Progress report...
.. I haven't bothered entering MRSes into the ftrlist yet. I'm still handling models.
.. as some of you may know, I've been 'optomizing' models, adding LODs, cleaning up orphan vertexes and creating new break mods where I found it would help, using one of the lower poly # LODs of the model. These above have ALL been done and tested ..
Tangent: this is why I wrote that models tester skirmish script.. .. use it, it helps.
Current process is reviewing my break models, and 'plugging up' the holes. What do I mean? .. well..
.. when a ship blows up, if a part that passes by on your screen is showing you the insides of the ship, you'll see right through it. (Technical terms: there aren't any polys there where the normals are facing you). What I've been doing is plugging up those holes and applying some generic internal damage texture.
Here's an example from a burke class Federation FF:
This is TEDIOUS.. .. I'm talking about up to around 1 hours per ship. Remember that OP+ installs over 200 ships.