Topic: OP+ 3.2 Corrections Thread  (Read 20736 times)

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OP+ 3.2 Corrections Thread
« on: January 19, 2004, 05:47:41 pm »
This thread are for corrections and problems within the OP+ 3.2 shiplist and models.

.. for starters..
Admin shuttles go speed 20. The game is using my entries I added for each race instead of the entries in the ftrlist.txt ..

.. why did I add shuttle entries for each race? For scriptability, and a little something that could be useful when SQL for OP Dynaverse servers come out.

.. I know how to fix this. In fact, I'll tell you: rename the shuttle entries in the shiplist. I call them "SHp"s now, for "player-controllable shuttle"s.

I may or may not release a OP+ 3.2.1 soon. We'll see.

Mr. Hypergol

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Re: OP+ 3.2 Corrections Thread
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2004, 11:21:46 pm »
WOW!!  You fixed a lot.  I went through my old notes from the last version and just about everything I didn't like in 3.1 is now the way I want it in 3.2, especially with the Hydrans.  Great work.

I only found one real error so far after a quick skim through the shiplist:

1)  The Z-FLG should use a frigate model.  It's currently pointing to a destroyer model.  My master ship chart shows the Kzinti FLG uses a frigate hull.  I hope my list is up to date.

Here are some personal comments clearly in the "opinion" category of things I'd like to see improved in the future.  This is very nit picky I know:

1)  Why not use Thu11's new skyhawk model to make a Sabrehawk by modding it to add an engine to the bottom?

2)  I hope Thu11 is making a Seahawk model.  Be nice to replace the taldren seahawk model with something in line with Thu11's series of rom models.

3)  Wish we had better Rom Vulture and Demonhawk models.

4)  Too bad Taldren didn't make Advanced FF models.  By the way, I'm glad you fixed the "X-refitted" hull stuff.  Great work.

5)  Man that Gorn "Advanced Destroyer" GDX model is so "out of character" with the Thu11 stuff.

That's about it for now.  Like I said only one error from me so far.

Your work is fabulous.  
« Last Edit: January 19, 2004, 11:33:37 pm by Mr. Hypergol »


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Re: OP+ 3.2 Corrections Thread
« Reply #2 on: January 20, 2004, 08:20:32 am »

There may be a problem with the F-CVTC and CVTCR.
I downloaded 3.2 without the models.
I tried to play with these ships in skirmish mode.   Whenever I do so the mission will not load.

Agh. Confirmed.  
However, easy to fix. I'll put up a replacement no-models installer.

I'll let you guys know when a replacement is up.


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Re: OP+ 3.2 Corrections Thread
« Reply #3 on: January 20, 2004, 08:32:23 am »


There may be a problem with the F-CVTC and CVTCR.
I downloaded 3.2 without the models.
I tried to play with these ships in skirmish mode.   Whenever I do so the mission will not load.

Agh. Confirmed.  
However, easy to fix. I'll put up a replacement no-models installer.

I'll let you guys know when a replacement is up.  

There. A replacement for the no-models installer is up.

Mr. Hypergol

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Re: OP+ 3.2 Corrections Thread
« Reply #4 on: January 20, 2004, 11:11:51 am »
I just had a Klingon F-5C launch 4 Fed Raven 3 fighters in early era.  I'm was flying a F-FF.  I was playing NW fed-total war campaign.

Would this be a problem with the 3.2 shiplist, or a scripting problem with NW total war scripts?

I've got a screen shot to confirm this.  


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Re: OP+ 3.2 Corrections Thread
« Reply #5 on: January 20, 2004, 11:19:07 am »

I just had a Klingon F-5C launch 4 Fed Raven 3 fighters in early era.  I'm was flying a F-FF.  I was playing NW fed-total war campaign.

Would this be a problem with the 3.2 shiplist, or a scripting problem with NW total war scripts?

I've got a screen shot to confirm this.  

That is a bugged Evil Dave mission.  I can comfirm this as I have seen it this weekend on D2 missions testing.  .MET_NW6 something or other.

NOT a shiplist bug.  

Mr. Hypergol

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Re: OP+ 3.2 Corrections Thread
« Reply #6 on: January 20, 2004, 11:24:53 am »

That is a bugged Evil Dave mission.   NOT a shiplist bug.

This makes sense.  I checked the F-5C in the shiplist and it's clearly correct.  Thanks DH123.  


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Re: OP+ 3.2 Corrections Thread
« Reply #7 on: January 24, 2004, 02:22:20 pm »
TobinDax wrote:

UM, I was looking at the orion pirate cartel light cruiser section and was attracted to the SAXO @158 bpv. It's one heavy weapon is a hellbore. The other Salvage variants change up the heavy and add or subtract an amd rack and 1 phaser. These other ships jump to 225 bpv to 251. Is this a boo-boo?

I'll check that later. Thanks.


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Re: OP+ 3.2 Corrections Thread
« Reply #8 on: January 24, 2004, 07:58:40 pm »
Bad model pointer for K-FT2.  Points to XFT folder, but no model there.

All races FTs are pointing to xfrt which is empty for me.

Also some fed hulls are using an FECA.mod that points to an FECA model folder but there are no accompanying textures for that mod.  There is an FCA.mod in there and textures for that mod however.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2004, 08:23:14 pm by Lepton1 »


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Re: OP+ 3.2 Corrections Thread
« Reply #9 on: January 24, 2004, 08:58:41 pm »

Bad model pointer for K-FT2.  Points to XFT folder, but no model there.

All races FTs are pointing to xfrt which is empty for me.

Also some fed hulls are using an FECA.mod that points to an FECA model folder but there are no accompanying textures for that mod.  There is an FCA.mod in there and textures for that mod however.

I know I've asked elsewhere, but for which installer?
Also, have you tried reinstalling?
« Last Edit: January 24, 2004, 09:01:45 pm by FireSoul »


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Re: OP+ 3.2 Corrections Thread
« Reply #10 on: January 24, 2004, 09:03:57 pm »
I haven't but I will.  To add a bit more info, I in fact had installed the with models version first, then uninstalled it then installed the without models version.  Thanks for looking into this.


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Re: OP+ 3.2 Corrections Thread
« Reply #11 on: January 24, 2004, 09:30:12 pm »

I haven't but I will.  To add a bit more info, I in fact had installed the with models version first, then uninstalled it then installed the without models version.  Thanks for looking into this.  

The very latest no_models installer (date Jan 20th) fixed the xfrt problem, which I will admit is a problem. Is that the one you have, or an earlier one?


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Re: OP+ 3.2 Corrections Thread
« Reply #12 on: January 24, 2004, 09:40:29 pm »
Yep I had the pre-20th version.   I guess I missed there was a fix made to the earlier version.  Apparently others missed it as well.


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Re: OP+ 3.2 Corrections Thread
« Reply #13 on: January 24, 2004, 10:00:03 pm »

Yep I had the pre-20th version.   I guess I missed there was a fix made to the earlier version.  Apparently others missed it as well.  

I'm not surprised. Can you make sure this knowledge is passed along if you encounter it too?


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Re: OP+ 3.2 Corrections Thread
« Reply #14 on: January 25, 2004, 02:19:00 pm »
A new opplus_32_no_models.exe installer has been generated. Enhancements include sanity checks and error popup messages when something seems wrong during models install/copy. No fixes were applied to the models themselves. Fetch and reinstall with this installer if you have any problems with past incarnations of the no_models installer.

-- Luc


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Re: OP+ 3.2 Corrections Thread
« Reply #15 on: January 26, 2004, 10:17:36 am »

.. btw.. I'm in the development process for version 3.2.1 (fixes and simple improvements release). It'll take some time since I touched up and modified about.. oh.. 96% of the model files.  In fact, I've been having problems with the new _brk.mod. For some reason, some _brk.mod files will make the game CTD. Not good.

Soo, last night, I started writing a skirmish .SCR which loads up a ship for a particular model, and blows it up.. and repeats the process, once per model used, for all ships within that race. Load a ship, blow it up.. load a ship.. blow it up.. .. Quite fun.

1- Fix my mistake about the speed 20 shuttles.

2- Fix a critical bug where if you try to use the batteries on a ship that has non, the game CTDs. (Further inspection demonstrates that ALL other units in the shiplist, planets and "BOX" included, have at least 1 Battery.)

3- Redid models. In fact, I reviewed them all .. modified the vast majority of them and created new break models for
 Why? Because too much CPU power is wasted on models. Now, LODs (Levels Of Details) (at least 1 additional one) have been created for all models. .. also, why should I used the highest-poly model for the _BRK.mod? .. so I redid those with a lower # poly LOD as basis. This entire endeavour will take a lot of time, but will result in a more reasonable 'product'.
.. of course, the "no models" version is not affected by this.

-- Luc


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Re: OP+ 3.2 Corrections Thread
« Reply #16 on: January 29, 2004, 02:43:56 pm »
Using OP in combination of Firesoul's model checking script.... I found 2 errors...


calssified as a DESTOYER when it needs to be DESTROYER

this was tested by editng in shipedit OP and used the dropdown menu. it listed DESTROYER and DESTOYER because it pulls the values from the shiplist... I selected DESTROYER and ren the script again.. it worked just fine and displayed the model.


Taldren forgot to add Hull, UI and Ship Class

The ship class I assigned BASE STATION in shipedit OP's menu

The hull I made AB in Shipedit OP's dropdown menu

I set the UI to XAB in Shipedit OP's dropdown menu

doing this, the script found no errors on the models and no skipped entries...

Hope this helps and can't wait for the next version of OP +
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Pestalence »


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Re: OP+ 3.2 Corrections Thread
« Reply #17 on: January 29, 2004, 02:51:05 pm »

Using OP in combination of Firesoul's model checking script.... I found 2 errors...


calssified as a DESTOYER when it needs to be DESTROYER

this was tested by editng in shipedit OP and used the dropdown menu. it listed DESTROYER and DESTOYER because it pulls the values from the shiplist... I selected DESTROYER and ren the script again.. it worked just fine and displayed the model.


Taldren forgot to add Hull, UI and Ship Class

The ship class I assigned BASE STATION in shipedit OP's menu

The hull I made AB in Shipedit OP's dropdown menu

I set the UI to XAB in Shipedit OP's dropdown menu

doing this, the script found no errors on the models and no skipped entries...

Hope this helps and can't wait for the next version of OP +, whether fixes or new...

thanks Pestalence..
.. I think the XAB is supposed to be 'SPECIAL'. I'll have to check within the stock shiplist. If it's set as BaseStation, you could probably do base installation missions with it. (eep?)


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Re: OP+ 3.2 Corrections Thread
« Reply #18 on: January 29, 2004, 02:57:38 pm »
The shiplist doesn't havve it classified as special.. just pointing to the XAB model.. so I just assigned the UI to XAB to match the model...

If you have Shipedit OP, then pull it up... it is the very first entry to load in the display...

there is no Hull listed.. so I gave it AB

There was no Ship Class Listed.. so I assigned Base Station (Astroid Base after all)

and I assigned the UI to match the default Model listed...

as far as SFB goes on Astroid Bases.. you can enter the role any way you wish according to your sources as Taldren's entries for role is blank..

I think they just used it instead of making a new UI and model for it...

it was simply overlooked and not a major part of the game.. however with these fixes to it.. I have tried some Single Player missions in astroids in Fed space while playing Klingon.. it is calling the Astroid base more... so I can't complain... works fine in game, at least with stock scripts.. haven't tried on the custom scripts.



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Re: OP+ 3.2 Corrections Thread
« Reply #19 on: January 29, 2004, 03:00:55 pm »
With that adjustment and no Role set for it .. it should show up in the bidding.. but haven't tested that far..