Topic: Wierd OP bug; It may have already been reported, but I don't have a clue, so...  (Read 2654 times)

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I was angrily being blown to bits over and over in my F-DD in OP skirmish mode when I hit on a utterly wierd (and reproduceable) bug.

When one UNselects the first ship in the first AI group (your traditional slot for enemey AI duels) and then tries to select a ship, the screen will go black.  Totally black.  If you conduct the three-fingered-salute (ctrl-alt-del) at this point, nothing SEEMS to happen other than you getting the windows mouse cursor.  the Close Dialog box IS there however, since if one clicks on the spot where the End Task button should be, the program terminates.  There's a similar bug in SFC 1 as I recall, but I forget how to produce that one, exactly (the same thing as above occurs though).

SFC is patched to the latest version.  OP is 2525.

In addition, the Tigerheart cartel has access to Federation dreadnoughts, carriers and battleships in skirmish.  No display pic is shown, but the weapons layouts and names are.  Other than no underlying ship pic (and the fact you can use them) Tigerheart seems to work normally.

I apologize in advance if these issues have already been reported, but since I don't know if they are or not, I assume it can't hurt to report them...

Trying to find a way to blow away a D5 or two F5C's in a F-DD (with a little less than no success ),


EDIT:  Someone please, please tell me if this has been reported or not.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2003, 01:43:55 pm by Holocat »


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This is the first time I hear of the first..
.. but I know oif the second, and can tell you it's probably reported.

.. TigerHeart has no DNs (check the mauals) .. hence the problem popped up.

-- Luc


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I can confirm the first problem.

except I didn't have to do the "salute". I pressed Esc, and it got me back to the menu. But I might as well do the "salute", because even tho I have access to menus, it won't acknoledge any skirmish missions, it won't let me see MY ship either.
and it's in EAW2036 as well as OP 2525.

to reproduce:
launch game (EAW or OP). Go to single-players, then skirmish, select hostile skirmish, click customize, and basic. Uncheck the K-D7. Then click "select" beneath the D7 OR the FCA (same effect)

« Last Edit: February 20, 2003, 10:05:00 pm by 3dot14 »


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...and poof, black screen.  Any way to confirm if this gets to taldren or not?

A cat snuffling at a bug,



  • Guest
I've got another one for you.  Set up a 3-ship fleet for yourself or the AI in advanced skirmish mode.  It doesn't matter what ships or the race.  The battle works fine, but you can't change your ships.  Well, you can, but your space dock options are the same as your previous ship.  Example, 1st ship, F-CLC, 2nd ship, R-SPZ.  The spacedock options for the SPZ shouldn't include missiles.  In these cases, if you go into battle anyway, your ship(s) are damaged, usually 50% hull integrity or less.    


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anyone have any idea where an OP buglist is?

It would be nice if Taldren acknowleged that this was seen.

Snuffles at the bugs it can see and paws at the wall hiding all the others,
