a heavy war destroyer? hm, id love to see the spectre done. its a very nice ship wich looks fast and looks different from all those conny like ships.dont get me wrong - i love the conny and most of the kitbashes made of her parts but the feds can use some ships wich have an own style.
here are the pics from masaos ubercool starfleet museum site:
http://www.starfleet-museum.org/spectre.jpgisnt that a beauty?
imagine the loadout of it: 10 standart phasers, 2 megaphasers and 4 torptubes (wich means 8 torpedos if those tubes are the same as on the conny refit)
the story behind the ships tells its a intellegence ship(i read something about a cloaking device buti might be wrong) but it think it would make a real cool wardestroyer or an x ship.
i love that design.
i know skinman began aspectre class ages ago. but someone should finaly bring the spectre to sfc. if someone would make that ship i would try to help whereve i can. i might make some textures for it (i cant aply them so the modeler should make some basic textures wich i would modify
) or i would make some nosearts for it.
spectre class is just too cool