Topic: How do I....  (Read 1598 times)

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How do I....
« on: February 19, 2003, 10:29:04 pm »
How do I make BS, Vi, and Tl files for SFC3 Models, I have PSP 7.0, 3DMax, and the  model tool kit thingy, All i need basically are instructions as to what I do first and stuff, please help thanks guys

Adam Out

AKA Nx_Adam_1701


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Re: How do I....
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2003, 01:49:49 am »

How do I make BS, Vi, and Tl files for SFC3 Models, I have PSP 7.0, 3DMax, and the  model tool kit thingy, All i need basically are instructions as to what I do first and stuff, please help thanks guys
Adam Out
AKA Nx_Adam_1701  

Simple thing to do.. all you need are the parameters for the various files and you're cooking with gas.  

A beauty shot picture is sized at 304x241x24 and ends in BS.BMP
A tactical image points up and is 141x157x24 and ends in TI.BMP
A library shot points right and is 598x365x24 and ends in VL.BMP

For the sake of continuity, you should probably use the colored grids the stock shots use, but it's up to you really.  

But I've made these shots using ModViewer and PSP.  And here's how you can do that.

Open ModViewer, get your ship aligned as you need it (nose up for a TI shot, to the right for a library shot, and sort of looking at the ship from the front left over its length for the beauty shot.

Open PSP and get ready to capture a screen cap.  Go to your ModViewer window, then do your screen cap. Select just the blue area in the ModViewer shot, crop the rest away.  Then, use your Magic Wand to select the blue area, not selecting any of the ship.  This part is now set.  Then, load your background image, or do whatever you want to have in your background in another window in PSP.  When you're done, select that entire image, and copy it to the clipboard.  Switch back to your screen cap of the ModViewer window, and Paste Into Selection.  Your blue area from ModViewer will all disappear and the image you copied to the clipboard will replace it.  Then resize the full image to the parameters of the shot you need, and save it with the right extension for your shot and boom.. you're done.  

Strictly speaking, you could even go as far as using Print Screen and MS Paint to do these.. the important thing is to save to the image parameters for the file.  Hope that helps..


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Re: How do I....
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2003, 02:41:11 am »
Two ways.

Open the model in the Taldren Model Viewer (NOT the attribute editor, the Taldren Model Viewer is a seperate program, check the software page on if you don't have it), rotate the models to the way you want them, and press Print Screen.  Open up Microsoft Paint (i know...ick) and hold Ctrl and press V.  Thats the same as going Edit -> Paste.  The screenshot will appear there, highlight the ship in the picture, and do Copy, go to Photoshop and load up a blank copy of VL, TI, and BS, and paste the ship over it.  Then select the Fill tool and in the pop down menu on the top select clear.  Then click on the Blue part around the ship, it'll become transparent, and you'll just have the ship and the background.

Method two:

Using the blank VL TI and BS as the background (environment map), render the ship in the correct position and sizes.

Both of these require a blank VL and TI and BS- i got them from Chris Jones' SFC3 conversion tutorial, but i don't know where i got it...


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Re: How do I....
« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2003, 04:41:43 am »
Ok someone who has had goodluck with assigning hardpoints in the gf file please help

Adam Out

AKA Nx_Adam_1701
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by nx_adam_1701 »