Topic: Player V Player question  (Read 6921 times)

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Player V Player question
« Reply #20 on: February 18, 2003, 04:00:36 pm »
Is it, or is it not customary, when the battle?s end is near, to allow your opponent the option to retain their ship? I always pose the question to those I play against, granted there have been times when people refuse by firing on my offer. Or if someone has recently destroyed my ship I would be less likely to make the offer. I still wondered if my friends and I are the only ones who practice this?  


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Re: Player V Player question
« Reply #21 on: February 18, 2003, 05:30:18 pm »
I dunno..
I haven't played on the D2 in a long long time..

.. I guess it depends on how much I want to win the campaign.

-- Luc


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Re: Player V Player question
« Reply #22 on: February 18, 2003, 05:47:10 pm »
I tend to let most folk go, unless of course they are causing problems by either being too good or bad sports etc. Just what I feel at the time, but when I play someone who shows no mercy I show no mercy back thats a simple rule. I greatly appreciate being spared though and show this curtasy back aswell!


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Re: Player V Player question
« Reply #23 on: February 18, 2003, 05:59:29 pm »
It's up to you.  You've got every right to blow your opponent out of the stars.

If someone's got a bug, it's poor form to start blasting away on them.

Usually, I'll give my opponent the opportunity to warp out.  Today, I was fighting a Borg Sphere, who was concentrating so much on the battle, he didn't realise that his hull was down to less than a quarter.

I stopped shooting and pointed it out.  He warped out.  We had a good match.  Hopefully, we'll have some more.

When you kill someone's ship, you're not only bumping them back to square one in the vessel department.  

They've got to start building the crew up again.  Gah, that takes ages.  Why be mean.  Let them go.  They'll remember who beat them.



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Re: Player V Player question
« Reply #24 on: February 18, 2003, 06:13:56 pm »
Let someone go?  Are you nuts?  No way!! Blow them to bits!!

Ok I did let Jinn go a couple times but that's just because.....well you know.

In a serious campaign you can't afford to let the enemy go. If you don't make them use up their PP replacing their ship they will save it up and buy a starbase. Enemy starbases are bad so I'm sorry but there will be NO MERCY.  


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Re: Player V Player question
« Reply #25 on: February 19, 2003, 03:23:39 am »
Kill 'em all!  


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Re: Player V Player question
« Reply #26 on: February 19, 2003, 03:48:04 am »
it depends on the Race that you are playing...

Federation, in the interests of peace, would most likely ask you to surrender.. and if you agree,  in game, I think Feds should let you go... Unless you attack them after agreeing to a cease fire.. then the Feds should blow you away..

klinks, it should be based off the honorable fight.. Cowards are to be destroyed... and dishonorable players are to be hunted for trial by fire (live weapons fire that is)

Roms should be deceptive... agreeing on a cease of hostilities, and when the other player's guard is down.. attack from behind... that is of course if they have something to gain from letting their enemies go...

Borg, total domination, no mercy, assimilation..

just my thoughts


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Re: Player V Player question
« Reply #27 on: February 19, 2003, 05:15:17 am »
I'm OP and SFC1 only so I dunno about d3, but:

As a fed player i'm obligated to let people go if they forfit or surrender.  However, as a person that primarily plays light elements  (frigates, destroyers, light cruisers) My battles against other players are generally too close and desperate to concede, IF I get them at all.

Also as a light element commander i'm obligated to protect my allies' heavier ships, regardless of the cost to my own elements, let alone the enemey.  Such is the lot of escort command.

The last reason I often destroy ships is that I may overkill, especially when flying with drone carriers.  It's really difficult to judge if a ship can take another missle hit or not;  On many ships, all that's needed to kill it is a full drone spread into a down shield.

So there lies my non sequiter:  However much I SAY I want to be merciful, I'm usually not;  My duty as a fed destroyer element leads to inescapable credo of Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori.

I should really take SFC less seriously sometimes,  



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Re: Player V Player question
« Reply #28 on: February 19, 2003, 10:44:31 am »
Yeah a nice bit of role play certainly adds some depth to the procedings. Playing alongisde a GFL colleage of mine, we were out gunned by 2 klingon ships. One of them asked to surrender after I blew half his hull away with my Torpedo boat style Intrepid, I couldnt blame him he was cloaked at the time Either way the guy I was with stated we would accept there surrendor if both parties dissengaged and the other guy agreed.

Great I though, I really dont want to be taking on a kitted out Vor'cha anyway. Then to my utter disgust they both continued fighting, both of them jumping around all over the place I continued to have fantastic success (for me anyway), with many vollys of torpedos hitting home, eventualy the Vor'cha asked why we hadn't left yet. He was insistant that we had surrendered, they both left in a bit of a huff.

Now to be honest we are playing a serious server in GFL, after what had happened I should have gone in for the tractor to death style kill with one of the ships. I didnt and nothing more was said about it, still I sometimes wonder if they would have spaired me. I met 2 similare chappies later flying almost identical ships (but it wasnt them), I was now on my own and got a heck of a beating. I told them I was lagging badly (as I was) and they continued to pound on me with everything but the kitchen sink, this includes tachyon pulses as to stop me warping away. When they got my hull down to 25% warp came back online and I was out of there, no weapons left at all but they kept firing even at warp. I heard that funny "we are done for" message and didnt laugh this time, somehow I got out but eh I was kinda pissed.

Will I show mercy again? Possibly, I shouldnt get mad at people because they want to blow me up after all its part of the game. I just would like to know before hand if people want a serious fight or not, if someone says run now or Im going to kill you, then I either run or take the risk of being blown sky high.

My point in all of this? God knows Im just rambling, would like to see more honour among those cowardly Klingons though

SPQR Renegade001

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Re: Player V Player question
« Reply #29 on: February 19, 2003, 11:21:23 am »
If he's a new or part timer who fights with honor, I'll usually offer to push him off. For players who obviously have no clue how to play, I'll even offer to spar with them; making one or 2 battle passes then backing off to offer sugggestions while they repair.
If it's a Flufbot v2.0 in a state of the art capital ship or someone who's just cheesing or cheating, then there's no mercy.


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Re: Player V Player question
« Reply #30 on: February 20, 2003, 12:20:58 am »
Flufbot?  Cheezing?  Cheating?  Under what circumstances would someone be a flufbot, or cheezing, or cheating?  I didn't think one could cheat on SFC multiplayer games.




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Re: Player V Player question
« Reply #31 on: February 20, 2003, 01:48:07 am »
He means cheating in the sense of exploiting an obvious bug (the follow a cloaked ship is a good example) or hitting ALT+F4 if they lose a ship then claiming they were kicked.

Hell, I could have done that today. I engaged a pair of AI klings & didn't notice that a human, loco to be precice, had joined in. He must have been out of sensor range & cloaked cause I only red 2 contacts from the start. A damned fine shot damaged my shields & I made the foolish mistake of getting close. He tractored me (I was gonna say tractor raped but a Negh'Var Vs Galaxy should have been an even match) and all 3 ships pounded the living snot out of me & the valiant USS Nietzschean, a ship I'd been building up all month is now so much debris floating in open space.

To add insult to injury, I lost half my freaking prestige when the score was only -75. I could have jumped straight into a defiant or at least managed to make a Norway not quite so embarrasing...
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Aliasalpha »


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Re: Player V Player question
« Reply #32 on: February 20, 2003, 11:46:43 am »
  In general, once they send some sort of message indicating that they are leaving. ie "gg" , "gota go", " I'm out", etc. I stop giving chase and let them leave. If not, then it's to the death. Or if they already took out a player controlled ship on our side then no mercy.



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Re: Player V Player question
« Reply #33 on: February 20, 2003, 01:46:05 pm »
excuse me for being in ignorance, but:

Follow a cloaked ship would presumably be a bug relating to the helm command follow;  As I understand it cloaked ships are supposed to be totally invisible, hense the bug.

I am not clear on what alt-f4 will do in a sfc3 game, nor am I aware in the slightest as to what a flufbot is.

Seeking answers, and a nice cat nap in a warm, sunny area,



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Re: Player V Player question
« Reply #34 on: February 20, 2003, 06:10:27 pm »
For me, it really has to be determined on a case-by-case basis, largely based on the relative rates involved.

If I'm in a CL or smaller and fighting a similar ship, I assume no quarter shall be asked and none given.  If I get down to a certain hull level and I want my ship to survive, I withdraw with a "gg," and I assume my opponent is capable of deciding whether to withdraw or continue the fight.  

If I am in a smaller ship and am engaged by a CA or DN, well it's my fault if I allow my ship to be destroyed.  That's why I have the option to forfeit before the battle if I so choose.  I invaribaly accept engagement from much larger opponents but if I am hopelessly outgunned I will withdraw with a "c ya later."  

If I am in a CA or DN, I have no problem attacking smaller ships, after all this is war.  However, if the ship is hopelessly outgunned I will (if there is time before the initial "pass") tell them that if they choose to withdraw I shall hold my fire.  If the opponent engages anyway, I fight.  If I get them down to a perilous level I will again offer them the chance to withdraw.  If they refuse to answer or withdraw, well their colors are still flying... fair game.

Bottom line, anyone can warp away early in the battle.  If they choose to engage a superior ship, they are taking a risk.  I don't go out of my way to kill opponents in smaller ships but if they choose to stand and fight then they are responsible for the consequences.

On another note, it is common on many servers to "spar" with opponents.  In this type of battle it is understood that neither player will kill the other.  This can be done by either using the /tell command to "whipser" between players and arrange a 1 on 1 "no kill" game or by just setting it up on the general channel.  This was very common for example on the recent KOTH server (excellent!) and I was a "catch and release" for Suleo's Raptor on numerous occasions, which taught me a lot about fighting Romulans.  By doing this you can also type critiques back and forth of each others' performance.

One important thing to remember though: if you "spar" with certain players a lot by prearranged "duel," don't be surprised or outraged if when you run into those same players by chance, they kill you, since it wasn't agreed beforehand that it would be a "no kill" match.

There are times when you simply cannot offer mercy, such as when defending a base or planet hex.  But in general I try to offer it as much as possible.  It has come back to me many times over, for example I once let king1959 go; a day or two later I encountered him in a MUCH bigger ship and he remembered our last battle.  When I was at death's door he called off his human wingman saying "I owe him one, let him go."  Most players don't forget stuff like that.

A caveat to new Dyna players for P v P: It's all well and good to attempt to "fight with honor," but unless you are already acquainted with your opponent, you must assume that they are going to kill you if they can: fight as hard as you can.  If you have the upper hand, then you will be in a position to offer mercy, but initially, always assume that "no quarter shall be asked, and none given."

The barbarians who sacked early Rome put it best: "Vae victis."  Woe to the vanquished.




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Re: Player V Player question
« Reply #35 on: February 20, 2003, 08:18:43 pm »

I am not clear on what alt-f4 will do in a sfc3 game, nor am I aware in the slightest as to what a flufbot is.

ALT+F4 is a windows command to close a program. In SFCIII, you can use it to cheat and save your ship after you've had your arse blown out from under you because the destruction isn't registered on the server until you get back to the main map. Of course there'd be plenty of people who'd hate your guts for it which is fair enough.

As for flufbot? No freakin idea myself...


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Re: Player V Player question
« Reply #36 on: February 21, 2003, 03:45:47 am »
I thought a flufboat was a stripped down ship which went at speeds 70+ and had long range weapons. Wait no thats a speedboat, nope I have no idea either.


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Re: Player V Player question
« Reply #37 on: February 21, 2003, 05:30:07 am »
Flufbot is someone who lives on a server, literally. Named after KOTH-Fluf, who spends anywhere from 16-20 hours a day on a D2 major campaign, and loves to fly the DNs and CVAs of the Kzinti fleet.  


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Re: Player V Player question
« Reply #38 on: February 21, 2003, 07:32:08 am »
Made exception for those players who  are in my Black List (generally people who beheaved badly/poorly in previous battles) i always try to give the option of surrending/flying away.  This is at very common habit on server 2 where i usually play.  
« Last Edit: February 21, 2003, 07:33:21 am by Zealot »


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Re: Player V Player question
« Reply #39 on: February 21, 2003, 06:59:12 pm »
My rules are simply that I shall offer a player the chance to withdraw if I know I am going to win, however, there are exceptions. If I know that this person has used the ALT-F4 cheat, I will gather up a posse and go after them. It would not be the first time I have done such a thing, it?s not hard for me to do this either, I usually play on TAG servers, so I almost always have one of my fleet mates there to assist. We really don?t like when people use that cheat, I wouldn?t be surprised if an announcement in general chat about the incident would send every TAG member racing after the accused. Surely not to actually destroy their ship, once they?re close, bango! ALT-F4 But at least we can make things really uncomfortable for the player in question. I also have a thing about people who fire on my offer. Had that happen once, I had a ship in my weapon tractor, target hull at about 5%, I set my tractor to standard mode, offered mercy, and was hit by an alpha strike which knocked my warp core down to about 50%. So, I fired, and he exploded. This player however was gracious enough to complement me once out of the game! I wish I could remember the name.

To sum it all up, I will let go of all, except those who fire on my offers, or those who cheat, they shall have their hulls spread across space.