hehe true story about how I got my wife to stop helping me in the kitchen.
My Chili recipe makes Brick Chili, enough for about 40 people or so, or at least a few good meals as You can Freeze the Bricks, give them out as gifts etc.
Anyway, Here It is.
10lbs Of Suet.
15-20 lbs of Ground Beef (ground sirloin is esp. good .)
! can of Cummin seed
1 Can of Chilipowder.
1 Can of Garlic powder (not garlic salt)
A few finly diced onions.
anyway, the first time I was making this after being newly married to Denise, She asked If she could help out, So's I asked her to Cut the Suet down so I can render It.
3 hours later, and Many knives Sissors later she was softly curssing my name in Italian. (beautifull language BTW.) ever since then she won't help me If I'm cooking, unless It's Turkey Bird day or the like,and then It's setting the table etc.
I'll paste the actuall cooking directions in the recipe thread though.