this is a post over in gz's sfc op forum..maybe you can reply to it for strat

I have to update the specs chooser code. I won't be able to do this for some time.
Try this for a temporary solution.
1) Load the OP+ 3.1 Shiplist with the SFC:OP Shiplist Chooser 4.2.5
2) Uninstall OP+ 3.1 (Do this step only if you have OP+ 3.1 installed)
3) Load 'Other Mod' with the SFC:OP Shiplist Chooser 4.2.5
4) Install OP+ 3.2
Try this, the shiplist chooser should store the OP+ 3.2 lists in the Other Mod directory. The only way this won't work is if the new version of OP+ 3.2 has a new model.siz file.
Much of this I have to test, and I may not be able to for the better part of the day.
If someone else can find the time to test out this temporary solution, I'm sure it would be appreciated by much of the community.
here's the link