weapons of cardassians.... if you take a look at armada 2 they would need photons,phasers,plasmas disruptors and cloacking device....
in fact the cardassians have acess to all the known weapons - but its not high - end tech, more "average".
you will barely find quantam torps or h- plasma on a cardie ship,but all is possible.
one thing i really dont know is how much the shield/warp/weapon tech was boosted when gul dukat joined up with the dominion.
the workhorse of the cardassian fleet is the galor, it fits the light cruser up to the heavy cruser role, depending on what order the captain serves and how powerful it is.
my fave race of tng timeline are the cardassians and i really hope that one day they will be playable in sfc4 ;-P