I was just watchin the movie (this time actually paying attention) and i was thinkin about this, please, let me know what you think.
20 years after the fall of the StarLeague at the hands of Xur and the Ko-Dan armada, the New Starleague becomes one of the most powerful political bodies this side of what used to be the frontier.
So what has been happening? quite a bit!
Well, to begin with, the Starfighter Legion has been reformed under the supervision of Alex Rogan. He has created the starleague, a culmination of worlds, mostly within what was within the Frontier before its collapse. After forming the Starfighter Leagion and carrying the Starleague through the Second Ko-Dan war - in which the Starleague actually played an offenseive role - became president and has been for the last 10 years. His wife is his Minister of Domestic Affairs; Grig - his best friend and Navigator became his vice-president; Centauri became the Ambassador to Earth (he was fascinated with the place) and even Luis, Alex's brother became a top-ranking military official in the Starleague Navy.
So, after the fall of the Frontier, it was discovered that not every race out there was as savage as was once believed. In fact, one poltical entity, the Llerunian Empire became fast friends with the New Starleague.
technology has been on a high-rise after the inclusion of 3 dozen worlds (including earth) into the Starleague as well as external allies. The Starleague Navy, mostly consisting of ships of the worls of the League at first, quickly grew. Even the Gunstar, which has seen 3 more incarnations since the First Ko-Dan war, has remained on the leading edge of warcraft.
The Starfighter Legion now conists of 200 starfighters plus navigators from 58 worlds, including 3 (plus 4 navigators) from Earth.
So what do you think, does it have potential, what do you think should be added
Any Questions?