at:

Superman Punk'd?


Everything seems to be falling into place for a new SUPERMAN movie. The sweet website, has all but officially announced that the new Man of Steel production will be moving to the Fox Studios in Sydney, Australia as soon as they're done with the filming of STEALTH. Click here for the entire article. Things are to start rolling in about three months, which would mean they might want some sort of a cast for director McG. That brings us to the true meaning of this story. Selma Blair has recently stated that she's "this close" to landing a key role in the new movie which probably means she's got her eyes on playing Lois Lane. Now for the funny. Ashton Kutcher has apparently thrown himself back into the mix for the role of Clark Kent/Superman. If this should even be considered, Ashton should start working out 13 years ago. This is like picking Calista Flockhart to play the lead in a movie about the life and times of Andre The Giant. I understand that with the right mix of steroids and latex muscles, we migh be able to see Ashton fill out the traditional blue and red spandex but how are we supposed to picture this guy as, arguably, the greatest superhero in history when nobody's even seen him with his hair combed?  I like Ashton Kutcher for the way he made so many celebrities look like idiots on his MTV show, Punk'd, but Superman he's not. Maybe THE BUTTERFLY EFFECT will change my mind, then again, maybe not.


Lame, lame, lame, lame, lame and lame.

First off, the superman movies were crap, beyond crap and I am not hearing they want to make a superman vs batman movie. I would sooner see Uncle Frank as Superman before Ashton Kutcher.

Aston, Uncle Frank!
Aston, Uncle Frank!
Aston, Uncle Frank!  

 I think im gonna be sick!!!. Who are theay kiddin  


  • Guest
Re: Sigh, Superman movie? It gets even lamer..... all inside
« Reply #21 on: January 20, 2004, 02:47:37 pm »
I'm starting to worry that the DC comics movies might spell the end of good comic movies.  Have you seen the pics of the Catwoman outfit that Halle Berry is wearing in the new film?  Yikes, it's way too over the top for my taste.  I imagine that the script and everything else will probably fall in line with the quality of the costume design, unfortunately.  


  • Guest
Re: Sigh, Superman movie? It gets even lamer..... all inside
« Reply #22 on: January 20, 2004, 03:04:51 pm »
 I cant think of anybody worse to play Super Man   They must be trying to appeal to the 13 year old girl audience!!!! When i heard they were going to remake it i was looking forward to it. Now i doubt I would  wipe me rear with it. What the heck were they thinking about!!!!!

Scott Allen Abfalter

  • Guest
Re: Sigh, Superman movie? It gets even lamer..... all inside
« Reply #23 on: January 20, 2004, 04:20:30 pm »

I'm starting to worry that the DC comics movies might spell the end of good comic movies.  Have you seen the pics of the Catwoman outfit that Halle Berry is wearing in the new film?  Yikes, it's way too over the top for my taste.  I imagine that the script and everything else will probably fall in line with the quality of the costume design, unfortunately.  

Marvel comics always were closer to the real world and that is why they translate into better movies.



  • Guest
Re: Sigh, Superman movie? It gets even lamer..... all inside
« Reply #24 on: January 20, 2004, 04:27:13 pm »
I like Selma Blair as Lois Lane (hells, I just like Selma Blair), but I don't need to see Ashton Kutcher in the role of Clark Kent/Superman.  If that actually happens, count me



  • Guest
Re: Sigh, Superman movie? It gets even lamer..... all inside
« Reply #25 on: January 20, 2004, 04:29:54 pm »
 Every time i think about it i want to puke!!!!    


  • Guest
Re: Sigh, Superman movie? It gets even lamer..... all inside
« Reply #26 on: January 20, 2004, 11:09:58 pm »
Well, I'd be willing to give Ashton a chance.  Remember all the squealing when Michael Keaton, a comic, got the role of the dark and brooding Batman?  Christopher Reeves was far too skinny to play Superman and only agreed to do it if he was allowed to bulk up on his own rather than have a padded suit (something I would hope would happen if Ashton does do the part).  You never know what might happen, sometimes it's the odd freaks that surprise you.  A lot of the off the wall comedians have turned out to be fairly decent actors.  Heck, who would ever have thought to put Robin Williams in a drama?  I mean really, the guy is a spastic nutball, he could never pull it off.

I agree that Marvel characters have always been closer to reality, that was their intent from the start.  It's interesting that for so long it was Marvel movies that were completely lame and a total bust, and DC that had the "quality" movies (although Marvel dominated television).  Now it seems as though they may have flip-flopped with Marvel really upping the bar on what quality means in the realm of a "comic book" movie, although they still have their bombs and should be more careful.  I mean DD kinda sucked and I'm very wary of the upcoming Punisher.  I just don't see Thomas Jane as the Punisher, but maybe that's just me.  


  • Guest
Re: Sigh, Superman movie? It gets even lamer..... all inside
« Reply #27 on: January 21, 2004, 12:20:46 pm »
Good points, Emerald.

I'd probably, in fact, give the new Superman movie a look even with Kutcher as the Man of Steel, but I'd certainly go into it with a great deal of skepticism...heheh.

There has to be someone out there that's a better fit, though...heheh...


  • Guest
Re: Sigh, Superman movie? It gets even lamer..... all inside
« Reply #28 on: January 21, 2004, 12:35:50 pm »
Yeah, I do agree that there are probably some better fits out there.  I heard rumour at one point that Jude Law was in the finals for a superman part (I believe in the Superman vs. Batman thing).  I think that would be interesting to see.  There is something alien looking about him anyway. heh.  I did have to draw the line at the Nick Cage Superman though.  I mean he just doesn't fit in any way shape or form.  Kind of like hiring Abbot and Costello to play Batman and Robin.  


  • Guest
Re: Sigh, Superman movie? It gets even lamer..... all inside
« Reply #29 on: January 21, 2004, 12:36:28 pm »
Where the Green lantern Movie?  That would be great to see with Today's special effects.

Any of you guys wath the new Justice League Cartoons on Cartoon network?    


  • Guest
Re: Sigh, Superman movie? It gets even lamer..... all inside
« Reply #30 on: January 21, 2004, 01:41:14 pm »
You mean the Green Lantern movie they were planning on doing way back when, starring Eddie Murphy? lol.  Got that little tid-bit after reading a book about John Byrne.  He said that's when he threw up his hands and left Hollywood and didn't look back.  


  • Guest
Re: Sigh, Superman movie? It gets even lamer..... all inside
« Reply #31 on: January 21, 2004, 06:56:19 pm »

 I cant think of anybody worse to play Super Man   They must be trying to appeal to the 13 year old girl audience!!!! When i heard they were going to remake it i was looking forward to it. Now i doubt I would  wipe me rear with it. What the heck were they thinking about!!!!!

 Are you sure there's nobody worse?



  • Guest
Re: Sigh, Superman movie? It gets even lamer..... all inside
« Reply #32 on: January 21, 2004, 07:21:44 pm »


 I cant think of anybody worse to play Super Man   They must be trying to appeal to the 13 year old girl audience!!!! When i heard they were going to remake it i was looking forward to it. Now i doubt I would  wipe me rear with it. What the heck were they thinking about!!!!!

 Are you sure there's nobody worse?


Yes there is, at least he looks like a real person, not a CGI Barbie Doll with pointy ears. lol

He is even a better actor! I would sooner see Wesley on Enterprise then T'pol.


  • Guest
Re: Sigh, Superman movie? It gets even lamer..... all inside
« Reply #33 on: January 21, 2004, 09:39:39 pm »

"Superman V:  'Dude, Where's My Cape?'"



  • Guest
Re: Sigh, Superman movie? It gets even lamer..... all inside
« Reply #34 on: January 21, 2004, 11:37:04 pm »
 You guys are EVIL!!!!!  


  • Guest
Re: Sigh, Superman movie? It gets even lamer..... all inside
« Reply #35 on: January 21, 2004, 11:40:24 pm »
 I do ilove it!  


  • Guest
Sigh, Superman movie? It gets even lamer..... all inside
« Reply #36 on: January 20, 2004, 01:25:00 pm »
Found this at:

Superman Punk'd?


Everything seems to be falling into place for a new SUPERMAN movie. The sweet website, has all but officially announced that the new Man of Steel production will be moving to the Fox Studios in Sydney, Australia as soon as they're done with the filming of STEALTH. Click here for the entire article. Things are to start rolling in about three months, which would mean they might want some sort of a cast for director McG. That brings us to the true meaning of this story. Selma Blair has recently stated that she's "this close" to landing a key role in the new movie which probably means she's got her eyes on playing Lois Lane. Now for the funny. Ashton Kutcher has apparently thrown himself back into the mix for the role of Clark Kent/Superman. If this should even be considered, Ashton should start working out 13 years ago. This is like picking Calista Flockhart to play the lead in a movie about the life and times of Andre The Giant. I understand that with the right mix of steroids and latex muscles, we migh be able to see Ashton fill out the traditional blue and red spandex but how are we supposed to picture this guy as, arguably, the greatest superhero in history when nobody's even seen him with his hair combed?  I like Ashton Kutcher for the way he made so many celebrities look like idiots on his MTV show, Punk'd, but Superman he's not. Maybe THE BUTTERFLY EFFECT will change my mind, then again, maybe not.


Lame, lame, lame, lame, lame and lame.

First off, the superman movies were crap, beyond crap and I am not hearing they want to make a superman vs batman movie. I would sooner see Uncle Frank as Superman before Ashton Kutcher.

Aston, Uncle Frank!
Aston, Uncle Frank!
Aston, Uncle Frank!


  • Guest
Re: Sigh, Superman movie? It gets even lamer..... all inside
« Reply #37 on: January 20, 2004, 01:41:37 pm »
Remember when Tom Hanks was a sitcom transvestite?

Or when Keanu was just Ted Theodore Logan?



  • Guest
Re: Sigh, Superman movie? It gets even lamer..... all inside
« Reply #38 on: January 20, 2004, 01:46:17 pm »

Found this at:

Superman Punk'd?


Everything seems to be falling into place for a new SUPERMAN movie. The sweet website, has all but officially announced that the new Man of Steel production will be moving to the Fox Studios in Sydney, Australia as soon as they're done with the filming of STEALTH. Click here for the entire article. Things are to start rolling in about three months, which would mean they might want some sort of a cast for director McG. That brings us to the true meaning of this story. Selma Blair has recently stated that she's "this close" to landing a key role in the new movie which probably means she's got her eyes on playing Lois Lane. Now for the funny. Ashton Kutcher has apparently thrown himself back into the mix for the role of Clark Kent/Superman. If this should even be considered, Ashton should start working out 13 years ago. This is like picking Calista Flockhart to play the lead in a movie about the life and times of Andre The Giant. I understand that with the right mix of steroids and latex muscles, we migh be able to see Ashton fill out the traditional blue and red spandex but how are we supposed to picture this guy as, arguably, the greatest superhero in history when nobody's even seen him with his hair combed?  I like Ashton Kutcher for the way he made so many celebrities look like idiots on his MTV show, Punk'd, but Superman he's not. Maybe THE BUTTERFLY EFFECT will change my mind, then again, maybe not.


Lame, lame, lame, lame, lame and lame.

First off, the superman movies were crap, beyond crap and I am not hearing they want to make a superman vs batman movie. I would sooner see Uncle Frank as Superman before Ashton Kutcher.

Aston, Uncle Frank!
Aston, Uncle Frank!
Aston, Uncle Frank!  

 I think im gonna be sick!!!. Who are theay kiddin  


  • Guest
Re: Sigh, Superman movie? It gets even lamer..... all inside
« Reply #39 on: January 20, 2004, 02:47:37 pm »
I'm starting to worry that the DC comics movies might spell the end of good comic movies.  Have you seen the pics of the Catwoman outfit that Halle Berry is wearing in the new film?  Yikes, it's way too over the top for my taste.  I imagine that the script and everything else will probably fall in line with the quality of the costume design, unfortunately.  


  • Guest
Re: Sigh, Superman movie? It gets even lamer..... all inside
« Reply #40 on: January 20, 2004, 03:04:51 pm »
 I cant think of anybody worse to play Super Man   They must be trying to appeal to the 13 year old girl audience!!!! When i heard they were going to remake it i was looking forward to it. Now i doubt I would  wipe me rear with it. What the heck were they thinking about!!!!!

Scott Allen Abfalter

  • Guest
Re: Sigh, Superman movie? It gets even lamer..... all inside
« Reply #41 on: January 20, 2004, 04:20:30 pm »

I'm starting to worry that the DC comics movies might spell the end of good comic movies.  Have you seen the pics of the Catwoman outfit that Halle Berry is wearing in the new film?  Yikes, it's way too over the top for my taste.  I imagine that the script and everything else will probably fall in line with the quality of the costume design, unfortunately.  

Marvel comics always were closer to the real world and that is why they translate into better movies.



  • Guest
Re: Sigh, Superman movie? It gets even lamer..... all inside
« Reply #42 on: January 20, 2004, 04:27:13 pm »
I like Selma Blair as Lois Lane (hells, I just like Selma Blair), but I don't need to see Ashton Kutcher in the role of Clark Kent/Superman.  If that actually happens, count me



  • Guest
Re: Sigh, Superman movie? It gets even lamer..... all inside
« Reply #43 on: January 20, 2004, 04:29:54 pm »
 Every time i think about it i want to puke!!!!    


  • Guest
Re: Sigh, Superman movie? It gets even lamer..... all inside
« Reply #44 on: January 20, 2004, 11:09:58 pm »
Well, I'd be willing to give Ashton a chance.  Remember all the squealing when Michael Keaton, a comic, got the role of the dark and brooding Batman?  Christopher Reeves was far too skinny to play Superman and only agreed to do it if he was allowed to bulk up on his own rather than have a padded suit (something I would hope would happen if Ashton does do the part).  You never know what might happen, sometimes it's the odd freaks that surprise you.  A lot of the off the wall comedians have turned out to be fairly decent actors.  Heck, who would ever have thought to put Robin Williams in a drama?  I mean really, the guy is a spastic nutball, he could never pull it off.

I agree that Marvel characters have always been closer to reality, that was their intent from the start.  It's interesting that for so long it was Marvel movies that were completely lame and a total bust, and DC that had the "quality" movies (although Marvel dominated television).  Now it seems as though they may have flip-flopped with Marvel really upping the bar on what quality means in the realm of a "comic book" movie, although they still have their bombs and should be more careful.  I mean DD kinda sucked and I'm very wary of the upcoming Punisher.  I just don't see Thomas Jane as the Punisher, but maybe that's just me.  


  • Guest
Re: Sigh, Superman movie? It gets even lamer..... all inside
« Reply #45 on: January 21, 2004, 12:20:46 pm »
Good points, Emerald.

I'd probably, in fact, give the new Superman movie a look even with Kutcher as the Man of Steel, but I'd certainly go into it with a great deal of skepticism...heheh.

There has to be someone out there that's a better fit, though...heheh...


  • Guest
Re: Sigh, Superman movie? It gets even lamer..... all inside
« Reply #46 on: January 21, 2004, 12:35:50 pm »
Yeah, I do agree that there are probably some better fits out there.  I heard rumour at one point that Jude Law was in the finals for a superman part (I believe in the Superman vs. Batman thing).  I think that would be interesting to see.  There is something alien looking about him anyway. heh.  I did have to draw the line at the Nick Cage Superman though.  I mean he just doesn't fit in any way shape or form.  Kind of like hiring Abbot and Costello to play Batman and Robin.  


  • Guest
Re: Sigh, Superman movie? It gets even lamer..... all inside
« Reply #47 on: January 21, 2004, 12:36:28 pm »
Where the Green lantern Movie?  That would be great to see with Today's special effects.

Any of you guys wath the new Justice League Cartoons on Cartoon network?    


  • Guest
Re: Sigh, Superman movie? It gets even lamer..... all inside
« Reply #48 on: January 21, 2004, 01:41:14 pm »
You mean the Green Lantern movie they were planning on doing way back when, starring Eddie Murphy? lol.  Got that little tid-bit after reading a book about John Byrne.  He said that's when he threw up his hands and left Hollywood and didn't look back.  


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Re: Sigh, Superman movie? It gets even lamer..... all inside
« Reply #49 on: January 21, 2004, 06:56:19 pm »

 I cant think of anybody worse to play Super Man   They must be trying to appeal to the 13 year old girl audience!!!! When i heard they were going to remake it i was looking forward to it. Now i doubt I would  wipe me rear with it. What the heck were they thinking about!!!!!

 Are you sure there's nobody worse?



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Re: Sigh, Superman movie? It gets even lamer..... all inside
« Reply #50 on: January 21, 2004, 07:21:44 pm »


 I cant think of anybody worse to play Super Man   They must be trying to appeal to the 13 year old girl audience!!!! When i heard they were going to remake it i was looking forward to it. Now i doubt I would  wipe me rear with it. What the heck were they thinking about!!!!!

 Are you sure there's nobody worse?


Yes there is, at least he looks like a real person, not a CGI Barbie Doll with pointy ears. lol

He is even a better actor! I would sooner see Wesley on Enterprise then T'pol.


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Re: Sigh, Superman movie? It gets even lamer..... all inside
« Reply #51 on: January 21, 2004, 09:39:39 pm »

"Superman V:  'Dude, Where's My Cape?'"



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Re: Sigh, Superman movie? It gets even lamer..... all inside
« Reply #52 on: January 21, 2004, 11:37:04 pm »
 You guys are EVIL!!!!!  


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Re: Sigh, Superman movie? It gets even lamer..... all inside
« Reply #53 on: January 21, 2004, 11:40:24 pm »
 I do ilove it!