Topic: OP+ 3.2 Corrections Thread  (Read 20735 times)

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Re: OP+ 3.2 Corrections Thread
« Reply #200 on: April 06, 2004, 11:23:46 pm »
Why is a ship at a LOW bpv important?
What's the advantage?
Why is this a problem?
Why are you asking this now?
« Last Edit: April 06, 2004, 11:24:27 pm by FireSoul »


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Re: OP+ 3.2 Corrections Thread
« Reply #201 on: April 06, 2004, 11:51:50 pm »
Because it can be used as a bit of an exploit for 3v3 total BPV league matches. It allows one team (Fed) to pick it as one of their 3 ships freeing up BPV for the other 2 pilots to pick larger class hulls giving them an advantage at certian total BPVs and particular Era matches. Other races must spend at least 56 BPV on the little ship in a 2 big one little setup. For example at TBPV of 384 feds could take 2 BCFs and a FDX, which with the 2 BCHs and even though the FDX is a throw away, is better than any other fleet another race can field having to either buy 3 smaller hulls or spend at least 50ish on the throw away trying to match the 2 large, 1 small config. That is a short explaination, but suffice it to say it creates a minor issue, that it seems could be removed without ill effect if everyone had access to a similarly low BPV ship.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Kroma_BaSyl »


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Re: OP+ 3.2 Corrections Thread
« Reply #202 on: April 07, 2004, 12:15:57 am »
Nah. I've had my fun with the FDX.

Freighter is its place if it's that much of an issue. The REAL problem here is that the Federation Express is not a true Federation unit. It's a civilian unit (hence the "SPECIAL" designation). Its home-base is indeed in the federation, but it has no place in fleet combat.

-- Luc

PS: How've you been, Kroma? ...  You're a whiny one, aren't you.  


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Re: OP+ 3.2 Corrections Thread
« Reply #203 on: April 07, 2004, 12:51:30 am »
Gee...a D77 would be "fun" to fly also


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Re: OP+ 3.2 Corrections Thread
« Reply #204 on: April 07, 2004, 09:32:45 am »

PS: How've you been, Kroma? ...  You're a whiny one, aren't you.  

Been pretty good, playing a lot of GSA lately, but I am a cheesy one, the whine was courtesy of the GZ divisional league, I was just the messenger boy ;-) Seems for the next cycle they are going to make OP+ mandatory instead of just optional.

BTW, I am currently recruiting additional pilots to fill out our roster for the next cycle, are you interested in strapping on the old tutu and flying with the GDA?


PS, Is there a timeline when 3.3 will be coming out as well?


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Re: OP+ 3.2 Corrections Thread
« Reply #205 on: April 07, 2004, 10:08:28 am »


PS: How've you been, Kroma? ...  You're a whiny one, aren't you.  

Been pretty good, playing a lot of GSA lately, but I am a cheesy one, the whine was courtesy of the GZ divisional league, I was just the messenger boy ;-) Seems for the next cycle they are going to make OP+ mandatory instead of just optional.

That's interesting news.. It makes sense to me, actually..


BTW, I am currently recruiting additional pilots to fill out our roster for the next cycle, are you interested in strapping on the old tutu and flying with the GDA?

I dunno..  Last thing I want to do is put a Fleet logo to the mod and start getting accused of favoritism.


PS, Is there a timeline when 3.3 will be coming out as well?  

Sorry.. no idea. It's still called 3.2.1 at my end since it's all bugfixes and polish. There's no real major additional feature otherwise.

As you may know, I've just bought a place. Every evening, I come home, pack up some number of boxes and bring it there. There's also the matter of painting which is in progress over there. There's going to be some network jacks/plates to install in the walls as well as some semi-simple electrical work to do in the storage room.

I basically arrive back to my current home at around 9pm or 10pm and all I want to do is relax. I've been watching Samurai Jack episodes to pass the time and it amuses me greatly. This weekend involves Easter, so I'm guessing I'll be busy there too. It's not going to be quite for a while I would think.



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Re: OP+ 3.2 Corrections Thread
« Reply #206 on: April 07, 2004, 10:51:06 am »
If you need peeps I will fly with the GDA tutu-boy. I just have to figure out that damn GZ website.  


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Re: OP+ 3.2 Corrections Thread
« Reply #207 on: April 07, 2004, 10:56:11 am »
Can't GZ just make a rule not allowing the F-FDX in fleet combat?    


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Re: OP+ 3.2 Corrections Thread
« Reply #208 on: April 07, 2004, 11:05:03 am »

If you need peeps I will fly with the GDA tutu-boy. I just have to figure out that damn GZ website.    

Request access to the Gorn forum on SFC2NET and I will bump the thread that walks you through getting registered.

FS, you don't really need to become a GDA member or fly the GDA logo to fly with us, we even let J'inn on the team. Heck it is a requirement of my member ship that I don't ;-) They told me it had something to do with their "don't ask, don't tell" policy, whatever that means. In anycase, if you would like to have a little fun flying with the Bruce in the GZ divisional league you are more than welcome.

My question about 3.3 was really more inregard to your 3.2.1, and wondering if it would become the "offical" public release anytime soon, with all the fixes in it.

Thanks, Kroma.


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Re: OP+ 3.2 Corrections Thread
« Reply #209 on: April 07, 2004, 11:07:51 am »

Can't GZ just make a rule not allowing the F-FDX in fleet combat?    

You would think so, wouldn't you?  

Or to use a D2 metephor, "When agreed to PF/Fighter CnCs fly out of my arse!"
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Kroma_BaSyl »


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Re: OP+ 3.2 Corrections Thread
« Reply #210 on: April 07, 2004, 11:36:39 am »

 "When agreed to PF/Fighter CnCs fly out of my arse!"

In two by twos? three by threes or is it cheaper by the dozen?    


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Re: OP+ 3.2 Corrections Thread
« Reply #211 on: April 20, 2004, 10:19:58 am »
Progress report:

Only the Feds aren't done. However, I've entered a model creation cycle. This is kind-of throwing me off the track, but improves the quality of the mod, overall.
See: web page[/url]

Also, I've found some shiplist aberations I'll have to fix: units I added recently enough. That's a TODO.

Work STILL continues..


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Re: OP+ 3.2 Corrections Thread - Xships in late
« Reply #212 on: April 22, 2004, 09:42:57 pm »

I love the OP 3.2 shiplist.  Except for the x ships.

The xships should be in advanced. Early advanced. Not late, late. (Sounds a little silly doesn't it)

They are unbalanced for the late era.

Take any xship at any bvp in late era. It will beat any non +x ship in late era of the comparable bvp.

If you want proof meet me in GS and I play any bvp and race to demonstrate the problem.

Moving these ships to early advanced would may a more balanced late game.

I know these ships where in SFB in late but this is SFC.

What tends to happen instead of fly all these other cool ships you have in the late era you fly the dam x ships.
Why because at any bvp their the best ships.

So can you move late era xships to advanced era.

Thanks for you time.



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Re: OP+ 3.2 Corrections Thread - Xships in late
« Reply #213 on: April 23, 2004, 09:32:13 am »


I love the OP 3.2 shiplist.  Except for the x ships.

The xships should be in advanced. Early advanced. Not late, late. (Sounds a little silly doesn't it)

They are unbalanced for the late era.

Take any xship at any bvp in late era. It will beat any non +x ship in late era of the comparable bvp.

If you want proof meet me in GS and I play any bvp and race to demonstrate the problem.

Moving these ships to early advanced would may a more balanced late game.

I know these ships where in SFB in late but this is SFC.

What tends to happen instead of fly all these other cool ships you have in the late era you fly the dam x ships.
Why because at any bvp their the best ships.

So can you move late era xships to advanced era.

Thanks for you time.

In patch, the eras changed. Late Era now goes all the way up to 2299. 2300 is way too late to let Xships out. It has been a concious decision to leave the Xships in Late era, where they are, between the 2290 and 2300 range. No ships were released during that period.

If your problem is that other fleets (GSA) keep flying them, then just say "no xships" when negotiating. That's all.

-- Luc