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Quote: Attn:My name is Louis Beka,I am the operational manager inaccount management section incharge of credit andforeign bills of one of the prime banks here in SouthAfrica. It is true that we do not know each other butI assure you that after this profitable financialbusiness with you we shall become the best of friendsin life.I am writing in respect of a foreign customerof my bank who perished with his whole families on25TH JULY,2000 CONCORDE PLANE CRASH [ Flight AF4590 ]with the whole passengers aboard. There is an account opened in this bank in 1998 bythis great late INDUSTRIALIST who died without awritten or oral WILL attatched to the account. Sincehis death , I personally has watched with keeninterest to see the next of kin but all has provedabortive as no one has come to claim his funds and noother person knows about this account or anythingconcerning it,the account has no other beneficiary anduntil his death he was the manager of his company.The total amount involved is 106,000,000.00 USD.[ Onehundred and six million United States Dollar ]. Wewish to start the first transfer with$6,000,000.00[Six million] and open successfultransaction without any disappointment from your side,we shall re-apply for the transfer of the remainingbalance to your account.I have secretly discussed this matter with the generalmanager of the bank who I must involve in order tohave a smooth and a successful transfer of the fund toany foreign bank account which you are going tonominate. On this note, I decided to seek for areliable foreigner who will act as the foreignbeneficiary of the fund from the deceased by providinghis/her bank account where the fund will betransferred for immediate investment on any viableproject as no one has come up to be the next of kin.The banking ethics here does not allow such money tostay more than six years without claim hence the moneywill be recalled to the government treasury asunclaimed after this long period of domancy. In view of this I got your contact through my personalsearch to see if you can assist by providing your safebank account for the transfer or find a reliableperson who will be capable of receiving such amount inhis or her personal account.At the conclussion of thetransfer 65% of the fund will be for me, I will giveyou 20% of the total transfer sum, 10% for charityboth in Africa and in your country while the remaining5% will be set aside to settle expenses both partiesmight incure during the transfer process.Upon the receipt of your reply, I will send to you adetailed information about the transaction.I will notfail to bring to your notice that this business is100% risk and trouble free and that you should notentertain any fear as all modalities for fund transfercan be finalized within 7 to 9 banking days, after youapply to the bank as the beneficiary of the fund fromthe deceased. When you receive this letter. Kindly send me an e-mailor you can call me or fax me. You should also includeyour private fax and phone numbers for easy and safecommunication. Most confidential contact information:TEL:870 - 763 - 648313 870 - 763 - 648314FAX:870 - 763 - 648315Respectfully yours,Louis Beka