Not without seeing a couple of things first:
1) Fiancial statements - Hard numbers (which they'd have to release before going public anyway) which puts on paper what they spend, what they owe, how much they make and/or how much they run in deficit.
2) Future projects - They've got SFC 3 and they've got Black 9. What next?
3) General appeal - They've got the niche ST market. However, a niche does not nesscarily make one a good company. I'd like to see coupled with the anser to #2, how they plan to break out of the ST market w/r/t future projects (things like Black9) and get into mass market appeal. If this means trading things like complexity for a slight learning curve, then do it. If a game is like 'perfect', but only 10 people want to buy it, you lose as a company.
4) The sfc3 patch! (okay, this one is a joke

5) How they intend to get other investors out of the gaming market who don't know about them to get to invest. In essense, I'd like for people looking for companies to look over taldren's numbers and mission statements and future projects to say, "Hmm. I'm not a gamer, but this company has vision. I think i'll put a bit of money into them".