Topic: Error installing SFCOP  (Read 1012 times)

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Error installing SFCOP
« on: January 15, 2004, 10:34:37 am »
I just got my CD back from my friend and i tried installing it, Here is what i get

what can I do?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Fury_of_a_Seraph »


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Re: Error installing SFCOP
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2004, 10:49:11 am »
Uh oh, looks like a nackered disc. Have you tried cleaning it? (soft cloth with NO abrassives!) are there any really nice big scratches on the disc surface?

My own disc got a deep scratch on it after being lent to a friend, he found it in his cuttlery draw (?!?!?!?!?) and it had a hole in the disc surface, you could see clear through it and out the other side. Didn't work after that.... Got a similar message about some file error while processing

Actually, you sure you got enough HD space? may simply have run out of room to install, could be

Fingers crossed



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Re: Error installing SFCOP
« Reply #2 on: January 15, 2004, 11:02:12 am »
Ive got 4 gigs left on this HD, so thats not it
I looked at the CD and there arent Huge gouges - at least none larger than any other CD i have.

Just for good measure i cleaned it, and its not all that badly damaged, but it still wont install