Topic: Sfc.ini For Starfleet Command 3  (Read 7337 times)

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Sfc.ini For Starfleet Command 3
« on: January 16, 2004, 03:52:21 pm »

       Can anyone, (Mostly intended for Taldren), Please post some information on what the Definitions of, and possible options are in the SFC.INI file for SFC 3?? I read a post the other day about the crew voices dissapearing and changing it to 3 in the INI to fix it, and well I also had that problem and figured that out myself, hovever I changed it to 1 instead of 3. I noticed, since I changed it to 1 that it fixed most of it, but theres certain things they don't say, and I'm assumiong that changing it to 3 will probably fix that.  Anyway I got me thinking   about the other options in the INI that I'm not sure about what they do exactly. I've searched around for this information but I can't seem to find it anywhere, just certain things.



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Re: Sfc.ini For Starfleet Command 3
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2004, 03:59:06 pm »
i cant remember all the functions. i do know that if you are having router issues and you are behind a NAT to put: (your external ip).


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Re: Sfc.ini For Starfleet Command 3
« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2004, 04:04:37 pm »
I have to admit, That for a first post, Drexal, that was a very good question. One of course , I don't have an answer too yet, But I'll see what I can look up for you. BTW Nanner was right, as far as the Ip Address.



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Re: Sfc.ini For Starfleet Command 3
« Reply #3 on: January 17, 2004, 03:27:57 am »
I don't think one exists for SFC3.


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Re: Sfc.ini For Starfleet Command 3
« Reply #4 on: January 17, 2004, 05:57:43 am »
You may have better luck in the Mod or Dyna forums, the Scripting forum may even be worth a shot. There are quite a few people that hardly ever venture out of those forums, prefering to stay away from the chaos of the General forum let alone the insanity of the Off Topic forums.  


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Re: Sfc.ini For Starfleet Command 3
« Reply #5 on: January 17, 2004, 12:16:59 pm »
Wow that was a lot of replies, really quick   Usually people don't reply for like a week to my posts in these things, if at all. I guess it was kinda alot to ask for a definition of every single thing in the INI file.   Alot are self explainitory to me but, Heres a couple of specific things I was wonding about,.. maybe someone knows about them :

 TargetDirection=1            <-- This one I really have no Idea, I thought maybe it was the Camera-Lock, but I don't think so.
  RaceShieldFX=0             <-- I think this one makes the shields different colors for each race, apparently its "Off", but
                                          it seems to do that anyway.

 shipstacking=1                <--- This one I have no Idea about, though possible the ships flying over each other when they
                                           over-run one another??
 spacedust=0                <--- I know what this is, but again 0 to me usually means off, but, there is space dust in my game.

UIType=0                        <-- Dunno  
HeadingDisplay=1          <-- This one seems interesting to me, I tried setting it to 1 but I did not see any "Heading Display"
                                          anywhere.    ??

                   Ayway, those are the ones I was wondering about, sorry If I seem so obsessed with knowiing these obscure things, I just like to know what all the options are in a game, especially the hidden ones, so I can set it up the way I like it.

                                                                                          -Thanks for your time.



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Re: Sfc.ini For Starfleet Command 3
« Reply #6 on: January 18, 2004, 03:54:12 pm »
If RaceShieldFX is off, the shield color will reflect the strength of the shields rather than the race the shields belong to.

Ive noticed that Space dust doesnt do a whole lot in the game, which really it shouldnt, thats what that Navigational Deflector is for, but if you set that to 1, Space dust may do damage again, not sure, havent tried it.  

UI type, well thats the User Interface, but I doubt theres any race specific User Interfaces in the game as yet, I seem to remember Dave posting his concept for a Rommie UI shortly after the beta patch was released, but the context of his message seemed to indicate that it might be included in the final patch, but not the beta.

Shipstacking you got right on,  Target Direction, I want to say thats the default camera view, which never changes when you change it inside the game ANYWAY,  I think F3 was a hardcoded default and that option is just redundant, but i could be wrong.  Heading display might be along the lines of the UItype, it might do something, but because Taldren was rushed to get it out the door, it was never completed, and might be completed whenever ATVI gets off its arse.  Another possibillty, is that Heading display might bring up the Arrow that points you in the direction you are supposed to go in the Campaign missions, the game might set that to 1 for those missions automatically.  


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Re: Sfc.ini For Starfleet Command 3
« Reply #7 on: January 18, 2004, 04:13:04 pm »
Racial shield displays the racial color instead of shield strength color.

Spacedust shows the small particles (in a fixed distance around you). They look like a wierd square in zoomed out overhead view, at least in SFC2OP. They are eye candy only. No gameplay impact.

UItype, for some reason, was used as AI difficulty indicators back in SFC2. I don't think it has changed...

No idea about the other two.

Anyhow, here is a full listing of commands for SFC2OP. SFC3 might share some of those controls.


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Re: Sfc.ini For Starfleet Command 3
« Reply #8 on: January 19, 2004, 10:01:50 am »
Thanks for all the info guys. That link to the SFC2 INI was helpful. It said there that "UIType" can be set to Captain, Commadore, or Admiral?? Now I've oly played the demo of SFC2, so maybe that makes more sense to someone who has actually played it.


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Re: Sfc.ini For Starfleet Command 3
« Reply #9 on: January 19, 2004, 10:11:04 am »
It's basically just a difficulty setting: it controls how sophisticated the AI is, and can also impact the strength of the opposition generated.  0 is the easiest setting, then it goes up from there.



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Re: Sfc.ini For Starfleet Command 3
« Reply #10 on: January 19, 2004, 11:34:03 am »

Anybody know how to get that into SFC3? i think it would be usefull.


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Re: Sfc.ini For Starfleet Command 3
« Reply #11 on: January 19, 2004, 12:07:57 pm »


Anybody know how to get that into SFC3? i think it would be usefull.  

Unfortunately, that was never coded into the game engine.. SFC 3 does not have that feature..


  • Guest
Sfc.ini For Starfleet Command 3
« Reply #12 on: January 16, 2004, 03:52:21 pm »

       Can anyone, (Mostly intended for Taldren), Please post some information on what the Definitions of, and possible options are in the SFC.INI file for SFC 3?? I read a post the other day about the crew voices dissapearing and changing it to 3 in the INI to fix it, and well I also had that problem and figured that out myself, hovever I changed it to 1 instead of 3. I noticed, since I changed it to 1 that it fixed most of it, but theres certain things they don't say, and I'm assumiong that changing it to 3 will probably fix that.  Anyway I got me thinking   about the other options in the INI that I'm not sure about what they do exactly. I've searched around for this information but I can't seem to find it anywhere, just certain things.



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Re: Sfc.ini For Starfleet Command 3
« Reply #13 on: January 16, 2004, 03:59:06 pm »
i cant remember all the functions. i do know that if you are having router issues and you are behind a NAT to put: (your external ip).


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Re: Sfc.ini For Starfleet Command 3
« Reply #14 on: January 16, 2004, 04:04:37 pm »
I have to admit, That for a first post, Drexal, that was a very good question. One of course , I don't have an answer too yet, But I'll see what I can look up for you. BTW Nanner was right, as far as the Ip Address.



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Re: Sfc.ini For Starfleet Command 3
« Reply #15 on: January 17, 2004, 03:27:57 am »
I don't think one exists for SFC3.


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Re: Sfc.ini For Starfleet Command 3
« Reply #16 on: January 17, 2004, 05:57:43 am »
You may have better luck in the Mod or Dyna forums, the Scripting forum may even be worth a shot. There are quite a few people that hardly ever venture out of those forums, prefering to stay away from the chaos of the General forum let alone the insanity of the Off Topic forums.  


  • Guest
Re: Sfc.ini For Starfleet Command 3
« Reply #17 on: January 17, 2004, 12:16:59 pm »
Wow that was a lot of replies, really quick   Usually people don't reply for like a week to my posts in these things, if at all. I guess it was kinda alot to ask for a definition of every single thing in the INI file.   Alot are self explainitory to me but, Heres a couple of specific things I was wonding about,.. maybe someone knows about them :

 TargetDirection=1            <-- This one I really have no Idea, I thought maybe it was the Camera-Lock, but I don't think so.
  RaceShieldFX=0             <-- I think this one makes the shields different colors for each race, apparently its "Off", but
                                          it seems to do that anyway.

 shipstacking=1                <--- This one I have no Idea about, though possible the ships flying over each other when they
                                           over-run one another??
 spacedust=0                <--- I know what this is, but again 0 to me usually means off, but, there is space dust in my game.

UIType=0                        <-- Dunno  
HeadingDisplay=1          <-- This one seems interesting to me, I tried setting it to 1 but I did not see any "Heading Display"
                                          anywhere.    ??

                   Ayway, those are the ones I was wondering about, sorry If I seem so obsessed with knowiing these obscure things, I just like to know what all the options are in a game, especially the hidden ones, so I can set it up the way I like it.

                                                                                          -Thanks for your time.



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Re: Sfc.ini For Starfleet Command 3
« Reply #18 on: January 18, 2004, 03:54:12 pm »
If RaceShieldFX is off, the shield color will reflect the strength of the shields rather than the race the shields belong to.

Ive noticed that Space dust doesnt do a whole lot in the game, which really it shouldnt, thats what that Navigational Deflector is for, but if you set that to 1, Space dust may do damage again, not sure, havent tried it.  

UI type, well thats the User Interface, but I doubt theres any race specific User Interfaces in the game as yet, I seem to remember Dave posting his concept for a Rommie UI shortly after the beta patch was released, but the context of his message seemed to indicate that it might be included in the final patch, but not the beta.

Shipstacking you got right on,  Target Direction, I want to say thats the default camera view, which never changes when you change it inside the game ANYWAY,  I think F3 was a hardcoded default and that option is just redundant, but i could be wrong.  Heading display might be along the lines of the UItype, it might do something, but because Taldren was rushed to get it out the door, it was never completed, and might be completed whenever ATVI gets off its arse.  Another possibillty, is that Heading display might bring up the Arrow that points you in the direction you are supposed to go in the Campaign missions, the game might set that to 1 for those missions automatically.  


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Re: Sfc.ini For Starfleet Command 3
« Reply #19 on: January 18, 2004, 04:13:04 pm »
Racial shield displays the racial color instead of shield strength color.

Spacedust shows the small particles (in a fixed distance around you). They look like a wierd square in zoomed out overhead view, at least in SFC2OP. They are eye candy only. No gameplay impact.

UItype, for some reason, was used as AI difficulty indicators back in SFC2. I don't think it has changed...

No idea about the other two.

Anyhow, here is a full listing of commands for SFC2OP. SFC3 might share some of those controls.