.. btw.. I'm in the development process for version 3.2.1 (fixes and simple improvements release). It'll take some time since I touched up and modified about.. oh.. 96% of the model files. In fact, I've been having problems with the new _brk.mod. For some reason, some _brk.mod files will make the game CTD. Not good.
Soo, last night, I started writing a skirmish .SCR which loads up a ship for a particular model, and blows it up.. and repeats the process, once per model used, for all ships within that race. Load a ship, blow it up.. load a ship.. blow it up.. .. Quite fun.
1- Fix my mistake about the speed 20 shuttles.
2- Fix a critical bug where if you try to use the batteries on a ship that has non, the game CTDs. (Further inspection demonstrates that ALL other units in the shiplist, planets and "BOX" included, have at least 1 Battery.)
3- Redid models. In fact, I reviewed them all .. modified the vast majority of them and created new break models for
Why? Because too much CPU power is wasted on models. Now, LODs (Levels Of Details) (at least 1 additional one) have been created for all models. .. also, why should I used the highest-poly model for the _BRK.mod? .. so I redid those with a lower # poly LOD as basis. This entire endeavour will take a lot of time, but will result in a more reasonable 'product'.
.. of course, the "no models" version is not affected by this.
-- Luc