I'll address these in no real particular order. I'm working off of many sources so forgive me for that; I'll put up the class names in the file and what I've found in the SFB source materials (and where) for you.
|H-IC|HMS Iron
||HMS Chromium
||HMS Gold
||HMS Silver
||HMS Platinum
||HMS Latnum
||HMS Titanium
There's only 1 IC, and that ship is the HMS Exchequer (R9.84).
|H-ID|HMS Iron Duke
||HMS Iron Prince
||HMS Iron Knife
||HMS Iron Blade
||HMS Iron Noble
||HMS Iron Knight
This is somewhat difficult, but there is at least 1 known name, HMS Royal Sovereign, the first of the class (R9.42).
|H-LGE|HMS Malatryx
||HMS Fematryx
There was a planned but never built 3rd of this class, the HMS Matratryx.
|H-PAL|HMS Hydra
||HMS Hydran Lord
||HMS Ether Spirit
||HMS Iridium Soul
The first 2 of this class are converted/modernized Templars, so the names are HMS Triumph and HMS Victory (R9.83). One of this class was converted to a LP, HMS Majestryx (R9.54). The same names of course would be present for the PAL+ and the Regent.
|H-DG|HMS Fortitude
||HMS Magnificent
||HMS Majestic
||HMS Zenith
There is another of this class, the HMS Colossus (SH 79.0).
|H-DWS|HMS Bounty
||HMS Security
||HMS Cannon
HMS Mystic Seer is part of this class (SH 222.0).
Lots more, but that's enough for me for now.