Topic: Anyone ever consider making an "Ambassador Class" kit bashes?  (Read 1512 times)

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Anyone ever consider making an "Ambassador Class" kit bashes?
« on: February 23, 2003, 01:57:14 pm »
Like for example, a lot of people like the Ambassador class, I'm one of them.  But has anyone ever considered making a whole line of ships based on the Ambassador class components?  Like for example, I think it would be neat to see a Dreadnaught based in the Ambassador era.  Not just one of those models where someone sticks an extra engine on the Secondary hull, but a whole new design based on Ambassador components.

Also, it would be nice to see a Light Cruser, Destroyer, Frigate, and maybe even a Covette/Police ship based on Ambassador components.  I suppse the Light Cruser Hull could be handled by Intrepids later in the 24th Century, but why not have a Destroyer based on an Ambassador that kinda looks like the old Miranda's.  You could have a Saucer Section and a little extra hull where two warp engines would connect to much like a Miranda for a Destroyer in this era.  You could also have a Frigate based on a simple Ambassador Saucer with a single Warp Engine below it much like the old Salidin class had with a single Photon luncher in the Warp engine connection.  And finally, you could have a Corvette/Police Ship designed with parts very similar to Ambassador technology, but much smaller and a compact design like a Defiant or Sabre class would be (you could consider it a predessessor to those later designs).  Just wondering if anyone would be interested in tackling a project like that.  


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Re: Anyone ever consider making an "Ambassador Class" kit bashes?
« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2003, 03:25:36 pm »
I agree.  I think that knox1711 started creating some heavy cruiser vaiants.