I have 40 new ships in my mod for the Neutral Zone server all converted over for SFC3. I'll be releasing a few more on Monday or Tuesday. The catch is that if you don't know how to alter the game files, you will have trouble adding the ships.
Here is a quick tutorial on adding a TNZ mod ship to your SFC3 game:
1. Put the folder with the new model in your SFC3\Assets\Models folder.
2. Open the TNZ DefaultCore.txt and find the lines describing the ship you want. Copy them.
3. Open your own DefaultCore.txt file (SFC3\Assets\Specs) and paste the lines in at the end of the file just before the word [END].
4. Open the TNZ DefaultLoadout.txt file, and do the same thing with the entry for the desired ship that you did with the DefaultCore.txt file. Know that where you paste the ship stats in this file affects the order that the ships appear in the Vessel Library. So if you want all the Frigates of one race together, paste it in with the other Frigates of that race.
5. Open the TNZ Shipnames.txt file (\Assets\Strings) Copy the lines that match the UI name of the ship you added to the DefaultCore.txt amd DefaultLoadout.txt files. Go to your SFC3\Assets\Strings folder and open Shipnames.txt. Paste the listing in somewhere near the other ships of that race and class.
You are done!
You can get The Neutral Zone (or TNZ for short) mod at